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Abdulhamid's and maimuna's residence
Maitama Abuja
Abdulhamid's pov

        "Bang!!"    the sound Permented the whole house awaking me from my deep slumber, I quickly turned towards Maimuna's side of the bed finding her absent.
        My heart sank, my mind forming different horrible scenarios, I quickly got up and walked out of the room not caring that I only had on a thin white singlet and my ankle length pajamas bottoms, modesty was the least of my worries.
          Walking down the stairs and towards the kitchen where I was certain the noise had came from.
          "what is going on here?" I said making my way into the kitchen
        The entire place was a mess, flour covered every flat surface, dirt dishes everywhere and egg shells thrown helter skelter, and beautiful Maimuna stood at the centre of it all.
         "what happened?" I asked horrified, looking between Maimuna and Samira her hired help.
       "ina kwana Oga" Samira greeted nervously
     "Madam..... Well Aunty.... Ernmmmm..  Tana abinchi,....... girki,......... Tana maka breakfast, she say she must cook for you breakfast today"
      "Maimuna is that true?" I asked a small smile making it's way across my lips.
     She didn't respond, she just kept tugging at her hair nervously not making eye contact.
   "Maimuna?" I said walking towards her, placing my hand at the nape of her neck I pulled her towards me and placed a kiss on her forehead.
   "why?" I asked softly
  "I.I....I......wa... n.. t.. to.... be....... perfect......a...per..... fect wife" she stammered,  she placed both her hands flat on my chest, bunching them into tiny fist and grabbing a handful of my singlet, she hid her face at the crook of my neck.
  "you are perfect my perfect Belle".

  Short! Short! Short!
Hello guys, bear with me my writing is still progressing
well.... What do you think?
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  Ps: my updates depends on your feed back

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