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"Kishiko! Sweetie, we can explain!" Juvia told her daughter, she ran towards Kishiko, trying to take her hand only for it to be snapped back, "Kishiko.. let me explain." She pleaded with her daughter, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as Kishiko stood there, emotions swirling in her head.. anger.. sadness.. confusion.. too many emotions trying to take over.. it was a recipe for disaster.. Juvia patted down her daughter's hair as she tried smoothing it over, only for her wrist to be grabbed and halted from moving anymore.

Kishiko trembled as she held her mother's wrist, unsure of what to say or do.. "you're cheating on dad..? With Ian..?" She asked, raw emotion laced into her voice as her lip trembled with every word.. she desperately wanted to believe what she saw didn't happen.. but the expressions on her friend's faces and awkward atmosphere in the air told the mage otherwise.. "does.. does dad know? Does Chouko know? DO JUN AND KOHAKU KNOW?!" She yelled, pushing her mom away as she stepped back, glaring at both her mother and the man she was having an affair with.

"No.. not yet.. but we were going to tell them! We were going to tell you!" Juvia tried to tell her daughter, but the overwhelming emotions Kishiko was feeling clouded her judgement.. making her feel angrier then she normally would be.. "we just.. didn't know how.." Juvia smiled as she cupped Kishiko's face with her hands, Juvia smiled down at her daughter.. but Kishiko couldn't smile back.. how could she smile when she had just found out her mother was cheating on her dad?! They had seemed so happy together.. why did she do this.? When did she do this? How long had their affair been going on..?

Kishiko looked at her mom with puffy eyes, she hadn't been crying much but they were already red, "mom.. how long has this been happening..? When did you decide you no longer loved dad anymore?" Kishiko choked out, pleading with her eyes, she just wanted to know when her mom had turned her back on her true family.. not some guy she knew years ago..

Juvia thought for a moment before sighing, "I knew I know longer loved your father a long time ago.. but I didn't act on the feeling until a few days ago.. when you walked into the guild after training, when Kouki and Reina took you out like I asked them—." Juvia's eyes went wide when she realized what she said, Kishiko's head whipped around as she stared at her two friends.. their eyes were wide and their faces pale.. they were shocked.. but knew they were guilty.. "Kishiko! They didn't know.. all I did was ask them to leave the guild with you.. they didn't know.!" Juvia tried to tell her daughter, but Kishiko wasn't listening.. she stared at her friends with a look of shock and hurt on her face.. hurt her friends knew and didn't tell her..

"You knew! And you didn't tell me!" Kishiko screamed as she walked over to Kouki and Reina, her face red with anger and her eyes flooded with tears, "you knew my mom was cheating and you didn't tell me?! Reina... I'm supposed to.. supposed to be your best friend.. Kouki.. I'm your girlfriend.. I... I.." Kishiko hiccuped as she cried, her voice growing raspier with each word she said.. she didn't know how to put what she felt into words.. she felt angry.. betrayed.. too many to even say! But one thing was for sure.. she felt like running.. running from everything that was happening.. her mom's affair.. her friend's betrayal.. she just wanted to run.. so that's what she did.

Kishiko booked it down the street, weaving between people as her friends called her name from behind, but she didn't look back.. she didn't want to look back.. she needed time alone.. to think about what had just happened..  so she kept running, weaving between people until she was out of sight..

"We have to go after her!" Reina yelled as she tried running after Kishiko, only to be held back by Takara, his grip strong and unmoving, "Takara I need to explain to her..! I.. I.. I didn't know.. if I had known I would've told her!" Reina cried as she wiped her eyes, she expected to look up to see the understanding eyes of her boyfriend.. but instead they were cold and distant.. something Reina had never seen before..

"Takara—!" Reina was about to make sure he was okay when she was suddenly knocked to the ground.. she fell backwards as Takara glared down at her with something in his eyes he never held for her before.. disgust.. hatred.. blame.. Reina breathed quickly when she realized what was happening.. Takara blames her for what happened.. he blamed her and Kouki.. did the others blame her too then..?

"Kishiko trusted you.. and you didn't tell her.. even though you knew?" Takara asked her, unable to look his girlfriend in the eyes.. Rin and Ryou ran over to help Reina up as they smiled at her with sympathy.. it was nice to know at least they didn't blame her for what happened.. but Takara.. Takara put all the blame on her and Kouki.

"I didn't know it was this.. this severe!" Reina gasped as she held chest.. her breathing was getting harder and harder.. "I would never hurt her intentionally.." she pleaded with him.. but Takara couldn't meet her eye.. he made a 'tch' noise with his mouth as he stormed past Reina and his brothers.. practically knocking the three of them to the ground himself.

Takara looked back, barely making eye contact with the girl he swore he loved.. "I thought.. I thought she could trust you.." he mumbled as he turned on his heels and grit his teeth, "if she can't trust you.. can I?" He said harshly as he started walking away, following the direction Kishiko had gone to hopefully find her..

Reina fell to her knees as she rubbed her eyes, both the remaining members of Stellar Zodiac and Celestial Cross tried to make her feel better but it only made her feel worse getting their gratitude.. sure she appreciated that they didn't blame her.. and they all knew she and Kouki hadn't met for this to happen.. but the once person she expected to understand her was walking away from her.. leaving her behind to only feel worse..

Reina wailed as she felt her heart break.

This is going very badly.. But will things turn themselves around? Will Kishiko see that Kouki and Reina truly didn't know? Or will she forever blame them for her mother's wrongdoing?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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