3: Working Hard with a Spinning Head

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And so~ yes I got late for work this morning. Why? Of course, because I slept late! Duh 😒 and one thing is that...I really got sick yesterday evening.

It started with a runny nose...next is the painful throat and tadaaah~ I have colds!

I used a lot of time arguing with myself if I will work or not with this headache, feverish temperature, teary-eyed...and yes, runny nose.

I was constructing my excuse for our admin and principal when I thought about my students.

This is the last week before their semester break. They still need to practice for their dance and research presentation. Who will guide them? I also pity the teacher who will substitute my "chaotic" class. Who will clean and arrange the room?!

With all these concerns, I decided to work.

I came to school, got the medicine from the office immediately, and drank a hot cereal drink.

At 8:15 am, I went to the classroom. And look at them talking about their secrets and crushes early in the morning. Haaa~ kids. I smiled as I remembered the old days (not that I'm really old tho).

As my head's aching and nose dripping with a watery thing...I tried my best to be strict enough for them to behave well.

Honestly speaking, I am not really strict with anyone. I am more of a counselor than a terror teacher. Don't know if it's good or not. Can someone tell me???

Anyways, I guess I should just stop before my condition gets worse.

Sadly, no anime for now. 🤒😵

***to be continued***

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