Adding A Team

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Lucy smiled as she sat down next to her friends, they were only meant to stay in the time bubble for two years but they ended up staying for five. They all had a strong desire to get stronger and after just two years they didn't think it was enough.

During that time everyone got closer, and it reminded the Fairies a lot of how Fairy Tail had once been, a long time ago. Ian and Juvia got closer as did James and Levy, but whereas romance had blossomed in the relationship between Juvia and Ian, James and Levy remained only friends.

Juvia went and sat down next to Ian, when she did he quickly kissed her cheek, this was his favorite pastime, sneaking in kisses. He loved how red Juvia got and seeing her fumble with her words.

Gray smiled when he saw this, he was happy that Juvia finally found someone who loved her for real, and not just in her imagination.

Ian remembered when he first realized he liked Juvia, it had been one year in the time bubble then. Juvia and Ian had been partnered up to do a battle against Levy and James. Ian and Juvia were on the losing side of the battle due to James's monster magic and Levy's Titan slayer magic.

He remembered watching a powerful wave of magic go towards Juvia and a yell of pain when it collided with her. He looked over expecting to see the same sight he had at the GMG when she fought Levy, instead she stood back up again, she had a determined look on her face and when she blew her hair from her face he felt his cheeks go red.

Lucy spoke which snapped Ian out of his little walk down memory lane.

"So guys, it's been five years in the time bubble, think we're ready to go back now?" Lucy questioned looking around at the mages which consisted of old and new friends.

"You bet! My magic is stronger than ever before!" Gale bragged, "having to use five limiters is no easy task!" She showed her wrists which were covered with the magic limiters.

The mages around her nodded, each looking at their own amount of limiters on their wrists.

Wendy had three limiters.

Cammie has four limiters.

Gale, Sapphy, Ian, and James each had five limiters.

Gray, Juvia, and Levy wore six limiters.

And Lucy wore seven.

"Our magical power is definitely stronger, winning the GMG now will be an easy task. Especially if we get another team entered." James said, "we'll have to talk to Mato about entering another team."

"He's a pumpkin, he shouldn't be that hard to persuade," Cammie remarked, "even if he is Wendy can just kick his butt to make him agree."

Wendy smiled, "gladly." She laughed, her training during this time had made her a little more hardcore.

"Well then let's go, the games will be starting in a few hours." Gray told them, "We should have some time to sleep before the games start again."

"Alright then, time magic! Time bubble release!" Lucy shouted, the bubble disbanded around her and they were greeted by an empty bar, they all sighed and quickly made their way back to their inn.

*Time Skip Next Morning*

The guilds made their way back to the balconies, they sat down waiting to hear the game announcement, but were surprised to see a group of five people standing in the middle of the arena.

"Here is today's game pumpkins~" Mato exclaimed cheerfully, "These five wish to join the games late!" He yelled, there were cries of outrage from the contenders sitting at their balconies.

"Oh but wait, I said the only way they can join, is if they beat seven of you! One nominated from each guild!" He put his hands out gesturing at the guilds sitting at the stands.

"Ha, as if they could beat one of us!" Natsu bragged, "even if they do they can't get past those Zodiac bastards." He added on.

"Actually Stellar Zodiacs will not be participating, since.. well.. you see.." Mato rubbed his head nervously.

"Thanks for the introduction Mato, we'll take it from here." One of the figures said, they were all wearing cloaks so it was impossible to tell who they were.

And in a flash of movement they all whipped off their clocks to reveal Juvia, Gray, Wendy, Levy, and Cammie.

"Ha, we have to fight them? They barely look like they can lift a twig!" Sting laughed from the Saber Tooth balcony, "no way are these assholes joining the games."

"I have defeated Gray many times before, now will be no different." Erza stated, "Levy may face to be a challenge though."

"Oh, are you sure it will be only me?" Levy asked, she revealed her wrist which held her six limiters, Gray and Juvia also revealed theirs as Wendy revealed her three and Cammie her four.

"What?!" Gajeel yelled, he was shocked and confused. "How the hell do y'all have that many limiters? Even Wendy has three!?"

"Never mind that, you either accept our challenge or forfeit, and we join the games right off the bat." Cammie told the Fairies, "at least try to fight us, or all that training will of been for nothing!" She laughed harshly.

"Train all you like! You'll never defeat us Sabers!" Sting laughed at them, he jumped down, immediately nominating himself for the competition.

"Go get 'em Kagura!" The Mermaid Heel guild yelled as Kagura jumped down as well.

"I'll go." Erza said, she was about to jump down but Natsu beat her to it.

"Sorry Erza, but I gotta beat ice prick over there."

"No Natsu, I'll be fighting them." Mira Jane spoke up, she was behind Natsu. He jumped into the air, frightened, "I was down here first after all." She smiled kindly before walking away.

Bacchus, Gajeel, Lyon, and Ichiya joined the group in the middle of the arena.

"Ooh quite an outcome we have here! But who'll come our victorious? It's anyone's game!" Mato exclaimed. He took a little whistle from his pocket and blew into it, "GO!" He yelled, he barely made it out of there before magic spells were being hurtled at each other.

And that's the end for this part! Hope you all enjoyed!

Make sure to stay tuned for the next part to see what happens in the battle!

Thanks for reading!

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