CJ vs God Serena

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"Purgatory dragon's blazing hell!" God Serena yelled as he punched the air towards CJ, CJ was battered and bruised from fighting the so called 'Strongest Mage In Fiore'. But Serena was not perfectly fine either, for every hit CJ took Serena seemed to take one back.

A wave of fire engulfed CJ and burnt her skin and hair, she screamed in pain as she squirmed around trying to get rid of the fire.

"Water wolf's water cannon!" She yelled as the flames tore at her mouth, water surrounded her as it started to put out the flames, and after that was done the spell knocked God Serena off of his feet.

"Not bad, little mage, but you are no match for the God Serena!" He boasted and did a series of awkward and weird poses, CJ simply looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Sky Wolf's growl!" CJ yelled as a gush of wind roared towards God Serena, knocking him back and towards a building, the force of the wind caused him to push into the building more and more and even start cracking where the force was strongest.

"Cavern dragon's earth destruction!" God Serena retaliated, the ground around CJ's feet exploded and sent her spiraling into the air, as she fell back towards earth she saw a flash of movement and before she knew it God Serena had pushed her towards the ground with such force it cracked underneath her. She winced in pain as blood trickled through the back of her hair, making it sticky and uncomfortable.

"I am far more powerful than a mere guild mage," God Serena spat at her, she shook as he grabbed her neck and applied pressure to it, making it far too hard for CJ to breath, "even from the start you never stood a chance against me." He gripped tighter and tighter, but in a flash of movement he was hurled across the area and slammed into another building. CJ struggled to regain her breath and saw her sister Gale standing over her, breathing heavily herself and looking simply awful.

"Gale.. you should not be here.." CJ gasped as she fought to breath properly, "this is my fight.. you've already done yours.." she told her, CJ stood up and put a protective arm in front of Gale as if to shield her from whatever God Serena could throw at them, Gale moved her arm down and away.

"This isn't just your fight." Gale growled as God Serena stood up, "it's all of ours.. and I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you as well." She mumbled, CJ's mind quickly went to Cammie's last words they had heard before their connection with her was cut off. As far as they knew she was in critical condition, Wendy didn't know whether she would make it or not but they had to just hope for the best.

"Alright then." CJ cracked her knuckles as God Serena advanced towards them, "let's do this." CJ smirked as she took off her limiters, and much to her surprise the devil and angel slaying magic limiters came off as well, she smiled as she felt an immense power surge through her, a power just great enough to take down God Serena.

CJ moves fast, she ran towards God Serena and quickly jumped above him, knocking him to the ground with an impact from her foot to his face.

"Water devil's tsunami!" Gale yelled as a massive wave of water ran towards God Serena and loomed over him, CJ ran out of the way just as the wave crashed down on him. He tried to say a spell but was cut off by CJ attacking him first.

"Purgatory angel's fiery death!" CJ yelled as a much bigger wave of fire than God Serena's engulfed around him, he attempted to use water dragon slaying magic but it seemed to be in vain, the water simply just wasn't extinguishing the flames CJ had caused. Gale smiled over at her sister but noticed the magic had caused CJ to turn pale, a worried expression formed on Gale's face as she thought of the awful outcomes that this magic could have on CJ.

"CJ maybe you should stop using that magic." Gale suggested, "you're turning paler and paler.." she stated, CJ just brushed off the comment though and kept attacking God Serena. They hurled spell after spell at the mage but he seemed to just brush it off and get back up again, finally CJ decided she'd take him down for good.

"Elemental devil-angel-wolf scream!" CJ yelled, the magic power was so strong it knocked CJ back as she casted it, Gale ran towards her to try and stop her but it seemed as if a force was pushing her away from her sister. God Serena screamed in pain as the spell tore him apart, the scream stopped though, only after the spell had done it's job. God Serena was gone, disappeared in the spell, CJ smiled triumphantly before falling over in the exact same place she had fought.

Finally Gale was able to run to her, she touched her face and recoiled when she felt a burning coldness touch her fingertips, Gale used a fire devil spell to warm her and CJ up. But it didn't seem to be working, Gale cried as her sister laid limp in her arms, the only sign of life being a faint breathing. Gale shook as she stood up and made her way to Fairy Tail's guild hall, carefully checking every minute to make sure her sister was still alive.

She got to the guild hall to see James, Levy, and Lucy talking outside the guild, Levy had many injuries but seemed to be doing ok, she glanced over and noticed Gale but a hand shot up to her mouth when she noticed who she was carrying. Lucy and James looks in Gale's direction and their eyes went wide when they saw CJ, cold and limp.

"God.. God Serena has been.. been taken down.." Gale cried as she laid CJ down on the ground, Gale had put all of CJ's limiters back on her to save up her magic power, Wendy ran over along with Porlyusica, they carried CJ over to a cot where a familiar bluette laid down as well, Cammie.

Gale cried into her brother's shoulders as the moon shone over the horizon. The same moon CJ may never see again..

Oh crap CJ used too much magic power! Will the consequences be catastrophic or will everything be fine in the end?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Fled From Fairy Tail!

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