Chapter 18

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The wedding day came quickly and almost a bit unexpectedly. The wedding was being held at a banquet hall in town and all of Alex and Eliza's family and friends came. The morning of the wedding was a bit frantic, Eliza and Alex did not see each other- Eliza left the house earlier than he did.

When Eliza arrived at the hall, she went into the dressing room with her bridal party which was Angelica, Peggy, Maria, and some other of Eliza's friends. There were four hair and makeup artists there soon to help Eliza and everyone else prepare. One of them was dedicated to getting Eliza ready. 

Eliza's dark hair was soon curled and flowed down past her shoulders. A small tiara headpiece sat upon her head as well as a veil. Her veil was long and Lacey at the end. Her makeup was soon done and now Eliza was to get dressed. Angelica and Peggy came in and smiled as they saw their sister.

The three sisters stood in the room together and Angelica and Peggy helped Eliza get dressed in her elegant wedding gown. Eliza's dress was ballgown style and a pure white color. The skirt flowed down and complimented Eliza's figure well. The dress had a boat neck neckline, but did not show much of Eliza's chest because of the necklace she wore. Parts of her dress had lace. The sleeves were long and made from lace as well. It was fancy, but Eliza didn't mind, she was very happy.

The three sisters looked at each other and Eliza smiled. Her bridal party was in light blue while Angelica, her maid of honor, was in a dark blue. The sisters hugged, "You look beautiful, Lizzy." Peggy said. "I'm so happy for you." Angelica said. Eliza looked at them and smiled, "I'm so lucky to have sisters like you two. I could never ask for anyone else ." Their father appeared in the doorway with a smile to greet his three daughters.

Meanwhile, Alexander was on his way to the church. He was dressed in basic wedding attire- a suit with a corsage and a tie. His hair was down and neat. His nerves were high and so were Eliza's, but at the same time they figured it was normal.

When everyone arrived, the procession of people into the ceremony began. Alexander waited at the alter with John, Laf, Herc, and some others by his side. Angelica, Peggy, Maria, and some other women of the bridal party came in and waited at the alter.

The tune of "Here Comes the Bride" began to play throughout the room and everyone stood as Eliza and her father appeared in the doorway. Alexander has been looking at his hands, but when that tune began to play, he looked up right away. Alexander smiled and began to cry a bit at the sight of Eliza's beauty. In his long life, he had never felt this much love in his heart. Eliza looked around the room, and then saw Alexander. A smile immediately rose to her face. The looks of everyone in the room were nothing compared to how Alexander looked at her.

Eliza and Philip reaches the alter and Philip moved the veil coving Eliza's face, kissing his daughter on the cheek. He looked at Alexander, "be good to her." He said, which allowed a thought to come to Alexander's mind. Earlier that morning, Peggy and Angelica went to Alexander and spoke with him alone. They said to him, "Eliza loves you a lot, so you have to be good to her. She is the best thing in your life so protect her and fight for her at all costs. Love her. Make her happy. Because she loves you and everyone can tell that she makes you happy."

Eliza and Alexander stood face to face on the alter now. Alexander's tears had dried, but his smile did not fade. He looked at Eliza and said, "Wow... you look stunning." Eliza smiled and blushed a bit, "thank you. You look very handsome." He smiled. The ceremony went on as usual and then they got up to the vows part.

Alexander was to speak first. He held Eliza's hands and smiled as he began to speak, "Eliza, when I met you I thought I could never love anyone- I thought you were just someone who would come into my life just to go away later. I'm glad you stayed. I'm glad you and I went through everything we did because it lead us here. We've had ups and downs... faced challenges... but, Betsey, I promise that no matter the challenge at hand, I will be there by your side. I promise to fight with you against the world. I promise that I will fight for you. I promise to protect you. To love you. To make you happy. I love you so much and I am glad to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and you are the best thing in my life. You will always be the best thing in my life."

Eliza was crying a bit, her makeup stayed in tact because it was waterproof. It was her turn to speak now. She wiped her tears and cleared her throat, "Alexander, I thought you were charming from the moment I met you even though I was just a tiny bit afraid of you. As we got closer, I started to fall in love with you and feared that you didn't feel the same way about me. Obviously, we both felt the same way about each other because we're here now. You saved me. You picked me up and did not let me down until you made sure everything was going to be okay. You made everything okay. You changed my world in the best way possible. I am so very lucky to have you in my life, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. So from your Betsey, I love you more than words can describe."

Both were touched by what the other had said. Now the minister spoke and asked the important question to Alexander, "Do you, Alexander Hamilton, take Elizabeth Schuyler to be your lawfully wedded wife- to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, good times and bad, until death do you part?" Alexander smiled, "I do." The minister turned to Eliza and said, "Do you, Elizabeth Schuyler, take Alexander Hamilton  to be your lawfully wedded husband- to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, good times and bad, until death do you part?" Eliza smiled brightly, "I do."

The minister smiled, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss." Alexander put his arm around Eliza's waist and dipped her down. They both allowed their lips to touch for the first time as husband and wife. 

In these few seconds, memories flowed into Eliza's mind. Memories of her and Alexander's good and bad times flashed in her mind. Her eyes opened as she was brought back up on her feet. the couple walked out of the church with bight smiled on their faces. They smiled for pictures before heading to the party. 

The party lasted almost all night. There was dancing and cake and singing and speeches and alcohol of course. They went home and Alex and Eliza stayed in Eliza's room that night. The following day, they left on their 5 day honeymoon to Hawaii. They returned still looking happy, but they did not know what was ahead.

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