Chapter 1

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It was a bit of a gloomy day when Angelica Schuyler, Eliza Schuyler, Peggy Schuyler, and Maria Lewis decided to take a walk in the woods behind the Schuyler house. Angelica was the oldest of the bunch- she had dark and curly hair and dark skin, she wore a pink jacket, a pair of jeans, and some boots. Angelica was often very protective and brave. Eliza was a bit younger than Angelica- she had pale skin and dark hair, she was bold at times but other times she was not really. She wore a light blue skirt and a lighter blue blouse with a pair of matching flats. Maria was the same age as Eliza- she had a tan complexion and brown hair. She wore tight leggings and a matching shirt. Maria was quiet at times but was ready to kick ass at any point. Peggy's appearance was very similar to Maria's- she often did not wear makeup and if she did, she did't wear much. Peggy wore a combination of ripped jeans and a graphic tee with sneakers. Peggy was often trying to make herself heard- she was the youngest and did not want to be forgotten. The group often spent a lot of time together. 

 They were talking on and on and minding their business. They would goof off and laugh with each other and did not pay attention to the time. Before the four girls knew it, the sun began to set in the sky. A chilling wind blew and disrupted the warmer weather that was around all day.

"We should really get back." Peggy said nervously. The other three agreed, but no one was sure how to get back. Maria pulled out her phone, "I have no service... Do any of you?" The three sisters checked their phones and shook their heads no. 

There was a rustling in the bushes that surrounded the group of girls. Angelica spotted a pair of gleaming red eyes and gasped. The four slowly backed away but were interrupted by a scream. Eliza felt a pair of hands grab her around the waist. Eliza felt herself being pulled back and tried to fight off this person or thing. The three others hurried to help Eliza, but found themselves in the same situation with different people. Each one of the girls were kicking and screaming until Eliza heard a deep voice say, "If I were you, I'd stop fighting, I can kill you in an instant." This caused Eliza's face to go pale. She stopped and knew that she didn't want to be killed.

In what seemed like an instant, none of the girls could see each other anymore. Eliza felt as though she was being carried by someone with super speed. In this moment, Eliza felt a strange sensation in her body and passed out before she could see where she was going. Eliza wondered if this was all a terrible dream. 

When Eliza woke up, she found herself in a strange bedroom. The room was a light blue color, which happened to be her favorite color. She felt a little uncomfortable. Eliza sat up in the white bed when she heard the door opening. Eliza sat on the edge of the bed and bit her lip a bit nervously.

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