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Dick's eyes are blue. Not your normal pale blue or a dark blue. They were a mix. It was hard to place what shade they were exactly but nobody cared. The leage and team love Dick.
Sometimes though his eyes bring unwanted atenchion.


The man looked Robin up and down judging him with his eyes. Wally, Kaldur, and Robin decided to take a walk around the town and get Ice cream but that didn't turn out as planed.

"How much?" He asked suddenly looking at them.

"What?" Wally asked his eyes snapping to the man.

"How much for the boy? I would like to buy him." He said as if he was a old friend asking to barrow a book.

"Excuse me sir but our friend isn't for sale," Kaldur steped in to avoid Wally giving him a broken bone.

"I'll pay you 10 million right now for him," He persisted.

"Not for sale," Kaldurs tone turned hard as the man tried to get closer to Robin.

"Please you have know idea what I could get from his eyes. Not to mention he us in tip top condition," He said as if that would convince them.

"I'm sorry what?" Dick asked speaking up for the first time.

"I want to buy you for your eyes and body," The man said simply "Hush now let the men do the talking." Robin may have been 15 but he looked 12. While Kaldur and Wally looked a bit older than 18.

"Kal, Rob let's get out of here." Wally said backing up from the man.

"Wonderful idea Walls." Robin said hooking his arm with Wallys. Kaldur gave the man one last look putting every last detail of the man's face into his brain for later.

The man growled as he stormed off muttering something under his breath as the tro walked back to the cave.


"I must say that was rather disturbing." Kaldur spoke as they walked into the living room where Connor sat watching static.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight." Wally said floping on to the chair. Robin  looked at them and raised a brow.

"You weren't the one someone wanted to buy."

Connor looked up at that and gave Robin a long stare. "Someone wanted to buy you? Isn't that illegal?"

"Yes but some people ignore that. That's why we put on masks is it not? To put away those who don't follow the law?"

Connor shrugged.

"What are we going to do about that man anyway. Just because Rob is safe doesn't mean everyone will be." Wally growled at the thour of someone being sold like a object.

"Don't worry my friends I've taken care of things." Kaldur smirked. The others looked at him funny before moving on.


"Earlier this evening a masked vigilante in red with a bow was seen taking down a slave operation the man incharge of the operation is now in for questioning. Back to you-" The women was cut off by Bruce Wayne shutting off the Tv.

"Time for bed chum." He chuckled as his ward snuggled closer to him. "Fine I guess I'll have to carry you."

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Dick shot up. "I can walk don't carry me!"

"Did I hear? You can't walk and I have to carry you? Well if you insist." Bruce picked up his tired son and put him in his bed.

" 'Night Tati."

"Goodnight Chum."

Thanks for reading. I'm running out if ideas and most likely won't update as much anymore without ideas. If you have an idea please share. I need requests!

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