A Change Of Guild

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Levy was frightened, she didn't know where she was or what was going to happen. All she knew was that one moment she was watching the grand magic games and the next... she was wherever she was now.

Levy looked around, she seemed to be in a sort of bunker, it was dark and had stairs leading up. The smell of dirt confirmed that she was underground.

Levy picked up on movement, the sound of shuffling to be exact. She tried to look tough and stared into the dark.

"Come out whoever you are!" She yelled at nothingness, "I'll let you know I'm a Fairy Tail mage! And I'm not scared of you!" But in reality Levy was scared, scared whoever at brought her here would kill her.

"You're brave little fairy, I'll give you that," a voice said from the darkness around Levy, "But are you brave enough to face me I wonder?" A hooded figure emerged from the darkness and loomed over Levy.

"O-of course I am!" Levy stuttered, "I've faced much worse than the likes of you!" She shouted, trying to kick the figure in front of her, the figure just stepped backwards to avoid the kicks.

"Levy, Levy, Levy, you'd try to hurt me? You're best friend?" The cloaked figure asked, "that hurts me Levy." The figure made a 'tsk tsk' noise.

"Ha, as if I'd ever be friends with the likes of you," Levy spat, "and besides, my best friend is gone. She left!" Levy yelled, "she left the guild... left me.." Levy muttered, barely audible.

"I'm sorry Levy." The figure said, she took off her cloak to reveal Celeste, or rather Lucy, "I never meant to hurt you so, or anyone else." Lucy said sorrowful, "it was never my intention.."

"Your intention.. you mean... Lu?" Levy asked, barely believing it herself, and worried that the one in front of her was lying, "that's... not-- not possible? Lu..?"

Lucy didn't say anything, she untied Levy and turned her back to her, "You should go, your guild is probably worried Levy..." Lucy said flatly, "goodbye." She started to walk up the steps of the bunker and almost out of sight.

"My guild!?" Levy cried, running after Lucy, "It is your guild too, Lu! Your family just as much as they are mine.. they're worried about you as well!" She yelled at Lucy, in anger and sadness, "after you left they fell apart! Wendy.. Mira.. Erza... Juvia... They are all hurting you know.."

"I know what they did to you wasn't right.. They can never fix what they did to you but-- but you should give them a shot!" Levy said, trying to persuade Lucy, "please Lu..."

"You know what they did hurt me Levy.. The only reason you're here is because you never hurt me like they did.." Lucy said calmly, or as calm as she could, "now please leave.."

"No! I refuse.. either... either you come back with more or I-- I'll--" Levy tried to form a sentence.

"Or you'll what.. join me?" Lucy snapped, "join the one who made your guild weak?"

"You never made our guild weak Lu... you never did.." Levy cried, "and I'll do whatever it takes to get you back in my life! Even if that means joining your guild!" Levy sobbed, she fell on her knees, crying into her hands.

"Levy... would you really be willing to join my guild... my family..?" Lucy walked over to Levy and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes Lu.. if it means I have my best friend back! If it means you forgive me.." Levy sniffled, looking up at her friend with tear stained cheeks.

"I never hated you Levy.. So there is no reason for forgiveness... now if you really want to join my guild... I mean maybeee..." Lucy shrugged.

"Oh yes Lu!" Levy cried in glee, she hugged her best friend tight, "I'd love to!"

"Oh man, Fairy Tail is gonna hate me for taking away their smartest member. But before we announce your change of guilds, I should train you a bit!" Lucy smiled, excited to train Levy.

"Wha-- but how? We don't have the time.." Levy said confused.

"Or do we?" Lucy smirked, "magic make:: time bubble!" Lucy yelled, a bubble wrapped around the two mages, Levy looked at it in awe.

"I never thought someone would be able to do magic of this caliber.." Levy said amazed.

"And soon you'll be able to as well. We will train in this bubble for three months. While in real time, only three minutes will have passed." Lucy said, Levy nodded in understatement.

"So, let's begin!" Lucy yelled and Levy's training officially began.

For the three months in the time bubble Lucy worked with Levy to enhance as many skills as she could, she even taught Levy new magic as well so she could be a valuable asset to her team.

Each day they sparred, practiced their magic and other abilities, then ate and slept. And for three not so long years that's how it went in the time bubble.

And once Lucy was confident in Levy's new skill, the bubble broke.

"I think it's time to show Fairy Tail just how strong you are now." Lucy smiled at Levy.

"Yeah, I think you're right Lu." Levy agreed with her friend, "Let's go, shall we?" Levy asked her friend.

"We shall." Lucy laughed. She snapped her fingers and in the blink of an eye they appeared back in the Zodiacs seating area to watch the games.

"Er who is this?" Gale asked when she noticed the bluette sitting with them.

"This is our new guildmate Levy, she'll be the substitute mage in case any of us somehow get hurt." Lucy explained to her team.

"Well if you trust her abilities so much then she must be powerful!" Sapphy said excitedly, "welcome to the team Levy--- errr what's your last name?"

"McGarden." Levy smiled, "My name is Levy McGarden."

"Well then, welcome to the Stellar Zodiacs, Levy McGarden! Do you have your guild mark yet?" Sapphy asked.

"Yes, I do." Levy said happily, showing them where her guild mark was located, it was on her back, like her previous fairy tail mark, only instead of on the left side it was on the right.

"Nice." Ian and James said at the same time.

"So then this is your official welcome to Stellar Zodiacs, all welcome, Levy McGarden!" Lucy yelled, loud enough for the entire arena to hear, even over all the talking.

"Did they say... Levy--?" Gajeel asked, where indeed the bluette stood. But not the Levy he knew, this Levy seemed darker then her previous self... She didn't have the light of Fairy Tail anymore..

Yay! Another chapter done! Are you enjoying the story so far? I hope so!

In case you're wondering what new magic Levy has, that's for me to know and you to find out!

And if you're wondering what Levy looks like, she basically looks the same, only evil-er I guess. Kind of like the image below I guess.

Also the picture above is the Stellar Zodiacs guild Mark in case anyone was wondering ;-;.

Also the picture above is the Stellar Zodiacs guild Mark in case anyone was wondering ;-;

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