Obsessed pt. 2

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Warning their will be mention of rape. Just want you to know. I'll put a 💔 to let you know to skip that and put another one so you know when it's done.

Once Bruce got home it was 4 a.m. he got out of his uniform and walked to his wards room. When he opened the door it squeaked causing Dick to mumble something and sift his position. Bruce breathed a sigh of relief when Dick didn't wake up and continued to walk into the room. Bruce started placing small bat-shaped objects around the room. He put up Bat-camras and
Bat-audio so nobody could come into Dick's room without the dark knight finding out.

A few weeks later after everything settled down a bet Bruce almost forgot about the bugs he placed in his wards room. Until he got a alert from Dick's room saying someone was in his room with him.

Bruce raced threw the manor bursting threw the door only to find a empty bed and a open window.

With Dick

Dick was having a good night until someone crawled threw this window. At first he thought it was Wally but soon realised the man was to old and buff to be Wally. The man appeared to be in his late 30s early 40s. Dick started to panic when the man put a cloth over his mouth pushing down. Dick refused to breath it in knowing he would be easier pray. Instead he clawed the man kicking off the blankets to get to the man better.

"Stop struggling you little-" Dick didn't hear the rest as he breathed in the chemicals off of the cloth. He felt the man picking him up and moving around.
He members the feeling of falling and then nothing.


When he opened his eyes Dick was strongly aware of the aching pain from his wrists and ancles. He was also aware of the cold air hitting his bare chest and short shorts barely covering his privet parts. The sickening thought was Dick didn't fall asleep like that and someone changed him.

When Dick opened his eyes he saw he was in a damp room agents the Wally with his hands bound above him and legs spread out below him.

"Well, well, well, hoped you slept soundly. You were screaming alot." The man said get getting closer to Dick.

"Nightmare." Dick said pulling at his bonds while trying to memorize the details of everything so when it was time for an escape it was be easier.

"Dont even try to escape. Nobody is coming to save you." The man said tracing patterns on Dick's thigh moving his hand up a little each time.

"Stop." Dick ordered trying to pull back His legs.

"I don't think your in the position  to give orders." He wispered in Dick's ear not carrying about the trear making it's way down Dick's face.


Bruce spent hours at the bat computer trying to find where the man could have taken his son to no luck. He first went to the closet where he found the picures but it was striped with only one note left 'Robin is Dick Grayson get him tonight'

"If I were a sick man who was a obsession of Dick Grayson where would I go?" Bruce asked himself All of Robins trackers were turned off.

"Master Bruce I suggest you get some sleep. You killing yourself from lack of sleep won't do Master Richard any good." Alfred said holding a cup of coffee filled with sleeping powder.

"Thanks but no thanks I need to find him." Bruce took a sip and glared at Alfred. "He could be dead Alfred." He muttered as he fell into the darkness we call sleep. 

Hi! So hoped you liked this. Please request! I could do a part three if y'all want.

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