Reina vs Kishiko

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Before we begin I encourage you all to check out my new Fairy Tail fanfic, Lost Senses!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program!

"Give it up for Reina Redfox-Motherglow from Celestial Cross!" Mato said as applause rang out for the girl taking the field, "and her opponent! Kishiko Vastia from Stellar Zodiac!" He announced as more applause rang out for the both of them.. but Kishiko couldn't hear any of it, she was too busy being worried about the fight! Reina had creamed her when they were KIDS, there was no way that Kishiko would be able to beat her now.. especially after what she did.. she should just forfeit now..

But what kind of example would that set for who Stellar Zodiac was..? A guild full of people that quit the moment things got tough..? She couldn't do that now that her team had come so determined to win.. she would just have to fight and hope Reina didn't decide to kill her.

"Are you ready?" Mato asked, both opponents nodded.. one definitely looked more determined then the other but they were equally ready to fight.. "then on your mark! Get set!... GO!" He yelled, immediately the girls sprung into action, "your ten minutes to earn ten points starts now!"

"Go Reina!" Takara yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth to yell louder, "you got this babe!" He added with extra vigor to pump up his girlfriend/teammate.

Reina smirked as she heard his cheers, "iron make: sword!" She yelled as it appeared in her hands, she ran towards Kishiko and swung with the full intent to hurt her. Kishiko barely dodged before Reina swung again and again, "hold still!" She growled as she swung again, this time the sword pierced Kishiko's arm, causing a sliver of blood to appear where it hit.

Kishiko huffed as she slowed down her dodges, she had to attack if she wanted to even have a chance of winning.. because knowing Reina she wasn't going to back down anytime soon.

"Water make: bazooka!" Kishiko yelled as the weapon formed in her hands, she quickly aimed and fired it at Reina, her eyes widened as she jumped out of the way of the hit as the ground where she just stood exploded into a hole and pieces, "ooh! Close!" She said as the smoke and debris cleared from the air.

Kouki pumped his fist into the air, "go Kishiko! We need the points!" He yelled, unsure if she heard him until he saw her smirk and nod.. she may not know if she could win, but she sure as hell was gonna try. Her determination to win was sensed by the crowd, who cheered loudly for Kishiko to make a comeback and win.. Kishiko smiled at the encouragement while Reina seethed with anger.

"You think you can beat me?" Reina yelled over the commotion, her words only being heard by herself and Kishiko, "you don't stand a chance, Kishiko! You never did! The second you stepped foot on the field, you lost!" She told her, her words hurt Kishiko as she looked at the ground.. her heart feeling like it had been cut by Reina's sword..

Kishiko looked up, "I know you're stronger then me! And I know you want to beat me because of what I did! I'm sorry!" She yelled, trying to get her words through to Reina, "but I also know.. you're holding back! For some reason you aren't unleashing your dragon slayer abilities.." she accused Reina, which only made the girl more angry, how dare she accuse Reina of holding back against a girl who had BETRAYED her and her friends.

"I'm not holding back!" Reina yelled, "and I'm going to beat you! You say you're sorry but are you actually?! You're just a rotten person! And you were a rotten friend too!" She yelled, the crowds started to notice the hesitation and began to chant for them to fight again.. Reina obliged happily, she needed to let out her anger.

"Iron make: Hammer!" Reina yelled, the large hammer appeared and cast a shadow over Kishiko, who barely had time to dodge it before it slammed down on the ground, creating a huge crack down the middle of the arena, "iron make: arrows!" She yelled again as a barrage was shot towards Kishiko, she didn't dodge in time and the arrows pierced her skin and clothes.. pushing her back into the wall and making her stuck.

"Finish her off!" Rin yelled from the Celestial Cross balcony while Reina's other team members cheered for her to finish Kishiko off and take the points, "10 points for Celestial Cross!" He announced enthusiastically.

Kishiko trembled as she tried to get the arrows off her, "Reina! You don't want to do this.. please.. I'm your friend! I don't know why I kissed Takara!" She pleaded with Reina, her words sounded sincere.. but Reina couldn't trust her as far as she could throw her.. "Please! We were supposed to do this together! As friends! Not enemies!" She cried as Reina summoned up the magic to do a spell.

"Iron make: lance-." Reina said before cutting herself off at the sight of Kishiko.. something clicked in Reina's mind.. Kishiko was bruised and bloody because of her.. "iron.. iron make.." she mumbled, unable to suddenly find the right words for her spell to work.. she didn't know why she was hesitating, this should be what Kishiko deserved! After she made herself and Kouki feel like crap.. then kissed her boyfriend behind her back.. Kishiko deserves all of this..

Yet she couldn't bring herself to do anymore.. no matter how much she knew they could use the points.. her heart ached at the thought now, which didn't do her any good when she was supposed to be fighting..

Reina stood still, causing everyone in the stands to be confused..

"Reina? You could win this! Just take her down!" Takara yelled.

"You've got this, squirt. You need the points!" Gajeel yelled from the Fairy Tail guild balcony.

"Come on Reina! You've got her cornered!" Eiji shouted in encouragement..

But even with their encouraging words.. Reina couldn't bring herself to attack again.. and the arena sat in silence for a few minutes before a shrill sound cut through the arena..


"Times up! In an unexpected turn of events.. they've tied!" Mato announced as the crowds murmured uneasily amongst themselves, "they both earn five points!" He yelled, the crowds murmurs grew louder until they were practically shouts of annoyance, confusion, and anger.

Reina ignored the uneasy tone as the arrows by Kishiko crumbled.. she turned on her heels and walked back to her balcony through the darkness below it.. Kishiko dusted off the iron remains and quickly ran after Reina.. it was obvious the two of them needed to talk..

When they were out of sight Reina slid against the wall and fell down.. Kishiko didn't know what to say..

Reina had given up the win..

Reina had given up the points..

Reina thought she had given up on Kishiko..

And now that Reina realized she hadn't.. she just sat down.. defeated.. embarrassed.. unable to say anything to Kishiko who slid down on the wall next to her.. so they just sat there.. in the darkness and silence..

And they cried..

The first fight ends in tie! But why did Reina not go full out? Why does she still believe in Kishiko even after all she's done?

Also make sure you check out my new story! Lost Senses!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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