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The Grand Magic Games ended early, after the havoc the Stellar Zodiacs and Fairy Tail caused it was decided that the two guilds needed to stay as far away from each other as possible.

"Ugh, cancelling the games just because we showed the world how evil Fairy Tail actually is." Gale rolled her eyes, "So much for winning the games this year."

"Oh calm down Gale, there is always next year." James told her, "maybe if we're lucky Fairy Tail won't compete." He snickered.

"Now how will we be the number one guild in Fiore?" Sapphy asked Lucy, "the games were the easiest way."

"We'll take jobs. Lots of them, build up our reputation to make us the number one guild!" Lucy exclaimed, "we won't let Fairy Tail stay number one much longer."

"Yeah, that rotten guild doesn't deserve anything." Levy spat.

"They aren't all bad Levy," Mira told her, "they were once your friends, remember?"

"Exactly, they 'once' were. Not anymore." She rolled her eyes.

"What about Jet and Droy? They were your best friends." Mira asked her, Levy tensed up when she heard their names.

"We.. we're no longer friends. Proved that when I used my magic to show everyone what Fairy Tail did to Lucy.." Levy said coldly, "friendships don't always last forever."

"Wait. Who are these 'Jet' and 'Droy' people?" James asked them, "were they your close friends?" He sounded annoyed which amused Mira.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say someone likes Levy." Mira mused, "How cute~" she cooed.

"I-I don't like Levy like t-that!" James said defensively, "we're just friends!"

"Yeah.." Levy said with a twinge of sadness in her voice, "we are just friends Mira.." she smiled.

"Okay, whatever you two say," she laughed, "But I don't believe you guys for one second." She smiled sweetly at them before walking away.

James and Levy looked at each other before turning away with red faces.

Juvia looked sad, she sniffled silently and Ian walked over to comfort her.

"Juvy.. what's wrong?" He asked, she blushed at the nickname for a second before looking at him, "Just.. seeing that memory of when everyone hurt Lucy.. it hurts Juvia to see that.. Juvia did nothing to stop them.. Juvia doesn't deserve Lucy's friendship.." she cried into his shoulder, Lucy overheard her and walked over.

"Oh Juvia.. you may not of stopped them but you never tortured me like they did, and that meant the world to me... you were and are my friend.." Lucy smiled at her.

"Thank you Lucy, Juvia likes to hear that.." Juvia smiled at Lucy, she wiped her tears away before getting a determined look on her face, "so what's our first job?"

"I thought maybe this one, it's to defeat a powerful dark guild." Lucy held up a flyer for everyone to look at, "the reward is rare and old books that could contain possibly some ancient magic. The bad part is they're written in another language." She looked over at Levy, "but luckily I know the perfect person to decipher it."

"No problem Lucy, as soon as I get my hands on those books they'll be as good as deciphered already!" She bragged.

"Alright then! Time to go on the job!" Lucy said happily.

*Time Skip A Few Hours Later*

"Oh dear.." a small man said when he saw the eleven Stellar Zodiac mages appear, "I didn't expect so many mages to show up.." he looked worried.

"Is something wrong with that?" Lucy asked him, he shook his head no, peering over their shoulders.

"It's just that.. I thought only three or four would show.. so I enlisted another guild as well for the job.." he told them, "I'm terribly sorry.."

"It's alright, you didn't know. Who's the other guild?" Gray asked. The man didn't get a chance to answer before a voice came from behind them.

"We are." A familiar voice said, the group of mages turned around to see Sting, Rogue, and Yukino from Sabertooth there.

"Well... the more the merrier? Right?" Wendy said uncertain, Sting laughed at the young mage.

"You lot might as well leave now, Sabertooth has got this under control." He smirked and shooed them off, much to his annoyance though they didn't budge, "I thought I said leave?" He spat.

Lucy was about to say something before Cammie stepped in front of him.

"Need I remind you who the person was that defeated you in the Grand Magic Games? I could even show you again." She spat right back at him, he stepped back before getting ahold of himself.

"Feisty, that's how I like them." He licked his lips and looked her up and down.

"I'm not a value meal you scum." Cammie told him.

"I know that, it just means you're my type." He winked at her before walking away, Rogue and Yukino followed him.

"Wha.. what?" Cammie's face turned red and her hair caught on fire, "He really had the nerve to say that!?"

"Calm down Cammie, since we will be having to work with them." Lucy told her, Cammie sighed, "so I suppose we should be following them." Lucy added.

The group reluctantly trudged after the Sabertooth mages, grumbling incoherent words and insults.

"I heard that!" Sting called out, Juvia looked up and stuck her tongue out at him.

"What did you say?" Cammie asked her.

"Oh nothing." She smiled sweetly and they kept on walking.

Yay a new part! And a new story! Only not here... if you're confused here's your explanation!

I've started writing a new story as well called Elements Of Sabertooth! The first part is out now so go give it a read if you're bored, and if that's not convincing enough, here's a little description to the story.

Every girl falls in love at some point, but what they never wish to expect is to have their hearts broken.

And the boys of Fairy Tail have done just that.

Weak, pathetic, worthless, helpless those words are etched on the skin of the Fairies they hurt.

And words cut deep.

Lucy, Erza, Juvia, and Levy leave Fairy Tail, leave the ones who have hurt them the most.

And what do they do? They join Sabertooth, and aspire for revenge on the Fairies.

Revenge of the Elements Of Sabertooth!

If you're interested make sure to read, "Elements Of Sabertooth"

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