The Pre Fight

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Narrator's POV
"Did she say fairy slayer--!?" Wendy blurted out, "does that magic actually exist?" Wendy was visibly shaking, the team in front of her was a terrifying sight.

Sapphy had dirty blonde hair that went down to her waist. She was definitely the most friendly out of the team but she gave off a deadly aura, and her blue eyes were unreadable.


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Gale was definitely more scarier than Sapphy, even though she looked just as innocent. Gale had white, ghost like hair, and black eyes. She wore a long black skirt and simple white top, not wanting to stand out too much it seemed.

 She wore a long black skirt and simple white top, not wanting to stand out too much it seemed

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(Gale ^^)

Ian gave off a deadly aura as well. He had black hair and red eyes that seemed distant. His cold expression made him seem evil and like a person you should not trust, yet his teammates didn't seem to have a problem with this.

 His cold expression made him seem evil and like a person you should not trust, yet his teammates didn't seem to have a problem with this

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(Ian ^^)

Then there was James. He seemed less deadly then his sister which was good, but just as mean. His white hair and black eyes greatly resembled hers, but there was something about these siblings that set Fairy Tail off.

 His white hair and black eyes greatly resembled hers, but there was something about these siblings that set Fairy Tail off

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