Guild Hall Chaos

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Kishiko, Kouki, Reina, and Takara stared at the four people who had just challenged them blankly, this wasn't their first time being challenged by another team, but it definitely was the most surprising challenge. Stellar Cross had simply come here to get the job request and quickly leave, not battle some team who looked like they couldn't even knock them off their feet. The four stared at the others blankly before making eye contact and bursting out in laughter, causing their 'opponents' to stare at them in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Hiryur demanded as he clenched his fists, the others were so busy laughing they could barely form a sentence, "will you four stop laughing!?" The white haired boy was getting so angry you could practically see smoke coming from his ears.

Kouki rolled his eyes and swung his arm around Hiryur "come on Hiryur, no reason to get so angry." He smiled as he teased his cousin who only seemed to get more angry, Hiryur pushed Kouki off of him and crossed his arms. "Jeez, Hiryur, why're you so mad?" He asked the mad boy, Hiryur was getting on his nerves at this point, and the nerves of his friends as well.

"Because! You four think you're so much stronger than us!" Hiryur yelled, "well guess what! You're not. We're stronger by miles!" He bragged, his three companions nodding in agreement, Stellar Cross rolled their eyes at the narcissistic group, if they really knew anything about Stellar Cross then they would know there was no way they could be beaten.

Takara pulled his friends aside, "Listen up, I have a plan on how not to fight these little brats." He explained to them, which already sounded good if it meant the group would leave them alone, "we promise to fight them if they take us to Fairy Tail, we get the information from Makarov, then leave before they even realize it." The plan was fairly simple and didn't require much work, so obviously his friends were in, the group turned around and saw the four all tapping their feet impatiently like a bunch of toddlers.

"Well? Are you going to fight us or not?" Aya rolled her eyes and pushed her glasses up, the others looked equally as annoyed and impatient as she did, "there's no way you're getting to Fairy Tail without going through us!" She boasted, Reina simply smirked as she walked towards the group.

"We would love to fight you, but we just got done with another big fight and our magic is pretty weak." She lied to them, the others knew where she was supposed to be going with this but still didn't know why she was lying about a fight. "You don't want to fight us and win knowing we only used a quarter of our power, do you?" She smiled at them, the four looked at each other, confused about what to say, they huddled together to have a quick discussion about their next move.

As they huddled together Stellar Cross just watched them occasionally peak towards them before talking more nonsense, in fact most of the conversation was just about how Chiko found Reina to be 'quite beautiful' and Kishiko to be 'as cute as an angel', Takara and Kouki had to hold themselves back from beating up the needy boy.

Finally after what seemed like hours of them discussing they turned back to the group. "We'll take you to our guild to let you rest, but as soon as you're done we're fighting!" Akane told them as she wagged her finger around, "got it?" The team nodded their heads and had to try very hard not to roll their eyes at the mage. The group turned and started to walk away, with Stellar Cross following close behind them, but also keeping their distance, there was no way they wanted to be associated with the group in front of them.

The group lead them to a large guild hall, they pushed open the doors and was immediately met but large ruckus and loud noise, the dragon slayers even had to cover their ears so they didn't go deaf.

"Where's your master at?" Kishiko asked and looked around for anyone worthy of baring the title 'guild master', as she looked around she felt a slight tug on her sleeve, looking down she saw an older man with white hair looking at her, "are you Makarov?" She asked, the man nodded.

"Indeed I am, and who may you three be?" He asked and gestured at Kishiko and her friends, minus Kouki, before the group had time to answer he started to walk to a nearby table and sat down, the team sitting down beside him.

"I'm Kishiko Vastia, this is Reina Redfox-Motherglow, and this is Takara Fullbuster—." Kishiko barely got the words out of her mouth before the guild went dead silent, and the team felt hundreds of pairs of eyes boring into the back of their heads, "oh no.." she sighed and turned around before coming face to face with a pink haired man, Natsu Dragneel.

"Did you say Fullbuster?" Natsu spat and glared R Takara, who only seemed to glare back at the older man, "that ice prick actually had kids? Who's your mom?" He pressured Takara, but the Fullbuster in the guild wasn't the only thing on people's minds.

Gajeel loomed over Reina, she looked up at her father and gulped, "Redfox, huh?" He said and put his hand on her head, "looks like the shrimp hid ya from me." He smiled sadly down at his daughter, Reina smiled back sadly in return, three boys about Reina's age hid behind Gajeel, "but she couldn't hide these ones from me."

"What?" Reina asked confused as she looked at the boys, they had the same hair.. eyes.. nose.. everything about them was almost exactly the same.. "Who are you..?"

"I'm Eiji, that's Mitsuo, and he's Nobuyuki.. It would seem as if we're your brothers." He told her, Reina blinked awhile before processing what he said, and ultimately not believing him at first. "We're quadruplets it would seem." He explained more to her, the news was such a surprise that Reina actually fainted and Takara had to scramble to catch her.

The remaining conscious members of Stellar Cross looked around at the confused and intrigued faces of the adults around them.

This job was already getting hard, and they hadn't even begun it yet.

Reina has three brothers! Who would've guessed? But why did Levy hide this from her? Why does Natsu still hold a grudge against Gray? Why is everyone at Fairy Tail so nosy!?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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