Chapter 21

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The vampire wedding was set in a place that was hidden, but not too far away. The place where they were to get married in the vampire world was dark. Eliza wore a different white wedding gown than she had in the past. The neckline was lower and the shirt was not as full. She stood alone in the dressing room, fixing some last touches to herself in the mirror when she suddenly saw the image of Thomas Jefferson in the doorway behind her.

Eliza turned around with a surprised look on her face, "What are you doing here?" Thomas laughed a bit, "You really thought this was a real wedding?" He scoffed. "This was just a trap to get all of you here. Well mainly just you. You're the one that they all love so dearly... if you were to go missing then- oh no! I get what I want!" Eliza backed away from him to try to escape, but he closed the door and locked it before trying to catch her at full speed.

The next thing Eliza knew, she was pined to the ground by this werewolf who was stronger than her- maybe even stronger than Alex. Eliza cried for help, but Thomas only smirked at her, "they can't hear you- the walls are soundproof." Eliza now gave up. He went and took Eliza's headpiece and veil off, tossing it to the ground before he picked her up. Thomas covered Eliza's mouth with his hand and unlocked the door to the room,  but he snuck out the backdoor and brought Eliza to the werewolf grounds. 

Just two minutes after Eliza had been taken, Angelica, Peggy, and Maria entered the room and searched for Eliza. Maria found Eliza's headpiece and veil, picking it up and walking around a bit, "I don't think she's here..." The three stopped and realized that Eliza was missing. Peggy found a sticky note on the TV remote, instructing them to turn the TV on. Thomas appeared on the screen, "Bring Alex to the screen, then we'll talk."

Angelica, Peggy, and Maria walked to the room and opened the doors. Alex was waiting for Eliza in the mostly empty room. His head shot up and turned to them with a hopeful expression, but his heart dropped and mind went uneasy when he did not see Eliza. He walked up to them, "Where's Eliza?" Angelica pressed her lips together, "You need to come with us..." 

Soon, the seven walked into Eliza's dressing room. Alex sat down on the small couch in front of the TV as the others stood behind him. Alex looked at Thomas' face on the screen, "What is it, Jeffershit?" Thomas gave Alexander a look of warning, "Hey! If I were you, I'd watch your tone... I have something that may spark your interest-" Thomas moved his camera to show Eliza looking both scared and pissed off. She couldn't see them.

Alex immediately stood, "What have you done with her?" Thomas smirked, "Nothing yet... but you really thought that vampire wedding was real? I'm keeping her here and if you want her, come find her!" Thomas then hung up.

Alexander sat down in silence, but after a moment, he banged his hands on the table and stood up, kicking the table aside and walking out of the room. Angelica rushed to him, "Where are you going?" Alexander began to put on his coat, "Where do you think? I'm going to find Eliza." Angelica grabbed her coat as well, "I'm coming with you." The five others came down the hall- Lafayette spoke, "We're coming too." Alexander nodded and walked out first.

The day now seemed to shift from a magical cold to a bitter cold. Alexander barely knew where he was going, but he tried to follow his instincts. He was listening to what his heart was telling him- how his heart was leading him to her.

They ended up at a strange building in the woods- Alexander found a window and pried it open, helping everyone in. He looked at them, "Everyone in pairs- Peggy and John, Lafayette and Angelica, Hercules and Maria." Hercules tilted his head a bit, "And you? What will you be doing?" Alexander looked at them casually, "I'll go alone." Peggy looked at him, "That's dumb. And also dangerous." Alex shrugged, "I need to find her. You all go in pairs and I'll go alone. We need to spread out... Whoever finds her calls the others- Group FaceTime I guess... If one group doesn't answer, then we assume something happened to them. Now let's go." Alex said, starting to walk off.

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