Love Affairs

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It was the day before the Grand Magic Games were officially about to begin, both Stellar Zodiac and Celestial Cross were training extremely hard to make their guilds proud of them, even if they already were. As the two teams trained relentlessly, it gave the parents of the teams some much needed time to themselves to simply relax in the guild hall and catch up a little, seeing as most of them were always on jobs constantly.. but no one was on more jobs then Ian, the only one who seemed to notice how often he was gone was Juvia.. who waited for him to return each time just so she could have a moment to talk with him.

Today just happened to be one of those days when Ian wasn't on a job, instead he was in the corner of the guild.. seemingly ignoring both his wife and children.. Juvia watched as Chouko and Ian argued back and forth countless times, before Chouko threw her hands up in defeat and walked away angrily, dragging Jun and Kohaku with her as the two kids sadly stared at their friends who they were leaving out of nowhere. Ian looked up from his drink to see his wife run out with their kids, then turned his head to see Juvia staring at him, they made eye contact and he beckoned her forward.

Juvia sighed as she walked over to Ian and sat down at his table, "Ian.." she said sweetly but the look in her eyes was angry and deadly, "why are you being so rude to Chouko? She's your wife.. she just wants to talk to you.." she tried to reason with him, but Ian simply grunted and rolled his eyes.. for quite awhile now Ian and Chouko had been on edge in their relationship, countless times Chouko threatened to leave with their kids.. but the two always seemed to make up somehow, even if Ian only did so since he didn't want to lose his children.

"Juvia.. I've told you countless times.. I don't love Chouko.." Ian slurred, and Juvia could tell he'd been drinking, his face was flushed and he kept messing with his hair, something he always did when he was drinking, "I love you.." he looked up at her, suddenly more serious about what he said.. Juvia smiled but quickly frowned as she looked around to make sure no one could be listening in, but right at that moment Kouki, Kishiko, Reina, and Takara had walked into the guild.. both Reina's and Kouki's heads swung towards Juvia and Ian with curious looks on their faces.

"Leave.. please.." Juvia whispered, Kouki and Reina looked unsure but nodded as they pulled Takara and Kishiko out of the guild hall, Juvia sighed in relief that Reina and Kouki were understanding that the conversation she and Ian were having.. shouldn't be accidentally overheard by Kishiko by any means.

"I rushed into my relationship with Chouko.." Ian went on, Juvia sighed, she had heard this many times before when he got drunk.. he was always more open and honest when he was drunk.. "I was just trying to get over you.. after I got news you started dating Lyon.. I thought it was hopeless to have any hopes of pursuing you again once we came out of hiding.." Ian went on, this bit of information was new to Juvia.. she hadn't known that the reason Ian got with Chouko was to ease his heartbreak.. heartbreak caused by her getting with Lyon..

Juvia balled her fists as she stared at Ian, the boy who had soothed her heart after Gray turned her down for the final time.. the boy who she grew close to during their time in Lucy's Time Bubble so they could train.. but Juvia has Lyon now, and their daughter, Kishiko.. but Juvia could never tell Kishiko the reason why she had no younger siblings.. Juvia had fallen out of love with Lyon a long time ago.. but she didn't want to put Kishiko through the pain of her parents splitting up, and deep inside Juvia had convinced herself that if she just ignored her disappearing feelings, she'd somehow convince herself she was still in love with Lyon.. but she couldn't deny to herself that the feelings weren't there anymore..

"I hate you, Ian." Juvia cried as she stood up and walked over towards him, "I hate that you left me on my own.. I hate that you fell in love with Chouko.. I hate that you love me.. I hate that I still love you..!" She cried more as she lifted Ian from his seat by his shirt collar, Ian had suddenly sobered up and stared down at Juvia sadly, he cupped her face in his hands as he slowly brought her face towards his.. stopping short just as their lips were about to touch.

"Not here.." he whispered as he pulled away, making sure no one had seen them, "let's go somewhere more private.." he smiled, Juvia felt her face flush.. it had been a long time since she'd seen Ian smile.. and she realized how much she had missed his smile.. and the warmth of his body.. and the smell of forest that he seemed to always have.. Juvia's eyes fluttered closed and when she reopened them they were no longer in the guild hall. They were in a dark room, the windows were covered by curtains and the only things in the room was a bed, dresser, and a turned off light hanging from the ceiling.

"Where are we?" Juvia whispered as she looked around the room, there was nothing in it to indicate who the room could belong to..

"My house.. my room." Ian said quietly as he went to the door and locked it, it took a moment for Juvia to process that they were in Ian's house, the same house he happened to share with his wife and kids! They were probably downstairs or something.. they would most definitely be caught..

"What if Chouko comes up?" Juvia asked, Ian took her hand and smiled warmly at Juvia, "What if we're caught?" She asked with wide eyes, Ian really hadn't thought this through it seemed..

"She's not home, probably won't be for another few hours.." Ian said shakily as he closed the distance between himself and Juvia, "I missed this.. I missed you.." he mumbled before his lips finally met Juvia's, both of them pushed back any thoughts or regrets about what they were doing..

But there weren't many regrets.

Ian and Juvia still love each other.. but what does this mean for Ian and Chouko? What about Juvia and Lyon? And how will Kishiko react once she finds out about what happened?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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