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"Hay Robin," Zatanna said sitting down next to him. They were currently in there civics.

"Hello," Robin tore from his conversation with Kid Flash to face her. KF looked hurt as his best friend started flirting with the ebony girl.

"Do you want to hang out in my room?" She asked 15 minutes into their conversion when Artimis walked into the room.

Robin saw he out of the corner of his eye and smirked leaning close. Artimis had her full attention on them her face red.

"You have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

"Have you ever looked in a mirror?" Zatanna pulled off his sunglasses to revile his blue eyes.

"Why look at myself when I can admire you?"

"Want to discuss this further in my room?" Zatanna asked getting up.

"Ah man, but I'm comfy!"

"Og ot ym moor!" Where Robin was is now empty as he was transported to Zatannas room. Once they were gone Artimis sat next to Wally anger and jealousy clear on her face.

"Why are you so mad?"  Wally asked once he got over his own jealousy.

"Their doing it on purpose to make us jealous!" Artimis yelled.

"Or maybe their strate and just don't like us like that!" Wally yelled back.

"Well make your crush stop flirting with MY crush!"

"I DONT-Wait you like Zatanna?"

Artimis if possible got even reder.
"Shut up."

"So you DO like her!"

"Yes ok! I'm a lesbian! I love girls! I'M IN LOVE WITH ZATANNA!" Artimis blew up.

"Took you long enough." Speak of the devils and they shall appear. In a second Wally and Artimis were near their smirking ebony crushes.

"Did you mean it Artimis?" Zatanna looked hesitant- something the team rarely saw with her. "Do you really love me?"

"Yes. God yes! You can't begin to understand how much I love-" Artimis was cut short by Zatannas lips on hers.

"Ugh. Get a room lady's." Wally said a arm around Robins waist. Robin lightly hit his arm.

"Lighten up KF! Their young and in love!" Dick has a wistful smile on his face. "Besides if you want I could always take your mind off the subject."

"Ok? But how-" Wally was also cut off by a pair of lips. Wally quickly deepened the kiss moving so he can kiss his little bird better.

"Just don't flirt with anyone else ever again!" Wally said after the kiss resulting in Robin to lightly flick him on the wrist.


Ok so I'm thinking to finish the book soon so if you want it to finish after the












Chapter that'd be great! Just comment on wich one you want! If you want more than 100 chapters say so and I'll Maybe make a sequel!

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