Grand Magic Games

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Narrator's POV
Stellar Zodiac arrived at their hotel a few minutes before midnight. They ran into the room at full speeds fearing that they would be late.

"I told you we shouldn't of gone to eat!" Gale yelled as she ran into the hotel room out of breath.

"But we were hungryyyy." Ian and James complained. And boy had they been, the waiter almost fainted when he made the mistake of asking for their order.

"Guys that's not important now. What's important is that we make it to the finish line." Lucy said, "the first contest will most likely be the Sky Labyrinth like last time. To narrow out the teams." Lucy said.

"Got it. So that means--" Sapphy was cut off by the rumbling of buildings. They looked over the balcony and saw that they were rising into the sky.

"Sky Angel's flight!" Sapphy yelled as clear wings opened up behind her back. She quickly took flight ready to race.

"Now, now pumpkins!" They heard a booming voice, "antsy aren't you?" He asked. Mato quickly explained the rules before shouting, "START!" And with that the many teams hurried to the Labyrinth.

"Aera!" Ian yelled and white feathery wings protruded from his back. He quickly took flight as Sapphy did.

"Air devil's flight!" Gale shouted.

"Air make: Wings!" James yelled.

"Aera!" Lucy added, soon the entirety of Stellar Zodiac was in the air and on the way to the finish line, "Hmm. Portal!" Lucy shouted, "finish line!" She added and soon a yellow shimmering portal was in front of Stellar Zodiac, they smirked before heading through the portal, as it closed behind them.

"Wow pumpkins! 54 seconds! Great time!" Mato said, "Celeste Ashley, Sapphire Steele, Gale Motherglow, James Motherglow, and Ian Washt. Congrats on first place!"

Team Stellar Zodiac cheered. "On our way to victory!" They all exclaimed loudly.

*Time skip. A few hours later*

"Aaaaand first place, the guild taking Fiore over by storm. Stellar Zodiac!" James walked out first accompanied by Ian, then Gale and Sapphy who waved at their fans, before Lucy walked out. She had changed her appearance so the other guilds would not recognize her.

"And with that said! That puts Fairy Tail team B in 8th place! Team A in 7th! Blue Pegasus in 6th! Quattro Puppy in 5th! Mermaid heel in 4th! Lamia Scale in 3rd! Saber tooth in 2nd! And Stellar Zodiac in 1st! Let's let our competitors mingle shall we?" Mato said before the guilds walked towards each other, or rather the guilds walked towards Stellar Zodiac.

"Oi! Who do you think you are? Waltzing in here and taking our first place spot?" Sting spat, "Don't you know saber tooth wins this thing every year?" He emphasized on the 'every'

"Well it's our first place spot now, brat." Gale smirked at Sting, "go back to the loser section like everyone else." She gestured at the other guilds.

Lucy/Celeste giggled at Gale's comment to Sting, this caused the other guilds to stare at her uncomfortably.

"What're you laughing at punk?" Sting said icily, "do I have to teach you not to laugh at us sabers?" He smirked.

"No need, I know you power and your weaknesses. I am your ultimate enemy, well my team is at least." Lucy smirked back at him.

"Grr-- White Dragons roar!" Sting yelled, his roar directed at Lucy.

"No Sting! Don't fight yet!" Yukino yelled at him, Lucy just watched the attack, she quickly counter attacked.

"Shadow gods underworld nightmare." She smiled, Sting went limp, he held his head in pain, tossing and turning on the ground, "have fun in hell." Lucy said sweetly.

"That's our Celeste!" Sapphy said, the other guilds looked at them in fear, all except the sabers and fairies.

"So you use shadow God magic," Erza pointed out, "What do you others use?" She questioned.

"I use maker magic and solid script." James said flatly.

"Devil slayer magic and requip." Gale said just as flatly.

"Angel slayer magic and gun magic!" Sapphy said excitedly.

"Aera, territory, and take over." Ian said as flatly as the other two.

"I've never heard of Angel slayer magic.." Ezra questioned.

"That's because it's considered a lost magic. When the angels fled our world in fear and hatred." Sapphy smiled.

"Ah." Was all Erza said to the response.

"But God slayer magic isn't all Celeste uses." Gale smirked, "she has many other magics as well. Including take over, aera, Dragon slayer, Phoenix slayer, and many many more." The other guilds jaws might of well as hit the floor.

"But I don't even feel that much magic power coming from you five," Gray said, "are you really as powerful as you say you are?" He questioned.

The all showed their wrists, magic limiters were seen. Sapphy, James, Gale, and Ian all had one limiter but their remaining power was still very strong. Lucy had three limiters on.

"H-how!?" They guilds all questioned in shock, Lucy just giggled.

"I've worked hard for my power." She said.

"Oh and don't go thinking this is the only magic the rest of us have. We're far more powerful than any of you could ever know." Ian said darkly.

"Oh yeah! Then you five fight us fairies! Right here. Right now." Natsu said cockily, "let's see how powerful you really are." He smiled his toothy grin.

"Ok then." Lucy agreed to his suggestion, "we will happily fight the fairies."

Her guild members cheered, "let's show them not to mess with us!" Gale yelled, her teammates yelled with just as much enthusiasm.

"Oh dear, looks like we have a fight on our hands. Zodiacs versus fairies! Who will win?" Mato yelled.

The other guilds stepped back to let them fight.

"Go!" Mato yelled.

"Maker magic..." James started.

"Devil slayer..." Gale added.

"Angel slayer..." Sapphy said excitedly.

"Take over..." Ian said.

"Fairy slayer..." Lucy finished.

"Did she say fairy slayer?" Mato exclaimed. "Things sure are about to get interesting, pumpkins!"


Fairies versus Zodiacs! Who will win!? We'll find out next time, won't we? Stay tuned for the big fight in part 4!

Also the teams at the GMG are the same as the gmg arc. Only fairy tails team A is Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Mirajane. B team is Gajeel, Laxus, Juvia, Cana, and Elfman.

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