Chapter 2

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The door opened slowly and the man who had grabbed Eliza stood in the door frame. His name was Alexander Hamilton. He was not the tallest man, but he was handsome. His dark hair fell almost to his shoulders and he looked as though he was muscular. He had some facial hair but not too much. And his eyes. His eyes looked magical. They were green and shone in the light. 

Eliza gave him a confused look. She believed he was very handsome. He was a little bit taller than her when she stood. She looked at him and did not say a word. Eliza felt scared and very nervous, she allowed the man to speak first.

Alexander looked at Eliza. He knew who she was but he had to keep it quiet. He believed she was very beautiful but he had to hide that because she was human and he was a vampire. He stood straight and looked at Eliza, "Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton. And you are?" He said to Eliza plainly. Eliza straightened a bit when he spoke, she pushed her long, dark hair behind her shoulders and said, "Elizabeth Schuyler, but everyone calls me Eliza, may I ask what is going on here?" Alexander nodded at her, "Well, you're in the mansion I share with my three friends. No fear, those people you were with are also here." He smiled, showing his fangs. Eliza stepped back, "You have fangs." She said. Alexander laughed and stepped closer to Eliza, "yes, that's true because I am a vampire and so are my friends." Alexander got closer to Eliza so their noses almost touched, "I won't hurt you, I actually am going to keep you safe."

Eliza was confused at this, she thought he would want to suck her blood and leave her dead in the woods. "W-why?" Eliza said shakily. Alexander gave her a smile that was not threatening, it was almost comforting. He was quite enjoying seeing this girl question him and almost found a bit of delight in seeing her fear and concern. He always believed this was part of being a vampire. "You and the others have some very special things about you... things that make werewolves want you and want to do bad things to you..." Eliza raised an eyebrow, "What kind of things?" She asked him a bit hesitantly. Alexander sat Eliza down, "Things that you don't have to worry about. Things that we won't do to you here and you're unsafe in the woods and around there until the next lunar eclipse. 

Eliza slightly nodded her head. Something still seemed off to her. Alexander looked at Eliza. "Come on, Betsey, let's go downstairs." He stood up and started walking towards the door. Eliza stood up behind him and laughed a bit, "Betsey?" Alexander turned around, "Yeah. It suits you in my opinion... Anyone ever call you that ?" Eliza shook her head a bit, "No." Alexander smiled now, "Well I'll just call you that, it'll be a thing between you and me." Eliza smiled and nodded a bit, "okay." They walked downstairs, Eliza following Alexander.

The large mansion was mostly made up of darker colors with the exceptions of the bedroom Eliza had been in. They ended up in the living room and Eliza sat on a couch separate from Alexander. They did have a small connection, but Eliza did not really have much trust in him. After all, he was a vampire who could kill her... but wanted to keep her safe. Eliza knew she was confused.

The sound of several footsteps became louder and Angelica, Maria, and Peggy entered the room with three other men. Eliza stood and rushed to the three she knew, embracing them, "I'm so glad you're all okay." Angelica said to them, "We're all going to be okay." The four men looked at them. The tallest was Marquis de Lafayette, who had been with Angelica. He had a French accent and tan skin, he stood tall with his poofy brown hair tied back in a tight ponytail. Next was Hercules Mulligan, he had dark skin and short hair and wore a blue headband around his forehead. He looked very tough but he also looked like he could be a bit soft. He was with Maria. Next was John Laurens, he had fluffy hair pulled back in a ponytail and stood tall. He had freckles on his face and looked like he was a very nice person, well vampire, and he was with Peggy.

"Let's sit down for dinner." Hercules said. The girls' faces turned pale, thinking they were dinner, and the vampires laughed. "We eat normal food too!" John said. "Mademoiselles, no need to worry, everything is fine." Lafayette said. "Everything is ready so let's just eat." Alexander said. He was sensing the way that the girls did not trust them.

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