Levy vs Wall

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Levy had ran off by herself, she figured the best way to take down the enemies was to split off and fight separately, yet the others seemed to beg to differ. Many of them had stuck with one another as a sort of protection just in case, but Levy didn't need protection from these 'Spriggan Twelve' and she was going to prove it to them.

"Well, well, well.." a voice rang out from the darkness of an alleyway, Levy stopped and peered in the shadows to see who was there, "If it isn't a small.. weak.. pathetic.. Fairy!" A figure emerged from the alleyway, Levy recognized him from a brief description Lucy had given them of each member earlier.

"Wall." She uttered, the man looked impressed that she knew his name, and even had the courage to say it to his face without praising him.

"Well aren't you a smart little girl.." he laughed, Levy was confused at what he found so funny, "but not smart enough to know you have no chance against the Spriggan Twelve.." he laughed again, harshly. Levy glared at the man in front of her, she looked him up and down as if looking for any weakness.

"I notice you aren't in your little puppet." She spat, Wall shrugged off her comment like she'd never even said it, apparently today was a no puppet day or something like that.

"Anyways I can't have you alerting your friends that more of us Spriggan are here.. so I'll have to finish you now.." he cooed, Levy tensed up, his voice had an edge to it, he seemed unstable and maniacal in a way Levy couldn't comprehend.

"The moment you stepped foot in Magnolia you were doomed little Fairy.. for I already know your weakness.." he smirked at her, he pressed a finger to her lips, "don't tell me though.. maybe I'm wrong?" He thought for a moment before cackling, "however I'm never wrong." He told her.

"I have no weaknesses." She told him, this seemed to amuse Wall even more as he began to laugh again, what the heck is up with this guy and all his laughing!?

"Silly little Fairy.." he said silently, "I know many things, from your eyes, body language, magic.. for instance I know you're scared of me." He took a step forward, but was stopped by two forces from the sides, an iron club and another's hand. Levy looked at the two who interfered to see Gajeel and James.

"Don't you lay a finger on her." James threatened, his aura was intimidating, enough to even make Gajeel hesitant for a moment. James looked over at Levy, "are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked worried for her well being, Levy found this cute and endearing but also a little annoying.

"She's fine. She's tough." Gajeel said roughly, James looked from Levy to Gajeel before putting two and two together in his head.

"Did you two ever.. you know.." he tried to get the question out of his mouth but was stopped by a blushing Levy.

"What!? No that's crazy! We were just friends!" She said defensively, to which Gajeel looked sad for a moment before nodding. James did a sign of relief before looking back at Wall with hatred in his eyes.

"Do you really think you can beat all three of us?" James asked him, Wall looked at the three questioningly before laughing his head off.

"Of course I can, I'm the all mighty Wall!" He boasted, this act of boasting caused him to receive a swift punch in the face from Levy.

"God slayer.. Asteria's shooting stars!" Levy sang, she waved her hand in the air and shot them downwards in one swift movement, James and Gajeel looked up to see actual shooting stars heading towards Wall. They quickly took some steps back as the stars collided with the mage. A cloud of smoke went up causing the mages to cough.

"Gee Fairy.." Wall's voice rang out from the smoke, Levy was done with him calling her a Fairy.

"I'm a Zodiac." She told Wall, he arched an eyebrow and looked at her confused and intrigued.

"A what now?" He said thoroughly confused.

"A Zodiac!" She said again, and much louder this time, "primordial slayer.." an intense amount of magic power was building up inside of Levy, Wall and Gajeel looked at her confused while James looked at her in horror.

"Lev don't-!" He cried but it was too late, she unleashed the magic power to take down Wall.

"Chaos's black hole!" She yelled, a dark sphere of energy wrapped around Wall, he fought against it trying to untangle himself from the darkness consuming him. But eventually he gave up when he realized his efforts where in vain.

"I'll get you Levy McGarden!" Wall laughed bitterly at the mage, "one day! One day! One day!" He kept repeating over and over again before disappearing into thin air. Levy slumped over and James caught her, she looked up at him, weak and pale.

"I'll.. be okay?" She asked him, tears formed in the corners of his eyes, he tried not to cry in front of Levy, because he honestly didn't know if she'd be okay or not.

"Yeah Lev.." he cried softly trying to reassure her, "You'll be okay.." he told her softly, his face only inches away from hers.

"Promise..?" She asked him gently, as she moved towards him.

"Promise." He said breathlessly, Levy kissed him softly as he kissed her back, the kiss was only for a moment but it felt like an eternity.

Levy's eyes closed as she started to breath irregularly, some were short breaths and others long. Gajeel turned away from the two and walked off.

"Take her to Lucy.." Gajeel said as he walked off, "I'm sure she'll be able to heal her.. I'll send Wendy after ya as well." He told him, James nodded as he wiped away the tears in the corners of his eyes. Gajeel was farther away by now but he stopped suddenly and turned halfway around.

"You're lucky," Gajeel told James, "you best treat her right." Was all he said. And in an instance Gajeel was gone from sight.

James lifted up Levy's body and ran to find Lucy, praying she could help Levy.

Oh man there is some drama going on between the three mages! Who would've guessed Gajeel had some feelings for Levy?? *obvious sarcasm* But will Levy be okay? Or is her time on Earth land shorter than expected?

To find out wether or not Levy is okay you'll have to read the next part!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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