Chapter 25

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Alexander sat in a cell in the werewolf headquarters. It was now two days after his "death" and his funeral was to be that day. Eliza had gone to the doctor and found that it was definite she was with child. Thomas visited Alex's cell as he was fixing his tie to his suit.

Alex looked up, "Where might you be going?" Thomas looked at him, "I'm going to your funeral... tell your wife that I am very sorry for her loss... well not totally for that reason- I am wearing a little camera and you're being moved so you can see the whole thing." Thomas waved his hands and guards moved Alex to a room where he saw the camera.

Eliza looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red. Her hair was pin straight as she wore a small widow's veil atop her head. She smoothed her black dress and walked out of the house, getting into a car with the six others whom she shared the house with. Eliza was expected to speak at the funeral. She clutched a small piece of cloth in her hand- it was half black and half white because it was a piece of her wedding dress sewn together with a piece from Alexander's suit.

The day was rainy and grey, so Eliza carried an umbrella to cover her head. She was very quiet the car ride over. Everyone was speechless to find that Alex was dead. Everyone was crying. When Eliza walked in, heads seemed to turn to her. People gently approached her and told her they were sorry for her loss. 

Thomas walked in and found Eliza, "Eliza, I know I am one of the last people you want to see right now, but I wanted to pay my respects to you and your husband and tell you that I am very sorry for your loss... my men had orders not to kill anyone, but those rules were defied- it was supposed to be a harmless fight. I am so sorry, Eliza." Eliza looked at him differently than she had ever, "thank you, Thomas. I think I needed to hear that right now... I have to say a speech and I'm just really nervous because I'm going to start crying... God, I miss him so much." Thomas put an arm around Eliza to comfort her, "I know, Eliza... I know we don't like each other very much, but I'll be here for whatever you need in this difficult time." Eliza thanked him and walked inside.

Alexander watched this eagerly. He wanted to yell at Thomas and tell him to stop doing what he was- in his eyes he was going to try to flirt with Eliza, but when Alex saw the look on her face, he did not want to yell. He seemed to comfort her. He continued watching. 

The time soon came for Eliza to speak. She walked up to the podium and held back her tears. She looked at the large amount of people there- John, Lafayette, Hercules, Angelica, Maria, and Peggy all sat in the front row. Behind them were Eliza's parents and others. The room was filled with people that both Alex and Eliza knew, Eliza did not know some and Alex didn't even know some. Thomas sat in the middle of the room.

Eliza began her speech, "First off, I would like to thank you all for coming today... he would have been very impressed to see so many people here. My husband was the kindest, handsomest, most charming man I have ever met... I loved him more than words could describe. I know that I will never stop loving him... He was always doing his best to protect me and he always wanted to make sure I was okay..." Eliza paused for a moment because the next thing would be a shock to most people in the room- John, Peggy, Lafayette, Angelica, Hercules, Maria, and Eliza's parents were the only ones who knew. Eliza took a deep breath, "Uhm... Before I found out about Alexander's passing, I found out that I was pregnant. So, I will be keeping the baby... I know that's what he would want. And I know he would love more than anything to meet this child when he or she comes into this world... I know that wherever he is right now, he loves this child..." 

Eliza started to cry now, "I know he would want to be here... and I miss him and I wish he were here... I wish I could hold him just one more time... Tell him I love him one more time... He saved me and he was the love of my life. I had never felt a love like his in my life... His kindness was not visible at first, his gentleness did not show itself until after, but his will to protect me was unbelievable... the way he cared about me and his friends was unbelievable. Alexander never had a real family- his father left when he was young and his mother passed two years later. He grew up mostly alone and suffered at times in his life, but told me I was the one who saved him. He told me that I was the greatest thing in his life and that he never wanted to let me go... Alexander, if you can hear me, know that I love you... and I miss you.." Eliza put her face in her hands, she felt like she couldn't breathe for a minute, "T-thank you all for coming and listening." Eliza quickly rushed out of the room and into the bathroom- she not only go sick, but started bawling her eyes out.

Alexander sat in that hidden room and cried. He was supposed to be a father. Eliza was not supposed to raise this child alone. She needed him and he sure as hell needed her. Alex knew he needed to find a way out.

Thomas now felt actual pity on Eliza, rushing out behind her and gently knocking on the door, "Eliza? Are you alright? Your speech was beautiful by the way.... and congratulations on your child.." Eliza opened the door and walked out, "I-I think I might be alright... and thank you..." Thomas hugged Eliza to his chest. He was a lot taller than her, "You're allowed to be sad and mourn right now... you just lost your husband..." Eliza cried into his chest, forgetting what had happened in the past, forgetting that one of his kind killed her husband. Yet, she did not want to move.

Alexander saw this now and knew he had to do something. He made sure no guards were paying attention when he threw the heaviest thing in the room at the door.

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