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Before tragity (and gravity) struck the flying Graysons every Christmas John and Mary asked Richard or as he perferd Dick what he wanted for Christmas. Every year he had the same answer.

"So Dick what do you want for Christmas this year," John asked cleaning the dishes.

Dick pretended to think about it. He wanted the same thing. "I would like 10,000 dollars," he gave his parents a toothy grin. As they looked at each other in defeat.

Mary sighed "Why do you want 10,000 dollars?" His parents thought he was going to say something about buying a new toy or a electronic.

"So I can fix the leak in uncle Strongman's sink, the tear in the roof of the tent for Mr. Hailey, also to fix the wall in your room." He paused to think what else he wanted to fix. He listed more to help there family related or not. Not evan once wanting to buy something for himself. Dick was cut off from his mother dropping to the floor crying.

"Are you alright Mama?" Dick asked giving her a hug. "What's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong my sweet little Robin." She pulled him into a tight hug, "Nothing at all." John joined into the hug and for half an hour they stayed like that. Happy and holding eachother.

Another short chapter I'm sorry. Please request! I would love to have ideas to build from!

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