Chapter 31

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The house seemed to be at peace on a day when baby Philip was just older than one year. Eliza and Alexander put him down for a nap and went to their bedroom next door. They both sat down on the bed. Alex looked at his wife and said, "Do you think I'm a good father?" Eliza looked at him and laughed a bit, "of course! You're an amazing father!" Alex kissed her cheek, "And you, darling, are the most amazing mother." Eliza blushed and giggled a bit.

Alexander stood and entered his closet, coming out with a book that was a blue color. He sat down next to Eliza and handed her the book. She looked at this book with her name on the cover and raised an eyebrow, "What's this?" Alexander looked at his hands, "Um well I was recording my memories with you in this book from the day I met you until I filled almost every page. There's like one page left in the back and I knew there was no memory that could fit just on that one page."

Eliza opened the book and started to read, smiling at the memories. After a while, Philip woke and Alexander went to take care of him. Eliza went down to the library to continue her reading, joyful over what she read.

Now, time passed and Philip was now one and a half. The Schuyler sisters decided that they wanted to go visit their father upstate and they wanted to bring their husbands with them. Peggy was now pregnant and Angelica and Lafayette were married. Maria was also married to James Reynolds, but that was not a healthy relationship. James Reynolds was also a vampire, but he was not kind like the ones the Schuylers and Maria knew. No one in the house knew because Maria had moved out and did not visit as much as she wanted to.

Alexander told the Schuylers that he could not attend. Alex was busy with vampire league work that he did not want to abandon. On the day that everyone was to leave, Eliza entered into Alexander's office ten minutes before she was to leave, "Are you sure you don't want to come, darling?" Alex looked at his wife, "I would love to, but I can't, Betsey... You go and have a good time with you family." Alexander smiled at his wife. She nodded and kissed him, "I love you very much and I will see you in three weeks." Alex smiled, "I'll see you in three weeks, my love. I love you." Eliza smiled and left.

So from there, everyone left the house except for Alexander. They decided to bring Hercules so he wasn't left out. Maria was also invited, but she declined. Alex sat in his desk and looked at the picture of him, Eliza, and Philip in a frame there. He sighed.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Alex answered it and saw Maria. She looked up at him and said, "I need help..."

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