Chapter 11

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The two weeks seemed to skim by too quickly. The vampires and the humans seemed to be like a family now. However, only the vampires were aware that the following day would be their last day together. The plans were all set. The night soon came and all eight travelled down to the hidden and secure basement of the house. 

A vampire by the name of George Washington met the eight there. He was a tall, bald, older looking man, who the vampires very much trusted. He greeted the humans, introducing himself. Each girl introduced herself and sat on the couch, with the exception of Eliza. Washington and Eliza each had their own chairs. 

"We have to go... but we need your four to understand that you're remaining here for your safety. And know that there is a possibility that not all of us will make it back alive or in the best shape..." John explained. "We are going to try our best to make sure everyone in this room is alright when the morning comes... you're all going to be just fine. Just stay in here and you can watch a movie and go to sleep or whatever..." The humans nodded when John was finished.

Eliza stood and walked over to Alexander. They held each other's hands. "Please promise me you'll come back alright." Eliza said, putting her head on his. Alexander held her close, "I'll try, Betsey." They kissed before Alexander had to go, "I'll see you soon, darling." Eliza nodded, "Please be careful." She watched him go. She saw his smiling face before he turned around and walked out the door.

The humans and Washington sat in the large room. In almost two hours, everyone was asleep except for Eliza. She remained awake. A terrible feeling rose in her chest. The feeling that something was wrong. She quietly stood and slipped out of the basement. She went to the library and paced the room, debating what she should do. Eliza decided and ran into the kitchen, grabbing a knife, and running out the front door. 

Outside, Eliza felt a bit fearful and defenseless. She wandered around the dark woods until she came upon a sight that was lit by the light of a campfire. She hid a few feet back behind a tree and listened to the voices.

She heard a thud- the sound of a body on the ground. Then a voice. The voice of Thomas Jefferson, "Well well, John Laurens is the first to end up here." Eliza covered her mouth. Then three other voices. "He isn't alone." It was Alexander. Next, Hercules said, "And no one is going down without a fight." Lafayette was after, "Aucun homme ne reste seul" (no man stands alone.) 

Jefferson and some others laughed. He waved his hand and three werewolves grabbed Alexander, Lafayette, and Hercules. John was pulled back to line up with them. "Bring forward Hamilton." Eliza was now so frightened that she really could not make a move. Jefferson laughed again, "Do you smell that? You vampires can't but we can... I smell a human. A human girl. Young. Dark hair. Pale skin. Yes, one I've met before..." A horrid smirk rose to his face, "Hamilton, Eliza is the girl you love. You love her, yes?" Alexander did not answer Jefferson until he went right up in his face and forced him to answer, "Hamilton I am speaking to you!" Alexander couldn't hold it back, "Yes! It's true, I love her." 

Jefferson laughed again and wandered to where Eliza was hiding. He grabbed her and as she fought, Jefferson held her tighter. She was brought into the light and faced Alexander. Now, Alexander tried to throw himself at them, but he was being held tightly. Jefferson threw Eliza to the ground, "Such a beautiful young girl..." He stroked her hair and then knelt down, "Wouldn't it just be awful if she got hurt?" Alexander was now enraged, "DON'T YOU LAY A HAND ON HER!"

Thomas smirked, he walked up to Alex and shooed the other werewolf from him. Without warning, he bit Alexander, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. Eliza gasped, "No!" She took the knife and stabbed Thomas, she didn't even think. John, Herc, and Laf stood in amazement and rushed to Eliza's side. Thomas growled and his glowing yellow eyes flashed at Eliza. She backed up a bit, but the three vampires stood beside her and helped her stand confidently. Hercules went and bit Thomas, who ran away with James Madison at his side. The wolves all left, defeated. "Eliza that was amazing!" John said. Hercules and Lafayette agreed. Eliza smiled at them and then she thought about Alex.

Eliza turned to Alexander and looked at him, he was in pain and he was weak- he then passed out. The human girl turned to the three vampires standing behind her, "Is he going to be okay? What's going on?" Her eyes were filing with tears. Hercules looked down, "He was bitten by a werewolf... he's gonna die..." Eliza gasped, "No!" She knelt down to Alex, "Come on, wake up, get up. Please please wake up, Alexander! I love you. Please. I love you with all my heart- I can't loose you." 

Eliza was crying. She turned to John, Lafayette, and Hercules, "There has to be a way to save him!" The three looked down, "there is one way..." John said. "But he told us not to have you do it..." Lafayette said. Eliza looked at them, "Tell me! I have to save him! I don't care what it is!" Hercules nodded, "You have to give him some of your blood. Human blood restores him..." Eliza nodded, "I'll do it." John knelt down, "Eliza you could die..." Eliza looked at them, "Then if you find me dieing, turn me to a vampire..." 

She approached Alexander, "What do I do?" Lafayette showed Eliza how to allow Alex to take blood from her wrist. Eliza did so and soon Alex was sucking blood from the veins in Eliza's wrist. Her wrist hurt and soon her head. "I feel a bit light headed..." Eliza told them. "That's normal... he's almost done..." Eliza nodded and then passed out. Alex finished sucking on her wrist and woke up a minute later.

Alexander stood and looked at his three friends, "W-what happened?" John looked down, "We won." Lafayette also looked down, "Jefferson bit you..." Alexander raised his eyebrow, "H-how? We won? And I'm still alive? How-" Hercules cut him off and was also looking down, "Eliza." He motioned to her body on the ground. 

Alexander went to Eliza and picked her up, "I-I did this to her?" John shook his head a bit, "You did... but she will be fine. You took some of her blood without turning her." Alex nodded, "how did we win?" John looked up now, "She stabbed Jefferson and Herc bit him... They all ran away and we won." 

Alexander looked at Eliza in his arms, he was amazed with what she had done for him and everyone else. "She's truly outstanding..."  Lafayette smiled, "She loves you." Alex looked up, "S-she told you that?" Hercules smiled, "She told you that." John also joined in the smiling, "I believe her exact words were 'Please please wake up, Alexander! I love you. Please. I love you with all my heart- I can't loose you.'" Alexander's face went blank for a moment before he smiled, "I love her with all my heart..."

The vampires returned to the house, Eliza was in Alexander's arms. They went to the basement and found everyone was still asleep. However, when they walked in, Washington shot up. The chair made a noise which caused Angelica to wake- Angelica woke the others. A look of confusion and concern came across their faces. Then, Alexander explained everything. Eliza was placed in her bed, but Alexander worried about her and remained in the chair next to her bed for the entire night.

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