Ten Years

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Ten years have passed since the disappearance of some of the most powerful mages in Fiore. No one knew where they went, or how they just up and vanished, no one except for the team Legacy Legion that called Stellar Zodiac their home. Ten years ago this team had been walking back to the guild from a battle against Zeref, ten were supposed to come back alive, but only five of them did. Wendy, MiraJane, Gale, and Sapphy.

The most powerful team in all of Fiore.

They were often asked questions of where five of their guild members had ran off to, but they always responded the same, "I don't know.." which was the truth. They had no idea where their friends had gone, if they were still alive, or if they even still remembered all the good memories they had so long ago.

Ten years is a long time to wait for someone, Juvia stopped waiting after one. One year after the disappearance Juvia took it upon herself to forget Ian, and to find someone else with whom she could love again. Juvia found Lyon, he was there for her when almost no one else was. And the day he asked her to marry him was the happiest day of Juvia's life, that was until they had their little daughter, Kishiko. And Juvia was finally happy, finally at peace with herself, that was until Gale ran into the guild hall one day with a look of fear, shock, and a mix of happiness?

"There's a dark guild terrorizing the town!" Gale announced, Juvia thought nothing of it, dark guilds would regularly terrorize the town now and then.

"Which one this time? Dragon Breath? Midnight Owls?" She asked calmly as she walked towards the town with Gale and Sapphy on either side of her. Gale looked up to her with a saddened look on her face.

"Celestial Cross." She said, Juvia looked at her in shock before she booked it through town towards where all the chaos was. She stopped as she looked towards buildings on fire, trees uprooted, and civilians dangling from thin air. Juvia looked around desperately, and she saw them. Five hooded figures, with their cloaks on it was impossible to tell who they were, but Juvia knew exactly who they were. She stared at them before calling out.

"Celestial Cross." She panted, the hooded figures turned to look at her, three of them were muscular and tall, the others were thin and shorter than the others. Juvia stared at them breathlessly, before she was attacked by one of the hooded figures with a punch to the gut. Juvia turned to see a girl with dark, royal blue hair, and dark brown eyes. Her features may of changed but she knew that girl anywhere, "Levy.." she huffed.

"Sorry, Juvia. But we can't be all buddy-buddy with you." She whispered, "we're only here to check up on things.. per Ian's request." She said quickly, she back off and Juvia received a kick to the back.

This one had black hair, red eyes, and a pair of horns, "James.." she whispered.

"How's Gale? Wendy? Sapphy? Mira?" He asked her, "do I have any nieces or nephews yet.." he laughed.

"Yes... two little boys.. Haruto and Haruka.." She choked out, "Sapphy and Gale broke up around a eight years ago.. but they're on good terms.. you have a lady named Aimi to thank for your nephews.." she said as quickly as she could, before being attacked by yet another hooded figure.

"Lucy..?" This one had platinum blonde hair and dark brown eyes, she smiled at Juvia before kicking her in the stomach.

"Anymore children we should know about..?" Lucy asked before punching her in the back.

"Sapphy married a man named Hibiki Lates.. a member of Blue Pegasus... they have a little girl named Kazuko.. she's pregnant though with another girl.. she plans on naming her Masami.." Juvia told her, "I also have a daughter... with Lyon. Her name is Kishiko.." she smiled at the thought of her daughter.

Lucy disappeared as the fourth figure attacked her, he had raven hair, so black it appeared blue, and dark blue eyes, but at some moments they flashed red.

"Hello, Juvia.." He said, "We have to make this quick, the magic council is on their way. How's Mira and Wendy?" He asked as he kneed her in the stomach.

"Mira... she married Laxus.. little boy named Kouki.. little girl named Sora.." she sputtered, "Wendy is dating Romeo right now.. he's planning to propose to her soon." Gray smiled tearfully.

"Goodbye, Juvia.." he murmured before leaving her. Finally a tall hooded figure stood in front of her, with dark black hair and red blazing eyes.

"Ian.." She said out of breath, her eyes filled with tears, "Ian.. I'm sorry.. I had to move on..!" She cried, Ian gazed down at her before putting his hand on her shoulder. Juvia looked up to see him smiling with tears in his eyes.

"I knew you would.." he said smoothly, "Now.. since you've told us your news.. is there anything you want to know from us?" He asked. The other hooded figures stood on either sides of him and crossed their arms to look intimidating. Some passerby's stared at Juvia, she was one of the strongest mages in this town, she should be able to take these guys down no sweat!

"... how are you guys..?" She asked as she stared at the ground. "How's the life of a dark guild..?" She looked up to them, she looked around and realized the area around her seemed to go black.

"Don't worry Juvia, Lucy has only cast a spell so we can talk with you a bit more." Gray explained, "in the real world it simply looks like you're fighting us."

"Anyways you want to know about us..?" Levy asked, "Well things were.. difficult at first.. me and James fought a lot in the beginning.. and I did something unforgivable." Her eyes teared up, "I had a child with another man.." her voice broke.

"We both made that mistake Levy. Besides, even if Reina isn't mine I love her very much, and I know you love Satomi as well." James took her hand to comfort her, "but we worked things out. And now we have Tsukiko and Yasu, they're twins." James smiled as he pulled our pictures of his little angels. Juvia smiled at James and Levy, she was happy the two has worked things out and didn't give up on each other.

"Lucy and I have three children, Takara, Rin, and Ryou." Gray smiled when he thought of his small children, "Lucy is actually pregnant right now, we plan on naming her Atsuko." Juvia looked at Lucy and indeed saw her stomach had a small bump to it. Juvia's eyes widened when she realized something.

"Wait! Then who's watching your kids!?" She asked, four of the hooded figures looked awkwardly at Ian, before he took a deep breath.

"Chouko... my wife." He looked away from her, Juvia looked at him in shock, and to think he said he would never move on from her. Liar. Juvia almost blurted out when she saw the look of happiness and warmth in his eyes.. if she was able to move on with Lyon then Ian had all the right to as well. Juvia sighed and plastered on a fake smile.

"That's wonderful." She told him, smiling up at him.

"We have two sons.. Jun and Kohaku." Ian told her. Juvia kept her smile on best she could, she didn't want to seem like she wasn't happy for Ian, because she was. But still, something inside of her told her that she should be annoyed at him for moving on so quickly. But then a small voice rang in her head.

'It has been ten years, Juvia.' Lucy's voice rang in her head, it reminded Juvia of the old days when they were all one happy guild.

'To be honest he waited three years to move on.' Levy said. Three years? That was more than double the amount of time it took Juvia to move on.

Juvia looked up at Ian, and said the biggest lie she's ever told.

"I'm glad you moved on."

Yay! They have babies now! And Juvia and Ian have moved on! No more romantic feelings for each other! Uh uh! No way! Nope! Or is it all just a lie?

Make sure to check out my Naruto story! Back To The Past!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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