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Kouki extended his hand to Kishiko and she stared at him wide eyed and quiet.

"Kishi.. Kishiko." He began as he looked from the ground up to her, "I know you and I despise each other right now.. but we need you so we can get past the preliminary!" He pleaded with her as Haruka, Haruto, and Kazuko nodded behind him, "we've come all this way.. let's at least give it a shot?" He asked as Kishiko frowned thoughtfully.

"We're still in this Kishiko.. we haven't been teleported out yet so there's still a chance." Haruka said quietly, "we can do this, we have to.. for Stellar Zodiac." He reminded her, small tears glistened in the corners of his eyes as he spoke.. they all needed Kishiko to just try.

They all stood there in silence for what felt like hours before Kishiko did a slight nod of her head and tried to smile enthusiastically, "you're right. We are still in this, we're still a team." She reminded, mainly for herself. "Stellar Zodiac is the best guild in Ishgar.. and we can't let them down." She promised before practically leaping towards their only way out with her team members hot on her heels.

Kouki smiled triumphantly at the sight.. he knew he could get Kishiko to do this if she was reminded they were fighting for the guild.. the only thing she seemed to truly care about now.

He sighed and looked down at the ground, he tilted his head when he noticed something was left on the ground.

"Wait guys." Kouki called out and they all slowed down, "there's something on the ground.." he crouched down and touched it, pulling his hand away at the sudden feeling of cold. He quickly put two and two together before smirking with newfound joy.

Celestial Cross hadn't entirely abandoned them after all.

"It's ice.." Kazuko mumbled, "Rin's ice! He must've left a trail!" She jumped up and down excitedly before slipping on the trail and falling down, "oops.." she said shyly before pointing a finger down a dark tunnel, "it leads that way, so that's the way we all go!" She commanded as Haruka and Haruto nodded in agreement.

"Wait." Kishiko said before they could all run off, they turned back to look at her wearing a confused expression, "why would they do this?" She asked genuinely confused, she was convinced it had to be a trick, a plan to make them go the wrong way.. revenge for her kissing Takara! No doubt about it.

Kouki sighed, he didn't need to be able to read minds to know what she was thinking..

He rolled his eyes dramatically and started down the tunnel with the ice trail, "they would do this because they're our friends, Kishiko." He yelled as the others were forced to follow, well, as Kishiko was forced to follow them down the dark tunnel.. the only things around them being dirt and echoes of their footsteps..

"But how can you be sure we're going the right way?" Kishiko asked as she ran, careful not to slip on the ice under her feet, "what if they are trying to lead us the wrong direction?" She called out, only to be responded with loud sighs of annoyance from her team.

Haruto turned around and started back pedaling so he could face Kishiko, "we can't be sure we're going the right way." He said honestly before turning back around and running, "but right now, following this ice is the best bet we've got. And the only chance we have at coming in the top six at this point." He added as the tunnel around them became narrower and narrower..

"I trust Rin." Kouki said seriously as he didn't let the narrowness of the tunnel stop him, "I also trust Ryou, Satomi, Reina, and Takara." He added sternly, "plus they trust.. most of us." He said, not even trying to hide the fact he directed that statement at Kishiko.

"Besides, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel." He mused as the Zodiacs nodded in agreement, "no. Literally. I can see light! Right in front of us!" He yelled as he started to run faster, the other Zodiacs quickly perked up and began to run with just as much enthusiasm. The team burst through the light, shielding their faces so they could see again.. taking in the familiar sight of trees, buildings, and the sky.

"Congratulations team Stellar Zodiac!" Mato said as he greeted them, "Kishiko Vastia, Kouki Dreyar, Haruto Takahashi-Motherglow, Haruka Takahashi-Motherglow, and Kazuko Lates! You finished with a total time of three hours and forth-seven minutes!" He clapped his hands enthusiastically as the team cheered and rooted for themselves.

"Even with such a long time it was enough for you to place fifth in the top six!" Mato added, a wave of relief swept over them when they realized they somehow had managed to just beat last place!

"You five will return to your inn for the night! I can't wait to see you at the arena tomorrow! Goodbye pumpkins~!" Mato said eagerly before the team was transported to the front of their inn.

"We did it!" Kazuko cried as she hugged Haruka and Haruto tightly, "we actually made it past the preliminary! I didn't think- I thought we'd- we did it!" She said, unable to get the right words for how excited she was that they had made it through, and even better, they hadn't come in last place!

They all laughed before silence awkwardly followed, Kishiko looked at Kouki and smiled sadly, "it's all thanks to you, Kouki.." she said and placed a hand on his shoulder, "and I'm so sorry I-."

"I know." He cut her off quickly, not really wanting to talk about what he knew she was about to bring up, "But I don't forgive you quite yet." He said as he took her hand off him, "for almost causing us to lose or for kissing Takara." He said and began to lumber into the inn.

He glanced back as the others just stood their, "are you guys coming or what? We need all our sleep if we want to win the GMG." He smirked as the the younger three happily bounded after him, leaving Kishiko in front of the inn by herself..

Maybe Kouki didn't forgive her quite yet.. but one day.. she'd earn that trust back..

But he'd have to earn hers too.

Team Stellar Zodiac is still in this! But for how long? Do they really stand a chance against the others teams? Especially Celestial Cross?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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