Request For Team Stellar Cross

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(Time skip: five years later)
Takara, Reina, Kouki, and Kishiko all walked through the doors to the Zodiac's guild hall, exhausted and in need of a nap due to their latest job. The job was so hard that halfway through the small group questioned whether or not the reward was enough for their suffering, they finished the job though, only because Kishiko didn't want to tarnish the guild's reputation of being able to handle any job thrown at them. Needless to say, Kouki, Takara, and Reina were not very big fans of that reputation. They all sat down at a table, sighing in relief as their bodies relaxed.

"My feet are so sore it feels like I've walked around Ishgar twice!" Takara huffed as he rubbed his feet, he was fifteen now, with the same blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Reina rolled her eyes at his complaint as she leaned over and kissed his cheek, during those five years the two of them had become a couple, and Reina never missed out on an opportunity to make Takara blush, which was what her kiss caused him to do right now.

"I think you're overreacting just a bit, taki." Reina said, 'taki' was her nickname for Takara, that he claimed he hated with a burning passion, "the job wasn't.. that bad." She lied with an unconvincing grin, both Takara and Kouki rolled their eyes at her.

Reina had the same dark blue hair and dark brown eyes, Takara was constantly playing with her spiky hair and getting lost in her eyes.

Kishiko crosses her arms and pouted, "Reina is right! The job wasn't even that bad! You two are just weak." She teased them, the two were about to protest her claims but were far too tired to even open their mouths. Kishiko had the same pale blue hair and dark blue eyes that tended to shine like a glittering sea, people often commented on how pretty her eyes were.

"Come on, Kishi.. just relax for a bit." Kouki dozed off, just like how Takara and Reina had begun dating, so had Kishiko and Kouki. 'Kishi' was the nickname he gave Kishiko when they first started dating, and it always caused the poor mage to blush. Kouki still had his blonde-white hair with his bangs held back by a clip, and the same blue eyes too.

During those five years the mages from Stellar Zodiac had formed a team with the two from Celestial Cross, since both sides promptly refused to leave their guild for the other. Their team name wasn't very original either, it was merely a combination of their guild's names, 'Stellar Cross' they were a quite well known team throughout the land of Ishgar.

"It's time for a new job!" Kishiko clapped her hands excitedly, earning a sigh from her team members, "come on guys! We'll pick an easy one this time!" She promised them, she also promised them that last time, but here they were with blisters covering their feet.

The three looked at each other questioningly before sighing in defeat, the reluctantly stood up and followed Kishiko to the request board. The four of them looked it up and down, trying to find an easy job, until Yasu and Tsukiko ran over and shoved a request into their hands.

"Look here, Reina!" Yasu smiled as he unfolded the request, "a man in town handed this to Tsu and I earlier today, said he was looking for a special team to help him out with a problem!" Yasu explained to them, Reina took the piece of paper and read it over in her head. The twins jumped up and down with excitement and anticipation.

"Look at the reward too! One million jewel!" Tsukiko pointed out to them, the other team members peered over Reina's shoulders as she looked at the reward money in shock, "you guys have to take the job!" Tsukiko told them.

"One million jewel.. just to catch some thieves?!" Reina said in shock, the others looked at her in disbelief, a couple of thieves were no problem to catch! But for one million jewel.. something didn't seem quite right about that reward for such a little job. "Do you guys think we should take the job?" Reina asked, looking at her team, silently hoping they would all be willing to take the job.

"Hell yeah!" Kouki pumped his fist in the air, before catching his mother looking his way, and silently putting his fist back down, "this job will be a piece of cake! And for one million jewel? We'd be idiots to pass up this opportunity!" He commented, indeed it'd be a dumb move to give it up, but something about the request didn't sit well with either Kishiko or Takara.

Kishiko thought for a moment, "all that money.. just for catching a few thieves? Unless these thieves are super duper good at their job I don't see a reason to put out so much money." Kishiko told them, the others saw her point, something must be up with these thieves for their capture to be worth so much.

Takara scratched the back of his neck, "I think it's worth it, even if it is something worse then a couple of thieves what could happen? We're team Stellar Cross!" He said confidently, his confidence was definitely contagious, for the others were soon overpowered by his confidence as well.

"So cool!" Yasu and Tsukiko squealed at the same time as they ran away to tell their friends about the team taking on the job request.

And even though Takara acted confident about the job, deep down he was nervous and scared, what if it was all a trap? What if the thieves weren't just normal thieves? What if Reina got hurt? What if his friends got hurt? What if he got hurt? Takara quickly laughed off the nervous feeling, "We're team Stellar Cross.." he mumbled as he looked at the three bright faces of his team before talking again.

"What's the worse that could happen?"

Team Stellar Cross is in action! But is their job really going to be as easy as it sounds? Is Takara's gut feeling about the job right? Will someone get hurt?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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