Pick up lines

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Wally sighed as he flipped next to Artimis on the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked putting her book down, "I mean other than everything."

Wally sighed again and sunk deeper in the couch. "Robin."

"What about short stack?"

"He- I- Rob-" Wally just sighed. "I can't really explain" Artimis raised a brow.


"Well-sigh-I'minlovewithRobin. I'vebeeninlovewithhimsinceIlaymyeyesonhim.IneedhimsomuchandIthinkIscrewedupeverything!"

Artimis blinked. "Ok, again, but slower.

"I'm in love with Robin. I've been in love with him since I lay my eyes on him. I need him so much and I think I screwed up everything!"

"Hmm, I never pegged you to be gay,"

"That's it I confess that I love our 15 year old teammate and you say 'I never pegged you to be gay'?" Wally asked standing up.

"Well what do you want me to say?"

"I don't know! Maybe you could give me advise?"

"Try flirting with him! That could open his eyes to your feelings!"


"You know what you did to Ma'gan  every day until she and Connor started dating?"

"I can flirt with him?"

"Oh my god. STOP BOTHERING ME AND GO GET YOUR HAPPLY EVER AFTER!" Artimis yelled pushing Wally out of the room. She returned to her book to find a new message in it.

'Hay baby how are you?'

'I'm good Zatanna how about you?'

'Better now that I know your good'
Artimis smiled at her girlfriends acts.


"Robin?" Wally asked walking into said boys room. "Are you in here?"

"I'm in the shower!" Oh god the sound of his voice mad wally re think this. It's going to be harder than he thought.

Once Robin stoped out he had a towel around his waist. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Are you a cat because I'm feline a connection between us."

"I'm a bird?" Robin stated confused.

"If you where a library book I would check you out."

"You hate the library."

"There seems to be something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number."

"Yes it does. I gave it to you the day I got a phone!" Wally sighed this wasn't going well.

"Are you a beaver? Cause Dammm!" Robin flushed at the line.


"Are you from Tennessee? Cause your the not ten I see." Wally wrapped his arms around Dick's torso close to the towel.

"What are you-"

"Are you a cake? Cause I want a piece of that." Wally looked down at Robins 6 pack. Robin tried to pull away without hurting Wally but to no prevail.

"I must be in a museum because you're truly a work of art."

Robin looked around tring to find something to help him escape.

"My lips are like Skittles. Wanna to taste the rainbow?"


"Yes?" Wally leaned in closer his voice just barely above a whisper. Suddenly Wally was face flat on the floor.

"What's going on with you?"

"Are you French because I Eiffel for you."

"Stop that!" Wally stood up as Robin tried to run to the door but was blocked by Wally locking it.

"Why? Life without you is like a broken pencil . . . Pointless!" Wally wrapped his arms around Dick from behind.

"STOP IT! STOP! DAMN IT!" Robin cryed turning around in Wally's arms. He started to pound his fists against Wally's chest. Wally grabbed his hands holding them tightly in his own.

"Hay, hay look at me. What's wrong?" Wally asked trying to make eye contact.

"Stop it. Stop. Stop pretending."

"Pretending?" Wally asked as they sunk to the floor.

"Stop pretending to care about me. I'm tired of being led on and then you go off flirting with other people!" Robin tried pulling his hands away but Wally had them in a steel grip.

"Of course I care about you!"

"Lies!" Robin hissed.

"No. No lies. I care-fuck it- listen close Robin." Wally's voice droped a octave. "I love you. I love more than I hate myself. I love you more than I care about my speed, food, I need you. Without you I'm nothing."




"YES! GOD DAMN IT! I LOVE YOU! WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?" Wally watched as Robin processed his words.

"But-" Wally sighed. The only way got Robin to know he lived him was to show him apparently. Leaning down Wally captured his lips. Robin tenced up. Please believe me. Robin slowly began to kiss back. Wally pulled back after a few more seconds.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Robin hesitantly leaned in for another kiss causing Wally to met him half way. "Now what was that about hating yourself?"

"Nothing." Wally pulled back standing up.

"Oh no. No no no no no. You can't say some thing like that and expect me to let it go. Now. What was that about?"

"I'm just not happy with who I am."

"Your an amazing person Wally. If you don't see that. Than I'll have to show you." Wally lead down for another kiss Robin gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Wally ground trying to kiss Robins lips.

"No. If we're going to kiss than I want to know we're I stand in you life." Wally tenced "What do ya mean?"

"Are we dating? Am I your boyfriend? Or are we just Friends what kiss?"

"What ever you what to be."

"I want to be with you."

"Than boyfriend?" Wally ducked his head his face red.

"Wow. Your horrible at this." Robin lifted Wally's head so he cauld see his Green eyes. "Wally West will you be my boyfriend?"

A smile spread across Wally's face brighting the room. "Yes!"

"Good," They both leaned in for a kiss. When the pulled apart Robin looked down at his feet. His eyes went wide.

"We confessed our love while I had nothing but a towel on." Wally laughed falling on the floor staging Robin down.

Wow, that was long! Hoped you liked it! PLEASE  REQUEST!

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