An Argument

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Lucy entered the guild hall early in the morning, there weren't many people in the guild this early which was the perfect time for her to relax. That was if Gale and James hadn't been arguing with someone else in the corner of the guild hall.

"I can't believe you stole mine and Sapphy's books!" Gale yelled at her, "CJ you can't just do that, those books contain powerful spells!" Gale scolded her, James nodded, agreeing with his sister.

"C'mon Gale, you're just jealous you aren't the only Devil slayer in the family now." CJ bragged, doing an over dramatic hair flip, "Now I know way more magic than you Gale, I could probably beat you and James without even trying." She boasted.

"CJ, this isn't about just knowing magic, it's about wether or not you're responsible enough to control it." James said, much more calm than Gale, "you now know two powerful magics, along with your hereditary magic."

"I'll be fine James!" CJ told him annoyed, "I'm not a little kid anymore, you two need to stop treating me like one!" She growled at them, the three siblings glared at each other.

CJ's hair and eyes were the very opposite of her two siblings, where they had white hair and black eyes, her hair was black with gray, almost white, eyes. She was only about a year or two younger than her siblings, but they treated her like a baby still, despite her age.

 She was only about a year or two younger than her siblings, but they treated her like a baby still, despite her age

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(CJ ^^)

"Woah, woah!" Lucy walked over to all the commotion, "What is this I hear about books being stolen?" She said and looked at CJ, who smiled sheepishly.

"I may or may not of taken Gale and Sapphy's books they got from their last job.." she told her while looking at the floor, "I just wanted to be stronger.."

"So now she knows Devil, Angel, and freaking Wolf slaying magic!" Gale said annoyed, "she's not strong enough to handle all three magics yet, it could hurt her." Gale said genuinely worried for her little sister.

"I agree with Gale, CJ I'm limiting your use of Devil and Angel slaying magic!" Lucy said, CJ looked at her in shock.

"You can't do that! It's impossible!" She argued with her, "besides I won't just listen to you." She crosses her arms and stared at Lucy.

"James, Gale, if you would." She asked them, they nodded, and in one swift movement they had grabbed CJ and were holding her still. She squirmed around trying to break free, and she eventually did, but that was after Lucy had placed two limiters on her wrists.

"Devil and Angel slaying magic limiters." Lucy smiled, "if you try to take them off they will shock you, and only I can take them off you, well that is unless I tell someone else the password to take them off." Lucy said, CJ growled at the three mages.

"This is so unfair." CJ growled, she eyed the limiters, trying to decide if it would be worth the shock to take them off.

"CJ, we just want you to get stronger before you use those spells." James said and placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, "we're doing this for your protection." He reassured her, CJ calmed down a bit and sighed.

"I guess you're right, I'm sorry Gale." She mumbled barely loud enough for her sister to hear.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Gale asked pretending she hasn't heard her, "I couldn't quite hear you."

"I said I'm sorry!" She yelled into Gale's ear causing her to fumble backwards, "oops. Sorry." CJ laughed, Gale just rolled her eyes at her before laughing as well.

"Looks like your guys's problem is solved," Lucy said, "But I think James is still forgetting something." James looked at her confused while the three female mages all facepalmed.

"Your date with Levy!" They yelled at him in sync, James looked at the time before quickly yelling, "I'm gonna be late!" And running out of the guild hall.

"He does know his date isn't for another hour, right?" Gale questioned, laughing at James's stupidity.

"Eh, let him worry, this way he'll be on time for his and Levy's date." Lucy shrugged, "he needs the extra time."

"True that." CJ said, she laughed before digging something out of her coat, "here Gale, this belongs to you." She said handing Gale her book on Devil magic, "I already returned Sapphy's to her room earlier." She told Gale, Gale quickly muttered a spell before the book disappeared, most likely to her bedroom.

"It's fine, I'm your older sister, I can't hold a grudge against you." She joker before playfully hitting CJ on the shoulder.

"All that arguing made me hungry," CJ groaned, "you guys want some food? My treat." She offered, of course Lucy and Gale accepted, who wouldn't take up the offer of getting free food? Insane people, that's who.

CJ walked over to the bar to get some food, Gale and Lucy talked and after a while CJ came back with drinks and food for the three of them.

And out of nowhere came a loud knock on the guild hall's door, the three mages and everyone else in the guild turned to look at the door, it flew open to reveal a group of mages looking around the guild.

"We're here for Lucy." One of them spat, Lucy peered at the person, and on his shoulder she saw a red guild mark, Fairy Tail's guild mark.

CJ and Gale both stood up, "Who do you think you are?" They both growled at the group of people in the doorway.

"We're Fairy Tail!" The group yelled in sync.

Oh dang things are about to get real. Fairy Tail is after Lucy Heartfilia, but why? Only time will tell, actually I'll tell you but that's for the next part!

Stay tuned to find out what comes next! And if you enjoy this book then go read my other one, Elements Of Sabertooth, thanks for reading and stay tuned!

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