Chapter 27

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The couple sat on the windowsill in the library as they read books together. They would point things out and compare what they found. Eliza was getting nursery ideas and gender reveal party ideas and all. Alexander smiled at his wife's joy.

Suddenly, Eliza felt a sharp pain around her stomach area, wincing forward and saying, "ouch!" Alex looked at his wife, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Eliza, darling, are you alright?" Eliza shook her head, "I don't know..." Eliza leaned against her husband, "Something is wrong." Alexander helped Eliza up, "What do you need me to do?" Eliza shook her head, "I may need the doctor... or the hospital... Something is just very wrong..."

Alex nodded and helped Eliza outside and into the car where they started to drive to the hospital. Eliza was taken into a room, but Alex was told to stay in the waiting room. 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... John, Lafayette, Hercules, Angelica, Maria, and Peggy showed up. 10 minutes after that, Eliza's doctor came out and called for Alexander to come in.

Eliza sat on the exam table in a hospital gown. She was crying. Alexander looked and saw blood- he raised an eyebrow with both confusion and concern. The doctor had Alexander's back face to Eliza as she quietly spoke to him, "Mister Hamilton, your wife had a miscarriage. I am very sorry, but you lost the child that she was carrying. She is not sick and this was not her fault- this is a natural thing and she did not cause this at all. She has very good health and she is still fertile so you and her still should keep trying to have a child if you want to... I am very sorry..." Alexander's face read shock- he thanked the doctor for taking care of Eliza before he approached her.

Alex sat next to Eliza and held her close to him. He put an arm around her and pulled her to his chest where Eliza cried. She eventually stopped and got changed, going into the waiting room to see her sisters and her friends. She looked at them, "I'm not sick or anything... but I had a miscarriage and I lost our child..." She started to cry again. Angelica, Maria, and Peggy went to Eliza and hugged her, comforting her and trying to get her to stop crying. Angelica looked at her sister, "Eliza, you can always have another child- everything happens for a reason so it will all be alright... You and Alex will have beautiful children one day, okay?" Eliza nodded, they were making her feel a bit better.

Alex and Eliza got in the car and Eliza sat back in her seat, "I'm so sorry, Alexander..." Alex looked at Eliza, "For what?" Eliza sat up and looked at him, "For loosing the baby..." Alex turned to Eliza, "Betsey, this was not your fault. The doctor said that your health is very good and that the miscarriage was not because of you. You did not cause this. And we can make another baby if you want. Eliza we can try as soon as we get home if you want!" Eliza smiled a bit, "Are you saying that to make me feel better or is it just because your horny?" The two laughed together- it was the first time Eliza laughed in days.

They went home and everyone went upstairs to their own bedrooms. The Hamiltons had a long day, but did not seem to be too tired. As soon as the door was shut, the couple started to make out by the door and eventually travelled over to the bed.

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