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"We're back!" Takara yelled as he pushed open the guild hall doors, there were many 'welcome backs' from the people in there, the journey back to the guild had been long and boring, Takara had tried to make himself look better in front of Reina's family but with so many there he was only one of many aiming to please her. At one point he was gonna give her a piggy back ride, but Mitsuo beat him to it, in fact all of her siblings constantly beat him at the chance to one up the others.

It also didn't help that Hiryur and his friends decided to tag along so they could see where the 'almighty' Stellar Cross team hung out. They were so annoying during the trip that even Kouki, Hiryur's cousin, thought about ditching them. In the end they decided against it since Fairy Tail might get mad if they lose some of their members.

The groups younger siblings ran over excitedly, "You're back! How was it?" Tsukiko asked as she clung on to Reina's arm, she had just noticed the strangers in the doorway, "Reina, who are these people?" She asked them, Yasu clung to her other arm and looked at the kids just as questioningly.

"We'll tell you in a minute." Reina promised the two, "where are mom and dad at?" She asked them, they pointed to a table near the bar where the two were happily talking with two other kids bouncing on their heels. Reina walked over with the group following behind her shyly, when they got closer James and Levy finally noticed their presence.

"Reina! There you are! How was the trip?" Levy asked as she patted the seat next to her, "Your siblings were so excited when they heard you were coming home early, weren't you Annya, Kenji?" Levy asked the two little kids near her, Annya was five whereas Kenji was three, they excitedly nodded their heads, before also realizing the strangers behind Reina.

"Mommy who are those people with Rei-Rei?" Annya asked, 'Rei-Rei' was her nickname for Reina, that Reina hated with a burning passion, but her sister liked it so she let it stick. Levy and James finally noticed the group of people and smiled at them.

"Who are your new friends?" James asked as he ruffled Kenji's hair, causing the little boy to laugh, "what are their names?" He asked again looking from kid to kid, Uta's breathing hitched when he made eye contact with his dad.

"Mom.. Dad.. that's Uta," Reina said as she pointed at the boy, "Your son, dad, his mom is Dai." Reina explained, James stared at the boy in shock before standing from his seat and embracing him, Uta didn't know what to do at first, but eventually he hugged his dad back, small tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"And mom, these three are Mitsuo, Eiji, and Nobuyuki, my brothers." Reina said, Levy laughed softly as she looked at the three boys, "aren't you surprised?" Reina asked, Levy stood up and walked towards the three boys, looking at them all as if she might forget their faces.

"No, not really, I'd recognize my children anywhere." Levy smiled as she embraced the three, the boys were shocked before they hugged their mother back, tight, "I'm sorry I didn't bring you three with me.. but back then my life was more dangerous than it is now.. I hope you'll forgive me." Levy whispered in their ears, the boys only hugged her tighter in response, she didn't need their forgiveness, since they already had.

After what seemed like minutes of them hugging they suddenly remembered the other five kids there, "oh right.." Reina laughed, "Tsukiko! Satomi! Yasu! Get over here!" Reina yelled, and three kids came running over, they stood in a line facing their sister.

"What is it Rei?" Satomi asked, she looked a little different then she did five years ago, the main difference was her hair had faint streaks of lavender and blush in it, a trait passed down from her mother.

"I'd like you all to meet some people." Reina smiled at her five siblings, "this is Uta, your biological brother, Satomi. These three are my biological brothers, Mitsuo, Eiji, and Nobuyuki. And these five are Takeo, Tatsuo, Toshi-Shita, Rikona, and Sayuri." The five looked confused at all this news, Reina just sighed and laughed, "they're basically all your siblings in a way." Reina simplified, this caused cheers from the five who all ran over and hugged their new siblings, Satomi especially hugged Uta for much longer than she did the others.

"We have a really big family now." Annya said as she swung from Tatsuo's back, "that's gonna be a lot of Christmas presents." She pointed out which caused all the others to laugh, except Kenji who was legitimately worried that there wouldn't be enough presents for everyone.

Reina smiled as she walked over to her team, who were having a one sided argument with Hiryur and his friends about whether or not their guild hall was lamer than Fairy Tail's, her team didn't really care but Hiryur and his friends were determined to get their point through their heads. When Takara saw Reina over her suddenly perked up like a puppy about to get a treat.

"Reina! Are you finally done over there?" Takara asked, Reina nodded as her boyfriend slung his arm around her shoulders, "great! I was thinking you and I could go into town later and hang out, just the two of us." He offered, Kouki and Kishiko faked being hurt by getting no invite into town, but they knew after all that had just happened, Takara really just wanted to hang out with Reina.

Reina smiled and nodded "I'd love to, but it's gonna be hard getting away from all of.. that." She gestured at her family, who were all now staring at the two as they talked, "But I'll make it, don't worry." She reassured him, she gave him a peck on the cheek before turning away to get back to her family.

Reina had only known them for a short time, but she couldn't imagine her life without them now.

They've reunited! Yay! But will Reina find time to hang out with Takara? How is the guild gonna handle the entire family in one guild? What other new characters haven't been introduced yet?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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