Chapter 35

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Several months later, Philip was now having conversations with people and preparing to start his first year of school. Angelica now had a two month old baby girl named Catherine. Peggy had a one month old named Stephen. Eliza was nine months pregnant and waiting for her baby to come. 

The baby came on a September day that was not too hot or too cold. The newest Hamilton was a baby girl named Angelica. Alex and Eliza brought their newest child home two days after she was born. Philip was very excited that he now had a sibling and two cousins.

After the whole Eliza being poisoned thing, Alexander seemed to be more protective over his wife and children. He always went away with them and sometimes at night, he would have nightmares about things that could happen.

In one instance, Alexander was facing Aaron Burr. They were going to duel and Burr was about to shoot his gun when Alex heard a familiar voice shout, "Alex no!!" And felt himself be pushed out of the way of the bullet. Someone else was hit- it was Eliza. She had pushed him out of the way. He didn't realize that out loud he said, "Eliza!" And woke.. His heart was racing and he accidentally woke his wife up. Eliza looked at him, "Alex what is it? Did you have another nightmare again?" Alex nodded, "everything is fine." He held his wife close to him and they fell back to sleep. Alexander tried his hardest to make sure nothing like that would happen.

Other instances included things like the children being taken by werewolves or Eliza and the children being killed before him. But, Alex knew he could and would never let that happen. 

In the years that passed, Maria and Hercules got married- they had a small wedding in the house. They also had a child- a baby girl named Sophia. Hercules and Maria did have trouble at times and almost considered divorce, but they got through their hard times and stayed together, making their marriage very strong.

Peggy and John loved being parents and tried for a second child. On their first attempt, Peggy lost the baby upon giving birth. They eventually tried again and give birth to twins-a boy named John jr. and a girl named Eliza.

Angelica and Lafayette traveled a lot with Catherine. They saw the world, but always came back home. They travelled a lot to France not only because Lafayette was from there, but Angelica loved it there. Angelica and Catherine even picked up French as their second language.

Alexander and Eliza's love for each other strengthened in the years that came. They had one other child after Angelica, his name was Alexander Jr. The Hamilton family  travelled at times, but mostly stayed in New York. 

Alexander was put in charge of a lot of vampire business. He did a lot of work and writing, and sometimes he allowed that to get in the way of his family, but Eliza was there to remind him about the important things in life, which was his family.

Eliza was more careful and stepped up, becoming more protective over her husband. She got him out of a lot of fights. Eliza was an amazing mother, putting her children before everyone and everything, including herself. She taught her children and husband how to play the piano. Eliza primarily taught her children almost everything they knew.

All eight adult vampires carried on with their lives even though they faced different challenges and hardships when it came to other vampires, werewolves, and humans. All of the children never felt alone because they were always surrounded by people who loved them. Everyone remained close and allowed themselves to grow beacause of each other.

One Thanksgiving night when everyone was sitting at the table together, they all remembered what Eliza said. She said, "I'm thankful to have all of you. I'm thankful for that day we met. I'm thankful for the day we were all saved and came here. For the love of my life. My children. My sisters. My friends. You have all become my family. You all are the best family I could ever ask for."

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