Hair Dye Date

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Reina tied up her hair, she was waiting for Takara to arrive so they could go on their date into town. She checked the time from a nearby clock, '2:36' she thought to herself quickly, Takara was supposed to arrive thirty-six minutes ago. She sighed as she bounced on her heels, scanning her surroundings, and checking her communication lacrima to see if he had messaged her anything about where he might be. Her only messages were from her mom, asking her where she was, and Kishiko, who told her she had seen Takara leave the guild a few minutes ago. Hearing that from her friend was a semi-relief, knowing her boyfriend must at least be on the way.

"Reinaaaaaa~!" She spun around to see Takara running towards her, he picked her up and swung her around happily. "I'm so sorry I'm late! Your brothers cornered me and-." He was cut off by Reina pecking him on his lips, he smiled goofily as he took her hand in his.

"It's fine, I'm just glad you made it." She assured him, he was about to protest but she didn't let him, "let's just.. walk around town. Enjoy the moment." She smiled lopsidedly at him, he nodded as they started walking through the town. Their first stop was the park, the very place Takara and Reina had gone on their first date, their first kiss, and their first fight.. the park held lots of memories for them, so it was a place they tried to go and escape to whenever they found the time.

When they arrived at the park they found it was overrun with kids, "ah hell. The entire little gang is here." Takara groaned, by 'little gang' he meant the younger kids of the guild. He tried to turn away before the kids noticed the two of them but he was too late, they all came running over, completely aware that they were ruining their date.

"Takara!" Kazuko clapped her hands when they ran over, "look at what my mom let me do to my hair!" She pointed out her now pink hair, Takara nodded in acknowledgment, which annoyed Kazuko. It was a known fact that Kazuko had a long time crush on Takara, and resented Reina for agreeing to date him. Now she did basically anything she could to try and make the two break up, but all of her efforts were in vain.

Reina smiled at Kazuko "That's really cool, Kaz." Kazuko frowned but thanked her, Reina looked from Kazuko's hair to Takara's before coming up with an idea. "Do you think you could do Takara's hair? I think he'd look rather cool, don't you?" She asked him, Kazuko's eyes lit up as she nodded enthusiastically, and before Takara knew it he was sitting down in front of his girlfriend and stalker— other friend.

"Are you guys sure about this?" Takara asked nervously as he stared at his hair, they were already adding color to his blonde hair, "my mom's gonna kill me.." he tried to tell them, but it didn't help that his little brother Rin and Ryou were there to go against his statements.

"Mom always said how nice we would look with dad's dark hair." Rin smirked, as Ryou nodded, "always said how much of a shame it is that only Atsuko ended up with it." He went on as Ryou kept nodding along, earning themselves several glares from their older brother. The two snickered among themselves as they watched their brothers hair to from blonde to blue, knowing full well that their mother would indeed kill him.

Reina laughed as her boyfriend pouted in his chair, "It's gonna look fine, Taki. And besides, if your mom gets too mad just blame me, your parents love me." She laughed, the Fullbuster siblings couldn't argue with that claim, before Atsuko was born Reina was like the daughter they never had. Even after Atsuko was born they still thought of Reina like their own daughter, and were very happy when they heard Takara and Reina had started to date.

"I think it looks good." Haruto laughed "the blue looks real nice." He scratched the back of his head, knowing full well if he said anymore he'd be the next one ending up with some funky hair color. Not that he would complain, at least that was if Kazuko was doing it..

After what seemed like hours, Reina and Kazuko smiled triumphantly at the finished product of Takara's hair. The hair dye had turned out lighter then they expected so instead of a dark blue it was a few shades lighter. Takara grabbed a mirror as soon as they let him finally stand up, looking at his new hair color from every angle.

"I hate it." He said bluntly, Reina frowned sadly, he looked over and saw her frowning, quickly regretting every decision he ever made. "Just kidding! I love it, you did such a good job, Reina!" He assured her, kissing her on the cheek. Kazuko frowned as she turned away, how come Takara only ever praised Reina? Even when others did work too? It wasn't fair! But.. Takara looked so happy whenever he was with Reina.. Kazuko just couldn't help but smile at their relationship, even if she was jealous of it.

Reina smiled happily, "great! I'm glad you like it, maybe I'll do something like that with my hair one of these days.." Reina mumbled the last part to herself, but Takara knew she wouldn't go through with it. To her.. her hair was the only thing that even remotely resembled her to her father.. and she wouldn't dare to change it. She even once refused to let her mom cut it in fear that it would somehow unlink her to her father.

"You don't need to, your hair is beautiful as is." Takara reassured her, Reina smiled happily at his comment. "Besides, how else will people recognize the almighty 'Reina' without her signature hair at this year's GMG?" He asked, Reina had almost completely forgotten about the Grand Magic Games, they were in a couple of days and their guild master hadn't even picked teams yet. What if all her friends got picked and she didn't? What if she did get picked and failed all of her challenges? She'd be an embarrassment to her team..

Takara could see she was panicking at the thought of the GMG, so he tried to reassure her slightly, "don't worry, I'm sure you'll kick some serious butt if you're picked for the GMG. You're Reina, the strongest girl I know." He kissed her lips before pulling away and hugging her, "what could possibly go wrong?" Of course Reina didn't say her answer out loud, she would ruin the mood.. but a lot could go wrong..

She'd just have to hope nothing would.

What's Reina so worried about? Will anything actually go wrong at the GMG? How will Lucy react to her son's new hair color? Who will even compete at the GMG?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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