A Kiss

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Kishiko's heart was pounding in her chest, as she ran from her friends and family it was the only thing she could hear besides her breathing and her footsteps on the sidewalk.. she didn't know how far she had ran from them.. a couple of blocks maybe? Perhaps she was all the way across town? It sure felt like she had ran all the way across town, her chest hurt more and more as she ran, and her feet felt like they had ran over nails ten times in a row! Kishiko definitely needed to take a break.. but wear could she go where she was sure she wouldn't be found by her family..?

Kishiko couldn't decided.. so she quickly turned down an alleyway, walking to the end of it to make sure no one could easily see her if they happened to look down the alley.. when she got to the end of it she slumped against the wall.. she had been crying before, but now the tears really started to come and come, it was as if she could cry forever if she wanted to.. and a part of her did want to cry forever and stay in the alleyway.. she slide down the wall she leaned on until she was sitting, hugging her legs and crying into her knees, trying to stifle her sobs so they couldn't be heard from the passerby's ears..

Her head shot up when she heard footsteps on the gravel and dirt of the alleyway, "who's there?!" Kishiko yelled, she summoned her magic and aimed at the sudden intruder, "I'll.. I'll fight you! I'm a very strong mage!" She yelled, trying to intimidate whoever it was that was walking closer and closer to her little 'hiding spot.'

"Relax, Kishiko. It's just me.." Takara said as he emerged from the shadows, Kishiko sighed in relief as she slouched back on the wall. Takara shuffled over next to her and slumped down right beside her, "you know.. maybe we overreacted a bit.." he told her, Kishiko looked at him confused and widened her eyes when she saw tears streaming down his cheeks, he wiped at them violently but they just let coming and coming.. like a faucet..

"Takara.. what did you do..?" Kishiko asked him, she took his hand to comfort him as he smiled sadly over at her, not wanting to make eye contact with her.. but he did anyways.. "What's wrong..?" She asked him, Takara's lip quivered as he tried to explain.. but his emotions got the best of him.. and he quickly looked away, holding in a sob.

"I pushed Reina over.. I yelled at her.. dear god.." he wiped his eyes with his hand, making his face redder and redder from tears, "I was just mad.. that she and Kouki didn't tell you.. she insisted she didn't know, but I didn't believe her.. god I'm a shit boyfriend.." he forced a laugh, trying to lighten the mood a little.. but it only made him feel worse.. he felt terrible for what he did to Reina.. he wanted to go and apologize to her.. but would she want to see him? Or would she push him away like he did to her? What if.. what if.. there were too many 'what ifs' going through his head.. it hurt him physically..

Kishiko squeezed his hand and smiled, "you're probably better then Kouki.. he knew and didn't even tell me.. and I'm his girlfriend!" Kishiko yelled, and was shocked when Takara shook his head no.. "but.. you heard my mom! They.. They heard her.. the knew!" She yelled, mad that Takara didn't seem to understand what she knew.. he was supposed to understand! Yet here he was.. still defending Reina..

"Her voice.. you should've heard how she pleaded with me.. begged me to believe her.." he cried, pulling on his hair, the blue falling in his eyes and clouding his sight, "I don't know why I didn't believe her.. I knew she was telling the truth.. and maybe.. maybe she did know a little.. but not to the extent this turned out to be.." Kishiko watched Takara in awe.. seeing how emotional he could be.. how open he was in front of his friends and family.. no wonder Reina likes him..

Kishiko twisted the bottom of her shirt as she stared at her friend, "You're too caring, Takara.. too nice.. Reina doesn't deserve you.." Kishiko didn't know where she was getting at, right now her emotions were clouding her judgement as she talked to Takara, "you deserve someone who'll give you the world.. anything you ask for.. who'll understand and never lie to you.." Kishiko mumbled as she leaned closer to Takara, however, Takara leaned back.. he knew where Kishiko was taking this.. and he didn't want it.

"Kishiko. Stop. You're angry and sad.. you don't know what you're saying! You love Kouki, and I love Reina.. it'll always be Reina." Takara told her, he stood up quickly as Kishiko followed, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer and closer, "Kishiko. This is.. this is harassment. I told you no!" Takara yelled louder, obviously trying to make someone hear or see them so Kishiko would stop.

Kishiko's grip was strong, and pulled him closer and closer until her lips were almost touching his, "Kouki betrayed me.. Reina probably hates you.. just stop resisting.. I'll give you the world.." she whispered as she closed her eyes, but Takara was having none of that! He tried pushing her away but she jumped towards him, pushing her lips onto his and forcing him into a kiss.

Takara immediately pushed her away, knocking her into the wall as he glared down at her with more intensity then ever before.. "I love Reina. My girlfriend, it's not my fault if you're feelings for Kouki have changed." He hissed as he heard two pairs of footsteps approaching them, but he blocked them from his mind, "you aren't going to use me as a rebound because you feel as if Kouki has betrayed you. But guess what, he hasn't. He didn't know. But.. as soon as he knows about this, he'll leave you quicker then your mom left your dad!" Takara yelled, his emotions getting the better of him, not even realizing what he was saying..

Kishiko was about to speak when she turned her head, hearing the footsteps.. her eyes widened when she saw Kouki and Reina standing there.. both looking disappointed as they stared at Kishiko.. Kouki even more then Reina, who looked as if his heart had been thoroughly broken..

Reina stared down at Kishiko.. unsure of what to say.. or what to do.. she grit her teeth as she clenched her fists, glaring down at the girl she thought was her friend before choking out words.

"You fucked up, Kishiko."

Kishiko really has fucked up. How will this affect their friendship? How will she be able to work with Kouki during the GMG? Is this the end of team Stellar Cross?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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