Troubles In Crocus

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"Crocus.. is really big.." Kishiko mumbled, both the Stellar Zodiac and Celestial Cross teams had just arrived in the city, they were already overwhelmed by how big the city was and how many people were walking the busy streets, "how are we ever going to find our inn before midnight?" She asked the others worriedly, she expected them to be as worried as she was.. but almost all of them excitedly looked around the city as stars practically shone in their eyes, brighter and brighter with each new person or thing they laid their eyes on.

"And here I thought Magnolia was big!" Takara said in disbelief as he and the others began walking on the sidewalk with him, "Magnolia is tiny compared to Crocus.." he told the others, who nodded in agreement, Crocus was big in general, but it seemed especially huge for those who had spent most of their childhood in a forest by themselves where there wasn't exactly houses at every turn.

Reina laughed as Takara took her hand in his, "we should do some sightseeing before heading to our inn, it will be fun!" She assured them, but the others were unsure wether or not it was a good idea, "what do you guys say?" She asked, Takara, Rin, and Ryou immediately agreed, seeing as the three of them hated seeing Reina upset, Kishiko and Kouki agreed as well, and since everyone else was going sightseeing Haruto, Haruka, and Kazuko decided to tag along too, and before they knew it, the ten of them were wandering around Crocus with no idea where they were heading and getting more and more lost with every step they took.

After the group had been walking for awhile Rin suddenly stopped and looked around curiously, Takara stopped and turned when he saw his brother no longer walking with the group, "What is it, Rin?" He asked as the others stopped too, turning back to look at Rin and Takara, "is something wrong?" He asked, Rin shook his head no as he kept looking around the area, confusing his friends even more as to what he was looking for.

"Even with Crocus being this huge.." Rin suddenly said,"it's strange we haven't ran into any other Grand Magic Games teams.." it was true that they had been walking for quite awhile, and now that Rin brought it up it was true that they hadn't seen any mages bearing any sort of guild mark.. they all quickly looked around the surrounding area but didn't see anyone with a guild mark or who looked like they could even be a mage..

"Maybe they're all preparing for the Grand Magic—." Reina was cut off by a tall boy seemingly coming out of nowhere and running into her, Takara quickly moved to catch Reina before she fell as the others summoned up their magic, just in case him knocking into Reina hadn't been an accident. The boy stopped and stared at them all, before his eyes landed on Reina, he smirked at her before grunting at the others and shoving through the group, knocking both Kazuko and Satomi down in the process.

Kouki bent down and helped Kazuko up as Rin and Ryou checked to make sure Satomi was okay, after helping them both up Kouki angrily looked after the rude boy, "Hey! What's the big idea?!" He yelled at him, the boy stopped and turned around to look at Kouki, "you could at least say sorry for knocking into them!" Kouki told him, not realizing that his loud yelling was causing strangers to stop and see what was going on, soon they had an entire audience surrounding themselves and the boy who glared down at Kouki with a smug expression on his face.

"Do you know who I am, little boy?" He sneered as he started walking back towards the group, Kouki opened his mouth to answer but quickly stopped when he realized he had no idea who this boy was, all he knew was that this guy was a major jerk. "My name's Hiroki Eucliffe, the son of Sting and Yukino Eucliffe." He smirked, the onlookers started to murmur among themselves once he said his name, which did not make Kouki feel very confident seeing as everyone apparently knew who Hiroki was.

"So you're some hotshot, doesn't mean you can push down my friends!" Kouki yelled, he started walking towards Hiroki but was stopped by Kishiko and Reina both grabbing his sleeves, "lemme go guys! I'm gonna teach this guy a lesson!" He struggled to get free from the two but they had an iron grip on him, seeing as Kouki was moving absolutely nowhere no matter how much he pulled and shook against them.

"How lame. Taken down by a couple of girls? Pathetic." Hiroki laughed, Kishiko almost let Kouki go when he said that, but convinced herself to keep her hold on her boyfriend so matters didn't become worse.. Reina however let go of Kouki so fast that he didn't even have time to process that she had let go of him before she stomped up to Hiroki herself, he glared down and at her and she glared up at him in return, Reina was about to open her mouth to say something when Hiroki grabbed her face and pulled it towards his...

Their lips briefly touched before Hiroki flew backwards, a very angry Takara stood between Reina and Hiroki as he blocked her from his view, "What. The. Hell." He panted, he had activated Taurus's star outfit, which he called star suit, and pulled out his weapon from it's pocket, his mom's old Fleuve d'étoiles that she had handed down to him, "you can't go around kissing other people's girlfriends you prick!" He said angrily, his eyes clouded over as he glared at Hiroki, who was struggling to get up after being knocked quite far away by Takara's whip. Takara cupped Reina's face in his hands and kissed right in front of Hiroki, as they kissed Takara flipped Hiroki off and smirked as the boy crossed his arms and grunted.

After Takara and Reina parted Hiroki finally managed to get up and dust himself off, walking up to Takara and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, "I kiss whoever the hell I want. Besides, your girlfriend probably enjoyed it." He smirked as he winked over at Reina, she felt her stomach drop as a shiver ran up her spine, "I shouldn't even be wasting my time on scum like you lot. You won't even get past the prelims." He smirked as he let go of Takara and walked away, turning back one more time to wink again at Reina.

"That guy's awful." Kishiko mumbled after the onlookers had wandered off, the two teams nodded in agreement as they began walking around Crocus again, "Yukino's a nice person.. how could her son be so rotten?" She asked, the others shrugged as they kept heading towards their inn, Kouki turned his head and was about to say something when his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

"Oh my—." He sputtered as Reina and Takara moved towards him to see what was happening, their eyes went just as wide and the three of them looked at each other with horror stricken faces, "guys let's go the other way!" He said much more loudly then he needed to, which Kishiko and the others didn't understand why Kouki was yelling so loudly, especially since he knew how sensitive Reina's ears were to loud noises, but she didn't seem to even notice as she and Takara quickly agreed with Kouki.

"But our inn's this way though." Kishiko smiled as she kept walking forward, her three friends tried to convince her to turn back but she wasn't budging, she finally got up to where the three were and looked down the alleyway that had left them so speechless, only to see an older couple kissing, Kishiko laughed softly as she rolled her eyes, a couple kissing wasn't that big of a deal for her not to see, "is that all you wanted to save me from? It's not like I've never seen people kiss befo—." Kishiko's jaw dropped when the two people kissing pulled away and looked towards the group, horror setting in on their faces as well as the Stellar Zodiac's and Celestial Cross's. Kishiko's eyes went wide as her stomach churned, practically doing somersaults inside of her.. Kishiko opened her mouth but was unable to make a sound until the initial shock wore off..

"Mom..? Ian..?!"

Kishiko's caught them, how will she react? What will the two of them tell her? Will the teams actually be able to make it past the prelims?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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