New Friends Or Foes?

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The team of four got ready for their job, they packed bags with their main essentials, clothes, food, money, and other things they deemed necessary, like how Takara insisted his entire comic book collection was essential enough to bring. Reina tried countless times to stop him from brining it but nothing swayed the young mages mind, not even the promise of more food. Takara, Reina, Kishiko, and Kouki finished packing their bags, and after saying goodbye to their parents headed off for the town of Magnolia.

"Hey guys," Kouki said as he chomped away on a candy bar, "you guys ever been to Magnolia before?" He asked them, Kouki had been plenty of times since his grandfather was the master of Fairy Tail, but the others seemed to avoid the town like the plague.

Reina shook her head no, "other than the few times I've tried to see my dad.." she mumbled sadly, she always seemed to make the trip to Magnolia, but never cross the actual border that separated it from the next town over.

Takara squeezed Reina's hand as he shook his head no as well, "Mom and dad have bad memories from the town, so it was never a place we visited much, or at all." He told them, Kouki and the others sort of expected that answer from him, seeing as his parents were Lucy and Gray..

"I've been once, when dad had some matters to settle in Magnolia and he took mom and I here," Kishiko recalled for her friends as she skipped happily beside them, "Mom was on edge the entire time though, and refused to go anywhere near the Fairy Tail guild hall." The others laughed slightly at her story, it made them feel more relaxed as they got closer to Magnolia.

Reina thought for a second before speaking, "guys I never looked, but who exactly requested this?" She asked, Kouki pulled out the request from his pocket and unfolded it, he squinted at the print.

"Mak— Makarov! Grandpa Makarov?!" Kouki said in shock, he had to read the name countless times over again before believing it, "why would a guild leader request another guild to do a job?" He said, the others wondered the same thing as well, was this mission even too difficult for the members of Fairy Tail to handle..? That little thought did not make any of them feel better than they already did.

"Do you.. do you guys think this job is.. is dangerous?" Kishiko asked, she twiddled her thumbs, a nervous habit she could never seem to get rid of. "You guys don't think.. we could die on this job.. do you?" She asked, the thought of dying never really crossed the team's minds, but having Kishiko say it.. put things into more of a perspective for them. They could potentially die on this job if it was too difficult.. even Fairy Tail could not complete it.

Kouki swung his arm around her, and tried to reassure them all, "I'm sure we will all be fine, Kishi.. Fairy Tail was probably just too lazy to do the job and they needed an actual good guild to do the work for them." He told her, the others laughed at his comments, even though they doubted they were even true in the slightest it did help lift the mood a tiny bit.

As the small team kept walking and talking, they soon found themselves at Magnolia much quicker than they had expected. They happily walked into the small town, looking excitedly at all the shops and buildings, not to mention the people running around as well. Kouki had seen this many times before, but for the other three it was almost a whole new experience! Sure the town they lived in had shops but they were nothing compared to the amount Magnolia had! Kouki simply rolled his eyes and smiled at his friends expressions.

"Alright guys, we can't be sightseeing! We need to get to Fairy Tail." Kouki reminded them, they nodded as they tore their eyes away from the shops, only to see a group of children around their age in front of them.

"And why do you guys need to go to Fairy Tail?" One of them asked, this one was a boy, with white hair and black eyes, he bore a striking resemblance to Kouki.

"Yeah, Fairy Tail isn't accepting any new members." A girl piped up, this girl had white hair as well, and dark brown eyes, this girl looked a lot like Kouki and the other boy as well, she always wore a pair of glasses.

"Quiet you two, you'll give our guild a bad name." This was another girl, with red hair and brown eyes, she wore a serious expression as she ate a piece of cake?

"My sister is right, Makarov will be very disappointed." This one was a boy, with blue hair and dark green eyes, "besides, the girls are kind of cute~" He cooed, Kouki and Takara both stood defensively in front of their girlfriends. Causing the weird boy to back up and murmur something that made Kouki's and Reina's faces turn red.

"What did he say?" Kishiko asked as she twiddled her thumbs again.

"Nothing I want to ever repeat." Reina told her, Kishiko seemed to get the hint and didn't ask any further questions.

"Who are you people?" Takara asked, the four looked at them with surprised expressions, Takara assumed they were supposed to be well known or something.

"I'm Hiryur Dragneel!" The white haired boy exclaimed, the name Dragneel instantly caused the Stellar Cross members to glare and growl, they had heard plenty of stories about Dragneel.

"I'm Aya Strauss." The white haired girl said confidently, she pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. Stellar Cross looked at her in surprise, they knew Strauss was Kouki's mom's last name.

"I'm Akane-Mio Scarlet Fernandez!" The red head girl spoke, the had such a long name they team wondered if they would even be able to remember it.

"And I'm Chiko-Chiharu Scarlet Fernandez." The blue haired boy spoke, why did he have to have a long name as well?!

The four new people smirked at each other before all pointing at the members of Stellar Cross.

"And we're here to take you down, Stellar Cross!"

They've arrived at Magnolia! But why do these kids want to fight them? Will their job only bring death? Why couldn't Fairy Tail finish the job?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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