Chapter 34

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Earlier, Eliza woke in a dream, finding herself in a place that resembled her dream world. She was on a beach that was not too hot or cold and when she turned, the world was revealed to her.  Her clothes were different- she wore a light blue sundress with a dark blue, thin shawl around her shoulders. She wore no shoes.

She wandered around this world of hers, exploring what was there and relaxing as she took in the beautiful scenes around her. Eliza returned to the beach to feel the breeze and take in her emotions- she did not know how she was in this place, but she did not ask why. It was almost perfect to her.

At the moment of sundown, Alex appeared. He did not end up on the beach, just behind it. He looked around curiously and wondered what this place was. When he saw her, he realized. Alex glanced and saw Eliza on the beach- he saw her from behind, but he knew it was her.

Alex walked down the beach and put a hand on Eliza's shoulder, "My love." He said. Eliza opened her eyes, "Alexander!" She wrapped her arms around him, "H-how did you get here? Is it really you? Where are we?" Alex put an arm around Eliza's shoulders as they looked out to the water, "We must be in a dream... your dream. That man you were with is not my brother, that was James Reynolds and he was mad that I forced him and Maria to divorce so he thought the only way to get back at me for that was to go after you.."

Eliza looked down, "Oh... I'm sorry." Alex looked at her, "Do not apologize, Betsey, it's not your fault, you didn't know. But anyways, he gave you this potion or whatever, must've put it in your drink, and it caused you to go into a deep sleep thing and the only way to get you up is by a kiss from your enemy- we all understand the you don't have any, so we transferred it to me and when my enemy kisses me, you and I will both wake up."

Eliza looked at her husband in confusion, "How did you find all this out? I thought you didn't really know anything about potions." Alex sighed, "I called Thomas for help. And he's the one who's going to kiss me and wake me up." Eliza raised her eyebrows, "You're letting Thomas kiss you for my sake?" Alex kissed her softly before he gazed into her eyes and said, "I would do anything for you, Betsey." Eliza smiled and blushed.

The couple walked over and sat down at a small restaurant where they began to chat about different things. Things eventually shifted to the topic of the entire situation. Alex looked at Eliza and took both of her hands, "I want you to know that I told everyone that if it so happens that only one of us gets to make it out, that you are the one who wakes up and that you are the one who gets to live their life... I told them to kill me if they had to..."

Eliza looked at him, "You aren't going to die and neither am I- the two of us are going to be just fine. I love you more than I love anyone else in this world. You and Philip mean the world to me. Alex smiled, "You and Philip are my world. You two are the only real family I have and I wouldn't want it any other way." Eliza smiled at her husband, "Well..." Alex raised an eyebrow at his wife in confusion. Eliza looked at her hands and then at Alex, "I was going to tell you when my trip upstate was over but... our family is about to get a little bit bigger." Alexander's eyes lit up, "you mean?" Eliza nodded, "I'm pregnant." Alex stood and went to his wife, whom he hugged and kissed as they were now going to have their second child.

Soon, the couple started to walk along the path in the park as birds and butterflies flew around them. They walked hand in hand and at times, Eliza would glance at Alex to see what he was doing and when Eliza didn't notice, Alex did the same. The last time Eliza looked down, she was shocked to see that her husband was beginning to disappear.

Eliza gasped and looked at Alex. Alex turned and looked to see if Eliza was okay, "What's wrong, Eliza?" Eliza's eyes were wide when she said, "Y-you're beginning to disappear!" Alex looked at his arms and hands in shock, "Oh no..." Eliza rushed to him, "What is happening?" Alex shook his head, "I'm waking up." Eliza looked at her arms and hands, "I don't think I am." 

Alex shook his head, "Don't worry, Eliza, we are going to wake you up. Thomas Jeffershit must've done something wrong or he didn't kiss me or he's wrong or-" Eliza put her lips to Alexander's to make him stop talking. When their kiss broke, the ground started to shake and Alex and Eliza were separated.

Eliza frantically looked around and yelled, "Alexander!" Alex looked and when he spotted Eliza, he shouted, "Eliza!" He tried to reach her, but there were large cracks in the ground where he would fall in and not be able to get out. Suddenly, Alex and Eliza's small pieces of land fell and they were submerged into darkness as they screamed.

Suddenly, both Alex and Eliza woke in reality, breathing heavily. They looked at each other and started to laugh, knowing that they were both in the same dream. Everyone in the room was confused, except for Thomas. Thomas looked at everyone and said, "it's very possible that since Alex did that whole thing, they were in the same dream.

Eliza looked at everyone with a smile, "yes, we were together in my dream. And we're all okay now. Thank you." Alex had his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. Eliza looked around, "Where's Philip?" Angelica answered by telling the parents that Philip was in bed. She looked at everyone and said, "I must announce that I am pregnant!" Peggy snapped her head in Angelica's direction and said, "No way me too!" They looked at Eliza, who was smiling like she was going to let news burst out of her mouth, "I'm pregnant too!" The three sisters hugged and smiled and laughed together. The room was filled with joy, and the eight vampires hugged as Thomas excused himself from the house after Alex thanked him.

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