Hidden.. Again

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Before we begin I encourage you all to check out my new Fairy Tail fanfic, Lost Senses!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program!

"Hiroki Eucliffe!" A voice yelled from the stands before the fight could fully beging, Hiroki looked up in horror at his mom frowning down at him, disappointed and embarrassed in her son for trying to start an unseeded fight the first day of the games, "leave Celestial Cross alone and go to your balcony like a good mage!" Yukino crossed her arms as Hiroki turned all shades of red and pink in embarrassment.

"Fine. Come on guys." Hiroki grumbled and turned on his heels, walking to his balcony with his team following behind him like trained dogs, "we'll fight them another time." He promised as he glared at the team quickly before walking into the darkness under his balcony.

"Um.. in an unexpected turn of events.. the fight is over? Well that's lame." Mato mumbled the last part as he scratched the back of his head, "go to your balconies pumpkins~! Today's game will begin shortly!" The Teams on the fields awkwardly exited the field as they were told and went to their balconies.

Reina looked around, "well that's disappointing, everyone got so excited for a fight then we just stopped." She frowned as she sat down at Celestial Cross's balcony, her team mates joined her as they nodded in agreement, equally disappointed that they didn't get to show off their powers in front of everyone and beat the crap out of their opponents.. mainly Sabertooth.. mainly Hiroki..

Takara shrugged as he leaned over the balcony, "we get to impress everyone later then when we have the 1v1 fights." He reminded her as he ran his hand through his hair, "we can also show off during the whatever games there are, which Mato is about to announce." He laughed as he walked over and poked Reina in the side to make her laugh.

Reina smiled as she nodded, she was about to say something when Mato cut her off.

"Well, back on track ladies and gents! Today's game is none other then the ever famous Hidden!" Mato announced, earning several groans throughout the stadium from those who remembered how awful Hidden was in previous years, "send down your competitor and get ready to plaaaaayyyyyy~ HIDDEN!" Mato clapped enthusiastically.

"I'll go." Satomi offered, "my magic is probably the best to use in this situation." She said, the others nodded seeing as none of their magic would be any use in a game of hide and seek, so they didn't really care who participated.. as long as they got some points that is.

Mato jumped around cheerfully on the field, "Ooh! They're rolling in! From Celestial Cross we have Satomi Motherglow! From Stellar Zodiac we have Kishiko Vastia! From Fairy Tail team A we have Nobuyuki Redfox! From Sabertooth we have Tenchi Agria-Cheney! From Fairy Tail team B we have Toshi-Shita Redfox! And finally, from Fairy Tail team C we have Tanaka Dragneel!" Mato announced, the crowds clapped as each competitor took the field, and as soon as they did the game began. The city grew around them as they were all dispersed around it to begin the game and hopefully earn some points to distance their team from all the others.

"And they're off!" Mato yelled as lacrimas showed the real competitors hiding in the sea and crowds of fake competitors, "I can barely tell who's the real ones from the fakes!" He announced as the crowds nodded in agreement, there were so many and everyone was blending in so well that barely anyone could keep up with who was real and who was just an illusion made up by the 'masterminds' behind the GMG.

That was, until a 'fake' Tenchi accidentally stumbled, Satomi caught the movement and quickly used her magic to attack him, "Solid script: Fire!" She yelled as the word appeared in the air and shot towards Tenchi, he yelled annoyed as the attack hit him and he disappeared, giving Celestial Cross the first point of the game.. and then the second point went to Nobuyuki who saw Satomi cast the attack and quickly jumped into action to gain some points for Fairy Tail.

The next few minutes of the game basically went the exact same way, with someone slipping up and someone else catching it, then someone else catching the attacker and so on and so on. At one point Toshi-Shita accidentally punched Satomi in the face, which earned him quite a few choice curse words from his step sister, but it did give away two competitors who laughed when they saw it go down.. and then Tanaka accidentally attacked Nobuyuki, taking away the one point that was keeping Fairy Tail team A ahead of Celestial Cross..

"Time's up!" Mato yelled as the city disappeared along with the hundreds of fake mages who littered it, the pumpkin jumped around as he clapped his hands excitedly, "let's see the scores shall we, Pumpkins~?" He asked, earning cheers from the crowds who wanted to know who won the game, which was basically everyone in the stands.

Mato smiled, "In last place with a total of -1 pointsssss... Fairy Tail team C!" He laughed as the crowds joined in, Tanaka felt her ears redden in embarrassment, "tied for fourth place is Fairy Tail team B and Stellar Zodiac with 0 points!" He continued, making Kishiko and Toshi-Shita equally embarrassed as Tanaka..

"In third is Sabertooth with 1 point!" Mato announced, Tenchi looked down at the floor ashamed as Hiroki made a 'tch' noise in disappointment at his half sibling.. but quickly stopped when he saw his mom staring down at him with a very disapproving look on her face.

"And tied for first with 3 points eaaaach.." Mato paused for dramatic effect, even though they already knew who the last 2 teams were it was still very suspenseful for some reason.

"FAIRY TAIL TEAM A AND CELESTIAL CROSS!" Mato yelled, his voice being backed up by the excited teams who realized that they were currently winning, or tied for winning, the Grand Magic Games! All the teams went back to their balconies where they were immediately met by their teams.. some encouraging, and some not so much..

"You did great." Kazuko assured Kishiko.

"We can come back from this." Chiko told Tanaka optimistically.

"Your work out there was a disappointment to the Sabertooth name." Hiroki spat lowly at his brother.

"You hit Satomi! That's gotta be worth some extra points." Tatsuo and Takeo laughed at their brother.

"We're tied for first! We could win!" Eiji shook Nobuyuki excitedly.

"You got us in first Satomi! Great job!" Ryou smiled at his team mate.

After the guilds were all done.. 'encouraging' their team mates who had just competed, Mato cleared his throat to get all their attention for the next activity.

"You all know what it is time for.." Mato smiled evilly as he held up a card, all the competitors were on the edge of their seats to see who would be fighting the first day..

"The first 1v1 fight is..." Mato looked at the card and paused for dramatic effect once again..


"Oh no."

The first game is over! Now it's time for the 1v1! But how will the fight go? Especially after what Kishiko did just the day before?

Also make sure to check out my new story! Lost Senses!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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