Three Days

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Dick sighed as he wached his boyfriend flirt with the third girl this morning. He stared at them for a moment longer before leaving. He walked into the mountain to the kitchen for a snack. Mabey Ma'gan didn't burn the cookies this time. He mused at the thought. When he got there Ma'gan was rushing around trying to stop the small fire. Robin calmly pucked up the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.

"You ok Ma'gan?" Robin asked trying to see what happened.

"Yes, but I fell asleep while making cookies . . . You see how that turned out."

Robin sighed and pulled out a Apple from the basket.

"What's wrong aren't you sposed to be on a date with Wally?" Ma'gan asked worry evident in her voice.

"He was flirting with girls. AGAIN!" Robin hit his head on the counter while Ma'gan patted his back saying positve words.

"Hun trust me. Give him three days. No calls, no texts, no nothing. No seeing him eather."

"Why?" Robin asked picking his head up.

"Because if he really loves you before the three days end he would have came to talk to you face to face."

"But what if I can't make it threw the three days without him?"

"Hun do you want to be with someone who doesn't love you like you live him? You can't make room for yourself he has to make it for you. It'll show him this is serious and he is really losing you."

"Dose this really work?" Robin asked finishing off his Apple.

"How do you think Connor and I have such a good relationship. He makes room for me, I make room for him."

"Thanks Ma'gan! I'll do it no contact with Wally for three days!"

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