Chapter 14

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The following day was sunny and the rain water had dried up quickly. Everyone was in their own rooms when there was a sound of yelling from outside the window on the side where the four humans rooms were. The door to Eliza's room was quickly opened and Alexander rushed in. He looked out the window, "I thought I heard yelling..." A group of humans were there, yelling, saying they knew vampires were there and that they didn't want them in their woods.

Eliza raised an eyebrow, "What's going on? What are they trying to do?" An open book sat on her lap as she sat up more in her bed. Alexander did not look at Eliza, "they seem to want to kill us vampires... get us out of here..." Alexander left the window and went over to Eliza. He sighed, "This happens sometimes..." 

Eliza stood now and walked by Alexander. She was in front of him and went to look at the window when suddenly, it was shattered and someone came in, he grabbed Eliza, "You vampire!" He said, saying some terrible words to her after that. Terrible words of what he would do to her.

Alexander's normally green eyes turned a deep red shade- a shade that said he was both angry and hungry. "You are wrong sir, she's no vampire... I am." The man released Eliza, who retreated to a different part of the room. "In fact, this is my house... and I believe you and the others down there are trespassing... and you've already crossed the line." Alexander grabbed the man and allowed his fangs to go into his neck. He sucked the blood from this human and left him dead on the floor. Someone outside saw this and told the others, but instead of getting angrier, they all quickly fled so they would not meet the same fate. 

Eliza sat on the floor of her room, not knowing what to say or do now that she witnessed Alexander kill a human in less than a minute. She looked at him, his eyes were still red and a little blood remained on his face. He turned and looked at Eliza, his eyes fading to normal.

Alex sat next to Eliza on the floor of the room, "I'm sorry, Betsey... it had to be done... plus I haven't had fresh human blood in a while-" He stopped himself short, "I'm just really sorry..." Eliza nodded, "It's alright." Alexander smiled a bit, but sniffed around the room a bit, "It still smells like blood in here... I thought I wiped him clean..." Eliza looked down, "I believe it's my arm..." She showed him the arm that was not next to him, "when he let me go, I scraped my arm and it's bleeding." 

Alexander's eyes went red at the sight of Eliza's blood, he seemed to be in a trance, "Alex?" Eliza asked. She stood and started to back away from him. He stood as well and began to move closer. "Alexander you're scaring me!" Eliza went for the door, but Alexander blocked her way, "Alex! stop this" Her voice was getting louder. He cornered her. "Alexander! What are you doing?" Eliza said as Alex grabbed her hands.

The vampire's voice became deep and dark as his face moved to the human's neck, "Don't fight it... it'll be easier." Eliza's eyes widened with fear, she didn't know what to say. He turned her around and Eliza was pressed to Alexander's chest now. His fangs were about to sink into her neck when Eliza stomped on his foot. He felt pain and backed away, he snapped out of his trance and sat on the edge of Eliza's bed.

Eliza looked at Alexander angrily. She approached him and slapped him across the face, "get a grip of yourself and remember who I am! Hey! Hi! Remember me, Eliza? Yeah I don't know if you realize that you almost just bit me! You could have killed me if you weren't planning to make me a vampire!" Alexander looked down, "Eliza... I don't know what got over me... Sometimes after I have fresh human blood and I see more, I get a little crazy... I would never intentionally hurt you, please know that... I am so so so so so sorry." He held her hands and looked at her, "please know how sorry I am." Eliza looked at him and nodded, "I accept your apology, but if it happens again I will slap you harder than I just did." Alexander quickly nodded.

Alexander disposed of the lifeless body that would possibly wake as a vampire. Eliza tended to her arm wound and then cleaned the room of glass and other things. She was looking at her shattered window when Alex returned, "There's spare window glass in your closet, I'll go get it..." Eliza nodded, "I'll come with you..."

They entered the large closet and Alex looked among the long organized rows of different colored shoes, shirts, dressed, pants, bags, and more. He found the window pane and took it out. The window was soon fixed. 

When that was done, Eliza looked at Alexander, "Alex... I'd like for you to maybe come to dinner and meet my parents... at their house. Just me, you, and them." Alexander froze and thought for a minute, "sure, Eliza." He was very nervous to do that. Eliza smiled, "Great! How's tomorrow night!" Alexander put a somewhat fake smile on his face, "great!" Eliza smiled, "it's a date, then." She kissed him. 

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