Chapter 29

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Alex and Eliza agreed that they wanted to be parents soon, ((**Be warned- there's slight mentions of sex in the following few sentences; if you're uncomfortable, skip the rest of this paragraph**)) They were keeping up with an active sex life in and out of their bedroom. They were constantly trying to get Eliza pregnant. They tried everything they could think of.

Eliza did not get pregnant for what seemed like a long time after the two agreed on really wanting to be parents. At this point in time, Angelica and Lafayette were engaged, Peggy and John were married, Maria was dating a man named James Reynolds, and Hercules was single.

The day Eliza discovered she was pregnant was a bright day in the spring. Eliza checked the calendar that was hanging on the wall of the kitchen and realized her period was late. She rushed upstairs and grabbed the pregnancy test that she had been meaning to take. A few minutes passed before she heard the ding. She instantly grabbed the stick and looked at it. Her face brightened when the word "pregnant" displayed on the screen. She called her doctor and booked an appointment for later that same day.

Eliza grabbed her coat and put on her shoes, "I'll be right back!" Eliza shouted a bit though the house. Alexander looked over the balcony that faced the door, "Betsey where are you going?" Eliza turned and smiled at him, "I'm going to the doctor." Alex raised an eyebrow, "Is everything alright?" Eliza nodded, "Everything is fine..." Alex shrugged, "Do you want me to come with you?" This was his way of asking if he could come. Eliza didn't really want him to come, but she did not want to tell him no, "If you want... but we have to leave right now." Alex hurried down the stairs and walked Eliza to the car. 

Eliza got into the drivers seat, but did not drive yet. "So I should tell you that I'm going to the doctor because..." She reached behind her and grabbed a little box she had put there before, handing it to Alex. Alex raised an eyebrow, but opened the box and removed the tissue paper. He picked up the stick and froze when he saw the test was positive "You're pregnant?" He said. Eliza smiled brightly, "Yes!" Alex looked at her, "Get out of this car right now so I can hug you and kiss you." 

Eliza and Alex got out of the car and Alex scooped his wife up in his arms, kissing her and holding her tightly. Eliza was so happy. They went to the doctor and it was confirmed that Eliza was five weeks pregnant. They left happier than they came. Alex told his wife that he would drive them home, but he wanted to take her to dinner first.

They sat down at a restaurant that was no too fancy, but they were celebrating. Alexander raised his glass of beer up a bit, "Here's to us- that we have a beautiful baby and that he or she is safe. That we have a happy family and a happy rest of our lives. Cheers, darling." Eliza raised her glass of sprite and allowed it to touch Alexander's glass. She smiled, "You make me happy." Alexander took Eliza's hand, "You make me the happiest vampire in the world."

They headed home soon and told everyone that Eliza was with child. The twelve week scan proved that the baby was healthy and that it was coming. A few weeks after, a gender reveal party was planned. Angelica was the only one to know what the gender was because she was the one who was going to fill the giant balloon with confetti.

At the party, Eliza held the balloon and Alex held the pin. Eliza's baby bump was getting big now. The balloon popped and blue confetti flowed out. The look on Alexander's face was priceless as he smiled brightly and hugged and kissed his wife. 

Now, the month was January when Eliza felt a great pain and pressure in her stomach. Her due date was in one week, but the baby was coming on this day. Water seemed to come right out of her and then she realized that her water had broke. She grabbed the "labor bag" her and Alex had prepared- it was filled with things for the baby and for Eliza to bring to the hospital.

Eliza waddled out of her room and went towards the stairs, "Alex?! Alexander?!" She called. John answered, "He went to the store quickly- what's wrong, Eliza." Eliza held her stomach, "I'm in labor!" John ran to her and helped her down the stairs. Those words caused everyone else to come out to Eliza and hurried with her to the car. John drove- Eliza sat in the passenger seat.

Eliza picked up the phone and immediately and called Alex. He answered, "Hello~?" He said sweetly. Eliza's tone was not as sweet, "Alex! I'm in labor! The baby is coming now!" Alex stopped in the middle of the store, "I'm coming now. Are you on your way to the hospital?" Eliza sighed out a bit, "Y-yes. We're almost there!" Alex was already walking out of the store, "hang tight, Eliza. I'm coming." He rushed to the hospital- they got there at the same time.

Alex took the bag from Eliza and helped her into the hospital. She was taken into a room and he sat next to her. The doctor came in and took a look at Eliza, "Well, Mrs. Hamilton, you are currently 7 centimeters dilated, you need to reach 10." Eliza nodded and thanked the doctor before she waked out of the room.

After three long hours, Eliza was finally ready to have her baby. The doctor looked at Eliza, "Alright, Eliza, it's time for you to push." Eliza nodded and started to push. She yelled and cried with pain, wanting to give up at one point. Sweat and tears covered her face. "Okay, Eliza, one more big push." The doctor said. Alex looked a her, "Come on, Betsey, you can do it." Eliza had faith in herself and her baby. She pushed one last time, yelling the loudest.

The baby came out, the umbilical cord was cut, he was cleaned off a bit, and Eliza held her baby for the first time. Tears of joy came to her eyes as she admired this chid in her arms. Alexander was tearing up as well, he sat next to Eliza in the bed. Eliza looked at Alex, "He's gorgeous..." Alexander nodded, "He needs a name..." Eliza looked t her baby, "Philip. After my father.'"Alex smiled, "Yes. It suits him."

Eliza spoke softly to the child ion her arms, "Hi, Philip. I'm your mommy, and this is your daddy. You're going to lie a very happy life with us... And your aunts and uncles... Grandma and grandpa.." Then, the baby seemed to do what looked like a smile. Everyone came to visit Eliza and Philip in the hospital- they went home two days after Philip was born. He seemed to grow up right before Alexander and Eliza's eyes.

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