The Books

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Levy sat at a table examining the books they had received for taking down the dark guild. She would think for awhile, then write something down, then think again, then write again, and that would repeat. For a long time she sat at the table deciphering the language, before she finally yelled out, "I got it!" And the mages ran over to see what the books contained.

"We're in luck! They are spells!" Levy said excitedly and the mages cheered, "they are ancient spells though, most of them I remember have been banned for centuries! Just the more reason to use them!" She smiled in glee while she read the books.

There were a total of eleven books, one for each of them, "so who gets what book?" Lucy asked staring at the books in front of her.

"I guess we decide who gets what book?" Levy answered unsure, "this first book contains pure dark magic, some that hasn't been seen in millennia!" Her eyes lit up, "I think this book is perfect for Mira Jane!" She said and handed the book to Mira who happily accepted the book.

"This one is all about sky and air magic!" She handed the book to Wendy, "perfect for our sky dragon!" She smiled.

"This one is about ice magic." She said, Gray was already taking the book before she even finishes saying her sentence, "these books seem almost perfect for us.." Levy muttered.

"A book about water magic!" She exclaimed and handed it to Juvia.

"Juvia thinks this coincidence is very weird." She told them, they agreed but didn't really care.

"God magic for our god soul user." Levy handed the book to Ian who flipped through the pages, intrigued.

"Devil magic and Angel magic." Levy said handing a book to both Sapphy and Gale.

"Space magic." She said, "for our fave celestial mage." Levy said and handed a book to Lucy who looked at the cover in wonder.

"Hair magic." Cammie took the book and held it close to her chest.

"Maker magic." Levy said and went to hand a book to James, he was so caught up in seeing how excited Levy was he had dazed off staring at her and smiling like a doofus.

"Huh what-?" He said and saw her handing him a book, "oh thanks." He took the book.

"Aw was someone dreaming about Levy?" Ian teased him, James elbowed him in the gut and turned away so they wouldn't see his red face.

Levy turned a shade of red before getting to the last book, "and the book for me.. immortal magic." She said and put the book in a bag of hers, "I suggest we keep these books safe, the spells could be very powerful so don't keep them out of your sight for long." She told everyone.

"Juvia still thinks it's weird these books match our magic almost perfectly." She told them, staring at the book in wonder.

"I agree with Juvia.. this seems like a weird, perfect, coincidence." Lucy said, "the man who gave us the books did seem kind of weird." She pointed out.

"Eh doesn't matter, we have the books now, might as well learn what's inside." Gray shrugged and threw an arm around Lucy, "besides it's probably just a happy coincidence, I hope." He said.

"Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to learn the spells just in case." Sapphy said as she examined the book from all angles, "plus the spells could be useful.. just in case."

"Yeah, I agree with her," Gale said, "if the spells are so powerful we can't let them fall into the wrong hands."

"Exactly! So don't let the books out of your sight." Levy warned, before happily getting her book out and starting to read it.

The group disbanded to do their own things, James walked off but Sapphy and Gale followed him, "Hey James!" Gale called to get his attention, he turned around confused.

"What? Did I forget something..?" He looked at the two of them who smirked at him, "is there something on my face?" He asked and rubbed around his mouth.

"No, we just noticed how you were daydreaming about a certain bluette." Sapphy giggled, James felt his ears go hot and red.

"Did I really doze off like that..? Do you think she noticed?" James asked the two who just laughed at him.

"I doubt it, she was too busy being excited over those books." Gale said, "ya know you should tell her how you feel, I think she likes you back."

"Really!?" He said happily and excitedly, "do ya really think so?" He asked in glee, the two girls laughed at him.

"Okay, first of all stop geeking out about it." Sapphy said.

"And second of all, just ask her out, the worst thing she can do is say no." Gale told him, she put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, "just go ask." She smiled.

"O-Okay! I'm gonna do it!" James said, he walked over to Levy, he looked at her quickly before belting out very quickly, "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?!" He said very fast and all in one breath, Levy looked at him confused.

"What did you say James? You talked too fast." She told him and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I.. I said would you.. would you like to go on a date with.. with me?" He asked nervously turning redder and redder the more he talked, Levy looked at him shocked, she blushed faintly before smiling at him.

"I'd love to go on a date with you." Levy smiled. James smiled back at her.

But then everyone came out of their hiding spots, cheering that James had finally plucked up the courage to ask Levy our.

Aw how cute, they're going to go on their first date! Let's hope it's a good one, that or it could go horribly wrong!

Well you won't know until next part!

If you enjoyed this story make sure to read my other one, Elements Of Sabertooth! Parts 1, 2, and 3 are out now!

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