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Robin and Wally were relaxing at the mountain playing a video game. Robin winning of course.

"You cheated!"

"Wally give it up! Your just bad at this game!"

"Na-uh you cheated!"

"How could I have cheated?"

"I don't know how did you?"

"Wa-" Robin stoped as the power shut off.  Robin whimpered and Wally pulled Dick into a hug a sort of  protection from the darkness.
"Wally?" He asked with a small voice.

"Yes gorgeous?"

"Don't let go." Wally pulled Robin closer so he was bacicly sitting on his lap. The two stayed like that for two hours just holding each other enjoying their company.

Ok so that was short. Oh well. Please request! I'm running out of ideas people!

Robin one-shots Where stories live. Discover now