A Showdown

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The Zodiacs ducked as the the other mages hurtled spells at them. Mira Jane activated one of her Satan Souls while Gajeel and Sting both activated their Dragon Force modes.

Kagura used her Gravity Change magic to make the Zodiacs gravity push them down. The five mages fell as the mages around then surrounded the group.

"Ha, and they really thought they could beat us? Fools." Sting spat staring at the defenseless fairies. "It's going to be fun hearing you scream." He licked his lips and smiled a disturbing smile.

Ian was on the edge of his seat watching Juvia, he noticed how they were putting up no fight to get up again, they were letting the magic push them down on purpose.

"What are they doing? They're insane!" Ian declared, "they should be up and fighting by now!" He complained, Gale and Sapphy snickered at him.

"Aw, is someone worried about their girlfriend?" Gale teased him, Ian turned red and looked away which only made the two snicker more.

"Shh. They have a plan I believe, Levy is very smart." Lucy told them, she was intently watching the fight.

Sting inched closer to the Zodiacs, he looked down and lifted Cammie's head up to look at him.

"Well don't you just look delicious." He smirked, he let go of her face before backing away. While his back was turned though Cammie jumped up and quickly did her magic.

Her hair lashed out at Sting, it wrapped around him, lifting him off the ground and into the air. "Do you like my hair magic?" Cammie smirked, Sting wiggled around trying to release himself, but the more he struggled the tighter the hair around him got.

"And this isn't even the worst of it." She bragged. Frost appeared to run down her hair and towards Sting, once the frosty hair touched him his body started to appear with frost as well.

It ran up his body until all that wasn't frost bitten was his eyes. He glared at her, trying to mumble a spell but nothing came out of his mouth.

"One down." She whispered, her breath was seen when she spoke due to the temperature of her body.

"Going with a ice theme today?" Gray questioned her jokingly, "you know that's my thing." He laughed.

"Enough chit chat." Gajeel said sharply. He looked at the four former fairies in front of him, "I never thought I'd be fighting you guys ever again." His iron arm lashed out at Levy but she quickly dodged it, "but I suppose some things are just meant to happen."

"Oh Gajeel, don't act like you don't enjoy this." Levy told him, "doesn't this bring back memories? Of when we first met." She laughed harshly, "I remember that. Hung me and my friends to a tree if I do remember."

"Shut up." He mumbled, Levy kept going on about that day when he had attacked her, Jet, and Droy, "I said shut up! That's in the past! They've forgiven me!"

"Have they? Have they really?" She questioned him, "primordial slayer, Morpheus's dream." She mumbled, Gajeel put his arms in front of him expecting an attack, but instead figures appeared in front of him, four to be exact.

And they were being crucified.

"Oh god.." Gajeel muttered, he watched himself attack Levy, Jet, and Droy as they walked home from their guild, he watched himself attack them, and just when the dream ended, it started right back up again.

"Stop it!" He yelled, his legs buckled and he fell to the ground, he held his head in his hands shaking.

"Water Slicer!" Juvia's attack collided with him, sending him flying back into the arena wall, "two down. Five to go."

"Um three actually." Wendy grinned as she and Cammie stood over the limp bodies of Ichiya and Bacchus.

"Alright then. Lyon, Kagura, Mira Jane." Gray said, he looked at the three mages in front of him, each strong in their own aspect, "I'm sorry Lyon, but you're going down."

The five Zodiacs joined hands as they unleashed a unison raid at the three mages in front of them.

"There's no way. You could never—" Lyon started, he was cut off by the Zodiacs doing what seemed impossible, a five person unison raid.

"Stellar Zodiacs searing cold!" They yelled. And a wave of power struck out at the mages, Mira Jane barely had time to move before the wave struck Kagura and Lyon, leaving them crushed under the force of the attack.

"Oh man, we missed." Wendy said looking at Mira Jane.

"You all may be strong but I'm still stronger." She said, "you may of once been my friends but those times are over."

"Just like how Lucy was your friend?" Juvia asked, "Juvia remembers you saying you'd never forget her, yet you seem to of broken that promise."

"I didn't forget her!" Mira Jane yelled in rage at the accusation, "I moved on. You all should too! Joining a guild just because they can help you find her? I could help you find her!" Mira yelled.

"I'd go anywhere if it meant I could see my friend again." Mira cried.

"Even to Stellar Zodiacs?" Levy asked her, Mira looked at her in shock, "we've seen her Mira, she's here."

"She's.. What?" Mira looked confused, she looked at the mages who were nodding their heads in front of her.

"They've shown you her? Actually her?" Mira said in a barely audible whisper, tears streamed down her face, "but going with you would mean.." she looked back at the stands where Fairy Tail was cheering her on, she looked up at Makarov simply nodded at her, he barely moved his mouth but she knew what he had said.

'Go see her my child,' he mouthed to her, Mira nodded and stood up, looking at the four in front of her.

She deactivated her Satan Soul much to the confusion of her team and guild.

"The hell are you doing Mira!? Kick their butts!" Natsu yelled, "show them they can't just leave our guild like it's nothing!"

"Kick their butts Mira!" Lisanna cheered for her older sister.

"Give then a manly beating." Elfman agreed nodding his head.

Her chest tightened seeing her siblings cheer for her, oblivious to what she was about to do.

"I forfeit." She smiled sweetly.

And that's all for this part! Hope you enjoyed!

If you're confused about Cammie's magic it's basically like Flare's hair magic only with ice, and maybe something more.

But you'll have to read to find out!

Stay tuned for the next part and thanks for reading!

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