One Of Them

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"Levy!?" The Fairy Tail guild all said in shock. They couldn't believe their eyes or their ears.

"This is.. this is a joke right?" Jet said looking at his former teammate, "you didn't actually join... join them..?" He looked at her, waiting and hoping for her to tell them it was all just a joke.

"Jet.. I think she's for real!" Droy exclaimed, "I think she.. she's really gone." Droy frowned.

"At least someone understands that I've left them! Thank goodness!" Levy laughed harshly at the guild, "I'm not your innocent little Levy of Fairy Tail anymore!" She exclaimed to her former friends, "I'm Levy of Stellar Zodiacs now!" She extended her arms out to she her new outfit, and made sure to do a twirl so they could catch a glimpse of her new guild mark.

"You assholes!" Gajeel yelled at the Zodiacs, "You can't just take a member of our guild like this!" He stormed over to their balcony and glared at the team, "I doubt she did this out of her own free will, so give her back." He ordered, the Zodiacs just laughed at him as Levy swung her legs over the railing of the balcony.

"Gajeel I knew you weren't the smartest, but I never expected you to be this dimwitted," Levy smirked, "I joined them out of my own free will. You've just got to understand that Gaji~" she giggled at the nickname as Gajeel turned a shade of red, "I'm not a Fairy anymore, I'm a Zodiac."

"Like hell she is!" Makarov yelled, "My child... you would really leave all of us.. for them?" There was obvious hurt in his voice, Levy tensed up, "please Levy.. don't do this.."

"I'm sorry mas-- Makarov, but this is my decision. I need you to respect that." She looked him in the eye, completely ignoring Fairy Tail team A and B trying to climb the balcony and reach her, only being held back by the Zodiacs.

"I... I cannot understand.. but I will respect it." He did a sad smile, "What kind of parent would I be to hold you back.." he wiped away tears that gathered in the corners of his eyes.

"Thank you Makarov." Levy said before focusing her attention back on the other Fairies, "you heard your master, it's time for you to leave."

"But--- but master!" Gajeel yelled, furious at Makarov for accepting this, "she's one of us not--!" He was cut off by Makarov glaring at him.

"She one of them now, not one of us." He said calmly, much to the displeasure of the Fairies who reluctantly made way back to their own balcony.

'I'm sorry Makarov...' a voice rang in Makarov's head, one he hasn't heard in what seemed like ages. He tensed up and looked around, his eyes caught on the sight of Levy hugging that girl Celeste like they were old friends, he gasped. Lucy looked over at Makarov with a smile on her lips.

More tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he realized who she was, 'Oh my Lucy, how I've missed you my child!' He exclaimed.

'I've missed you as well Makarov, I'm sorry for disappearing like I did..' Lucy's voice said in his mind, it sounded sad and regretful, 'I just.. just wasn't happy anymore, I'm also sorry for stealing Levy from you, but once she found out who I was she--' Lucy was cut off by Makarov.

'It is alright Lucy, just make sure you keep my little Levy safe, but you best not steal anymore of my children!' He laughed.

'I make no promises, just look for yourself, Wendy looks awfully confused don't you think?' Lucy said, and indeed, Wendy was confused.

Over all the smells in the arena there was one she could smell the strongest, the smell of her old friend Lucy.

'I also apologize, this year the Stellar Zodiacs will be the winners of the GMG, be prepared' Lucy told Makarov, a smirk on her lips.

'I look forward to it. But maybe you should tell Wendy who you are.. I mean..' Makarov started, he looked concerned for the small Dragon Slayers sanity.

'I'm one step ahead of you Makarov' Lucy cut off the telepathic connection, and if you looked closely, from her and her team's balcony, you could see her wipe tears from her eyes.

"I've told him," Lucy looked at Levy, "he knows, and had given us permission to tell Wendy as well."

"He did? That's surprising," Levy said, "Anyways how should we tell her without everyone else knowing?"

"I... don't know.." Lucy shrugged, "But we will tell her," she exclaimed, "count on it!"

"Yeah!" Levy said happily, "We'll get her for sure!"

"Hello pumpkins~" Mato said from the middle of the arena, "time for the first game! Hidden! But instead of you guys nominating a player we'll be doing that for you!" Mato yelled.

"From Fairy Tail team A, Wendy Marvell! From Fairy Tail team B, Gajeel Redfox!" Mato exclaimed and clapped his hands.

"From Blue Pegasus, Ichiya! From Lamia Scale, the ice mage Lyon!" Mato yelled, cheering came from the stands.

"From Mermaid Heel, Kagura! From Quatro Puppy, Bacchus!"

"From Sabretooth, Sting Eucliffe! And from Stellar Zodiac, the mysterious mage himself, Ian!" Mato yelled, and thunderous applause came from the stands, some cheering for Sting and others for Ian.

"Ugh, I don't feel like participating Celeste, can I take a raincheck?" Ian asked rubbing his forehead, "those Fairies gave me a headache."

"You'll need much more than a headache to get out of the game though, Ian." Lucy told him, a headache wasn't really good enough an excuse to skip the game.

"Fine then, James, Sapphy, Gale, if you would." He nodded to them, the three happily accepted.

They all punched him, Gale got his face, Sapphy got his gut, and James got his.. crotch. He groaned in pain as Lucy rolled her eyes, "Fine then, I guess we'll be using our substitute, you ready Levy?"

"You bet!" She nodded

"Oh dear, in an unexpected turn of events Ian has been injured! So that means the one taking his place is the former Fairy turned Zodiac, Levy McGarden!"

Fairy Tail fans booed at the mage while Stellar Zodiac fans cheered for her, she waved at the crowd as she jumped from her balcony. She walked over to the other mages who were chosen, Gajeel shot her a nasty look while Wendy simply waved at her, Levy waved back at her and Gajeel.

"Oh Gaji~ you can't stay mad at me, it was my own decision," she said while moving closer to him, "at least, not for long." She whispered in his ear before walking over to chat with Wendy.

The small mage smiled awkwardly as Levy walked over, she didn't know wether to walk away or talk with her, that was until Levy uttered three words that put all her doubts behind her.

"Lucy is here."

Thanks for reading this chapter! Did you like It? Hope you guys did!

What is the relationship between Gajeel and Levy do you guys think?

Will Wendy really trust what Levy, a traitor to her guild, says?

Stay tuned to find out!

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