Chapter 32

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Alex let Maria inside and asked her what had happened. Maria explained how her husband was abusing her and threatening her. Alex and Maria were close friends, so he was willing to help her.  Maria was crying and Alexander offered his comfort to her.

After a while, Alex and Maria walked to Maria's house where she invited him inside for a while. They talked more over coffee, but after a while, Maria looked at Alex and kissed him. Maria did not want to do it, but this was one thing her husband told her she had to do- seduce Alexander.

Alex's pants were a raging wildfire, so ta this point everything slipped his mind, but he came back to reality and looked at Maria, "What are you doing? Maria, what about Eliza?" Maria looked down, a bit embarrassed, "I'm sorry... my husband he... he told me that if I didn't try to seduce you, he'd do bad things to me... A-and I didn't want to try, but I'm just so scared..." Maria started to cry. Alexander comforted her again, but that's when James Reynolds walked in.

Alex stood and confronted James, telling him off and telling him that Maria did not deserve any of that. Alex's phone rang, but he did not answer. Then Maria's rang and she did- it was Eliza. Eliza asked Maria to check on Alex, that's when Maria explained what had happened. Hercules overheard the conversation and immediately decided that he was to go see James Reynolds himself.

As this was happening, Alex and James were starting to fight. Maria broke it up and Alex was kicked out. Hercules soon showed up and kicked James' ass. Hercules took Maria home stayed with her and Alex. James Reynolds had a plan in mind because he now thought of Alex as even more of an enemy than before. 

It had now been a weeks since the upstate trip started and James Reynolds travelled upstate and met with Eliza alone. Eliza had never met James since he married Maria in the courthouse and never bothered to try and meet her. James knocked on the door of the house and requested to see Eliza- he had a whole plan in mind. When he saw Eliza, he gave her a soft smile, "Eliza Hamilton? I needed to come see you- My name is James Hamilton.... I'm your brother-in-law."

Eliza stepped outside with him and raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what?" James straightened, "You are married to my brother, Alexander, aren't you?" Eliza nodded, "Yes, but he said that he believed his brother passed many years ago." James nodded, "He and I were separated after we both became vampires. He woke up thinking I was dead and I woke thinking he was dead, but I recently saw a picture of your wedding and I knew I had to find you... I don't know how he'll react so I figured I'd come here first." Eliza nodded, "Alright, well it's very nice to meet you." 

James smiled again- he was faking this whole thing and it somewhat pained him to pretend to like Alex, "I would like to take you to lunch and get to know you before I try to reconnect with my brother, is that alright?" Eliza smiled, "That would be wonderful." The two walked to the closest town and sat down for lunch. Eliza excused herself to the bathroom when after she ordered a drink and she did not return until after the drinks arrived. James had put some sort of potion in Eliza's drink that would put her into something like a coma- it was like what Thomas had given her years before. She took a sip of her drink a few minutes after she returned and found herself holding her chest before she passed out.

Alexander called the Schuyler house to speak to everyone and check in on what had happened during the week. Peggy answered the phone, "Hello?" She said. Alex replied, "Hello Peggy, how is everything?" Peggy smiled a bit knowing it was someone she knew, "Hey Alex- it's alright." They had a short conversation about what was going on upstate and then Alex said, "Where's Eliza? Can I speak with her?" Peggy replied to Alex nonchalantly, "Sorry, man, she's out. Actually your brother came by and took her to lunch."

Alex now got worried- his brother was definitely dead, "Peggy, my brother is dead. There's no way that could've been him." Peggy froze, "Than who's with Eliza?" Alex stood, taking his phone with him and rushing into his car, starting to drive right away. He answered Peggy a bit frantically, "I don't fucking know! Shit Peggy, I'm coming up there." He got out of the car and started using his super speed, mumbling "Stupid fucking car is too slow." Peggy put a hand on her head, "S-she's in town with him. See you later?" And she hung up.

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