Promise Ring (part 2)

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It's been three weeks since Dick stoped taking to anyone. He closed himself off in his room eating only because it makes Alfred happy and leaving to visit his parents.

"Hi, this is Richard Grayson. If I can't come to the phone right now I'm most likely busy with something. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeeeep!"


"Hay Babe. I just wanted to know if you're alright. You haven't called or texted in 3 weeks now. Al won't let me in to see you so I hope you're doing ok. Call me back once you get the chance. I love you," Wally sighed and sent the message.

It's been a bad three weeks without his boyfriend. The team keep giving him nasty glared and when he tries to confront one of them they just glare and say "You know what you did you cheater!" And storm off. Well mostly Artimis and Zatanna do that while the others are more polite while ignoring him.

Wally sat on the floor reading his science book and saw a something red out of the corner of his eye. He marked his page and picked up the red cloth. It was part of a shawl. He looked at it closely trying to remember where it came from. He rubbed his fingers around the soft fabric and a memory flashed in his head.

A girl.

His bed.



Oh god Dick! Wally shot up and ran out of the special place to the manor. Alfred gave Wally a small glare when he opened the door.

"I'm afraid master Dick isn't here for the moment." He went to close the door but Wally was faster by putting his foot in the way.

"Then where is he? Look I know I messed up big time but I need to see him!" He begged. Alfred lead him into the manor to the batcave.

"I don't see Dick-"

"Just what where you thinking braking my sons heart like that?" Batman. Bruce Wayne. Dicks  Father. All equally terrifying.

"I don't rembber muck but I do rember Joker injecting me with something." Batman took a blood sample and got to work.


Dick sat next to his parents graves.

He was a sobbing mess.

"I mean I know I'm not good enough for him but-" he let out more sobs.

Wally watched as the love of his life cry over his parents graves about him. Wally West. His boyfriend. His best friend. The one who would always be there.

When he saw Dick fall to the ground having worn himself out crying. He picked up his lover and carried him to the mountain. He kissed his forehead and lay him in his own bed. Wally pulled the covers over him and walked out of the room.

"You're more then I deserve." The news about what Joker injected him was fresh in his head. A surm that made the victim do something they would never do than forget the next morning.

"No. No. Don't leave I'm sorry don't let the mean cotton candy monster man get me." Dick whispered in his sleep. Wally blinked at the sleeping man. He shook his head and continued to walk away.

"Wally?" Came a sleepy voice. He turned to find a dazed Richard Grayson staring at him. "Where are you going?"

"Away. You won't ever be bothered by me ever again." You deserve so much more.

"You never bothered me. I love you. You promised once we're older we would get married," Dick looked around looking for something.

"If your looking for the ring you have it back." Not that I blame you. I cheated.

"Well why was I stupid enough to do that?" He got out of bed and wrapped his arms around Wallys neck.

"I was the stupid one. I cheated on you." I'm sorry.

Dick's eyes widened in shock. His arms droped to his sides.
"Right," he whispered "I forgot."

"I just what you to know that it wasn't completely my fault it was the Joker he put a drug in my blood that makes us do things we would never otherwhys do! This is the last time I'll be anywhere near you. I want to give you space." He headed out the door but was stoped by a hand grabbing his own.

"Stay. Let's go to sleep and in the morning we'll talk and see what were going to do." Blue eyes meat Green as they walked to the bed for the night.

They were scared for the morning and what might happen but for now they had each other and that was enough.

Ok so I realize how far I've gone from the request but I didn't see it ending any other way. I'm sorry if it's not to your liking and I hope you have a nice life. Please request.

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