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Almost all the mages of Stellar Zodiac jumped to their feet when they announced this, some even stood in front of Lucy to protect her if the guild were to get any bright ideas.

"You know Fairy Tail is not welcome here." CJ yelled at them, "you have no business with us or with Lucy." She growled, her eyes started to turn a shade of red, she was trying to activate her wolf magic without the Fairies realizing.

"Why are you here for me?" Lucy asked them, Fairy Tail all turned their heads to look at her, "unless you're here to kill me then I see no reason for you to need my help."

"Alvarez plans on attacking Fiore." A small man spoke, Makarov stepped forward as the Fairies parted to let him through, "Fairy Tail may be strong, but Alvarez is stronger. We're recruiting any mages we can to help us fight them when they invade." Makarov told her, everyone in Stellar Zodiac was shocked by what they were hearing.

"We may not see eye to eye, but this war isn't simply for the sake of Fairy Tail. It's for the sake of the entire continent." Erza told her, "so please-."

"We'll do it," Lucy cut her off, the Fairies looked shocked that it was so easy to persuade her, "Fiore is our home. We won't let it be taken over so easily." She said full of confidence.

"Do you know when they plan on invading?" Gale asked them, they shook their heads no.

"We have Warren keeping an eye on Magnolia right now, if anything happens he said he'd-." Makarov was cut off by his face going pale and his eyes going wide, "they're coming. Quick! Back to Magnolia." Makarov turned to run but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"We're coming too," Lucy smiled down at him as Gale and CJ smirked, "the three of us and the others will join you, they're not here right now but I'll contact them on the way there." She reassured him.

"Thank you, Lucy." He smiled at her before running off with the rest of the Fairies. Lucy smiled before turning around herself.

"The rest of you wait here. If we need backup we will send for it, otherwise we expect you all to stay here and protect our guild." Lucy barked orders at them, they nodded at her, "good. CJ, Gale, come on." They started to run after Fairy Tail, Lucy also started to gather the rest of her friends.

'It is an emergency guys, Alvarez is attacking Magnolia. Fairy Tail needs backup.' She communicated with them in their minds, 'We may not like them but they need our help, I'm opening portals near all of you to Magnolia.' She told them.

'Juvia supposes we are on better terms with Fairy Tail then?' Juvia asked Lucy, Lucy didn't know how to answer that.

'I don't know guys, all I know is we will protect Fiore with our lives. Understood?' Lucy asked them, they seemed hesitant before answering her.

'Aye aye captain.' They all said in sync before laughing their heads off, Lucy just rolled her eyes at them.

"Portal! Magnolia!" She shouted, a glimmering circle appeared in front of them, they ran through and were greeted by the others also jumping through portals.

"Where is Alvarez?" Gray asked looking around for any sight of the enemy, "you said they were invading?" He asked Lucy, Lucy nodded.

"That's What Fairy Tail said." Gale told them, "they said Alvarez was coming here."

"Could they of been lying?" Levy asked, the others shrugged while James's eyes went wide.

"I don't think they were lying Lev.." he said and pointed to air ships coming from the north, the Zodiacs looked at them in shock, "I didn't know the Alvarez empire has this sort of Air Force!" He yelled as the ships moved in closer and closer.

"Where is Fairy Tail? Shouldn't they be here by now?" Cammie asked them.

"Stellar Zodiac is almost an hour away from Fairy Tail! They won't be here for a while!" Sapphy exclaimed, she looked worried, but then again so did everyone.

"Then I guess we're the only defense this town has for now." Lucy said as she stared at the air ships, "How ironic it's us who are protecting it?" She asked the others.

"Very." Levy stated, the others snickered at her comment.

"But nonetheless, Fairy Tail asked us to help protect their home." Gray said.

"It was once our home too." Mira added placing a hand on Gray's shoulder.

"Which is even more of a reason to protect it!" Wendy exclaimed, "only I don't do very well on vehicles.." she mumbled and twiddled her thumbs.

"If I remember correctly there are twelve members of the Alvarez Emperor's little body guard group." Lucy told them, "there are twelve of us, which means each one of us will take one of them head on."

"Are you sure we can really do that? I mean they're so strong.. and fast.. and did I mention strong?" Wendy told them, he self confidence was seriously lacking.

"Of course we can Wendy!" Gale said enthusiastically, "we're not some old, run down, guild like some of the others in Fiore!" She told her, Wendy looked at her confused.

"We're Stellar Zodiac! One of the strongest guilds on this Continent! If we can't beat them no one can!" Sapphy added, there was a new found spark in Wendy's eyes after hearing their little speech.

"Alright then, let's show these people never to mess with the guilds of Fiore!" Gray smirked as the air ships were almost on top of them, Lucy moved over to Gray and quickly kissed him.

"Come back alive, okay?" She told him, Gray laughed softly and looked at her.

"I promise I will." He told her.

"Same goes for you." Juvia told Ian, they quickly kissed before focusing back on the mission at hand.

"Just.. don't die ok?" Levy told James, he smiled at her, he grabbed his hand and touched it to his chest.

"I promise on everything, I'll stay alive." He told her, Levy blushed before pulling her hand away.

"Who are we?!" CJ yelled to boost up everyone's spirits.

"Stellar Zodiac!" They yelled in sync.

"What are we going to do!?" She yelled again, even louder than before.

"Win!!" They all yelled, they each split off to find their targets and save Fiore.

Sorry about the late update! I was busy yesterday so the update got postponed till today.

If you haven't heard yet the new schedule for posting updates is starting today Elements Of Sabertooth will be updated every other day, and starting yesterday Fleed From Fairy Tail will be updated every other day.

But of course yesterday's update was today so yeah, I will still be posting a new part to Elements Of Sabertooth today though!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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