Is It Love?

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"Water slicer!" Juvia yelled, she aimed for Levy, but due to her new speed she easily dodged it. Levy smirked at Juvia, she cracked her knuckles.

"No hesitation, huh?" Levy said, "then I won't hesitate either." Juvia took a step back to anticipate the attack, Levy may be fast but so were Juvia's reflexes.

"Titan slayer, Oceanus's tidal wave!" Levy yelled, a wave of water that seemingly came from nowhere hurtled itself towards Juvia. She stood still, knowing the attack would have no effect on her body since it was water.

"Titan slayer, Oceanus's pollution." Levy muttered, the water hurtling at Juvia turned gross shades of brown and green. Juvia yelled in pain as the wave crashed into her. If she were to use her water body she would be polluted as well.

"One down, Laxus to go!" Mato yelled, the crowds gasped as Juvia had been so easily knocked out, "will the Zodiacs be able to take down the Lord or Lightning himself, Laxus Dreyar?" Mato said to build suspense for the battle.

"Lightning dragon slayers roar!" Laxus said, lightning came whipping out towards Levy and Lucy, they barely had time to react to it, Levy quickly dodged while Lucy took the attack head on. She grinned as the lightning helped to raise her magic power.

"Hm, shall we finish him off in one move Levy?" Lucy smirked, looking at her partner, Levy laughed as she went to stand next to Lucy.

"Might as well, we aren't getting any younger by just standing around." Levy laughed harshly which cause some of the mages to tense up at the unnatural sound.

The two joined hands, "Looks like it's gonna be a unison raid! Will Laxus be able to withstand it?" Mato yelled, the crowds looked on with anticipation, when suddenly Lucy and Levy let go of each other's hands.

"How about, before we finish you off, we up the stakes of our bet?" Lucy asked, Laxus looked skeptical, which she had anticipated. "If we win we take two from your guild." Lucy smirked as the fairies yelled in outrage at her bargain.

"But if you win. We'll tell you where Lucy Heartfilia is." Levy finished, everyone in the stands went silent.

"Take the bet! Take the damn bet Laxus!" Gray yelled, "this could be our once chance at finding Lucy! So take the bet!"

"Yeah do it!" Natsu agreed with him.

More shouts of 'Do it' came from the stands, Laxus looked at his guild mates before sighing, "I accept your offer, so now I just can't lose." He said.

"Oh but you already have." Lucy and Levy said in sync, the joined hands quickly, not giving Laxus time to react to what they were doing.

"Unison raid! Immortals heavy gauntlet!" They yelled as a wave of magic went hurtling at Laxus, he tried to dodge it but the magic seemed to follow him. He soon got engulfed in it and when the magic wave vanished, Laxus laid on the ground unmoving.

"Wowie! And our winners are Levy and Celeste from Stellar Zodiacs!" Mato yelled in shock, the crowd cheered as the Fairies turned pale in shock.

"I believe we had a deal Makarov." Lucy looked up at him with a smile on her face.

"Yes, we did, well whatever. Take the two you want and leave." He waved his hand at her to go away. His guild looked at him in shock.

"You're really going to let her do that master— but!" Erza started, only to be cut off by Makarov.

"We made a deal with them, we'd be a pretty poor guild not to keep our end of the bet up." He said calmly. The fairies looked at him in shock and anger before sitting down.

"Well then, now that that's settled, we'll be taking Gray and Juvia!" Lucy smiled.

"Wha.. she can't take me master, she can't!" Gray said furiously.

"I'm sorry my child, but you wanted the bet to be made as well, you knew the chances." Makarov told him.

"That was only because I thought we'd be able to find Lucy! She's been gone forever.. whenever I think about her I get this burning feeling in my chest.. it's not friendship.. is it love? Hell yeah it's love." Gray told him. Lucy's chest tightened at his sweet words, while Juvia, who was watching from the arena, was getting her heart broken right there.

"But if none of you guys are gonna stop them, then I'll go with them, at least they might know where Lucy is." He jumped from the balcony, he walked towards Lucy who blushed when he came near.

She looked him in the eyes, and for a quick second her true self was revealed to him, blonde hair and all, "I.. I love you too." She whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. Gray stepped back before almost lunging at Lucy, she stopped him, "not now, in a moment." He nodded sadly before continuing to walk to the Zodiacs balcony.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Levy smiled before going to help Juvia up, Juvia took her hand before glaring back at the Fairy Tail guild. She looked at her thigh to see that her guildmark had disappeared. She turned to Levy who smiled at her, and Juvia did a small smile back.

Juvia and Levy joined the others on the Stellar Zodiacs balcony, they were given their guild marks, Juvia got blue on her right thigh and Gray got blue on his left pec/chest area.

"It's nice to officially meet you Juvia, but I feel like I've met you before," Lucy said "perhaps as my other self, Lucy" Lucy's voice rang in Juvia's head, Juvia did a small gasp when she realized who it was.

"Love rival..?" She muttered.

Yay! Two parts in one day! And maybe possibly another one later today/tomorrow? Who knows?

And before you ask, yes this is a GrayLu story, I just didn't think NaLu felt right for some reason and GrayLu did.

I hope you still enjoy the story and will stay tuned for the next part!

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