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BTW that's the dress Robins wearing.

"Wally tell me again why I'm in a dress?" It had was a croptop with blue lace covering his chest and arms. The bottom part was white with blue flowers on the bottom traveling up.

"Because I need a date and my class mates can't know I'm gay."

"Why not?" Dick asked taking a seat on Wallys bed.

"Because they are a very closed minded," Wally explained kissing Dick on the forehead.

"Than why are you going?" Dick stood holding back his anger.

"Because I want to go with you!" Wally went to give him a hug but Dick stepped back crossing his arms.

"You want to go with me but you want to lie about who I am?"

"Well . . . Yes, but the people there will make the night a living hell if they know who you are!"

"Do you mean a boy? Or Dick Grayson?" Dick's question made a sense silence in the room.

"I-" Wally stoped and ran his hand threw his hair. "I'm sorry your right. I just wanted to rub it into my classmates faces that I am dateing someone." Wally sat on his bed his head bowed.

Dick sighed and sat next to him. "I'm already in this thing it would be a shame if we didn't go."

"Really?" Wally asked his Green eyes sparkling.

"Really. Just let me out on some makeup and hair extensions."


Once they arrived at the school they could see many couples on the dance floor. The lady's all in dresses and gentalmen in tuxes. Dick looked wonerful. The hair extenchions made his hare seem like a shaggy pixie cut and his makeup almost nonexistent. The only thing really noticeable about it was the eyeliner. Once they walked in people started to wisper.

"Who is that?"

"Why are they with West of all people?"

"Oh my god she's perfect."

"Wow he must be paying her a lot."

Wally clenched his fists. Why can't they believe he's a good guy and can get a date? Why are people so mean? A light yank on his arm brought him back from his anger. Bright blue eyes stared at him worry clear as day.

"Wally?" He asked "Are you-"

"Wally!" A girl yelled gaining their atenchion "How are you? Do you mind if I steal your date for a seconed? Thanks!" She pulled him away quickly giving Dick no time to react as he was pulled to some other girls who were sitting at one of the tables.

"Im Katie are you ok? Blink twice if you here against your will." Dick blinked once and than again pressing the question. "Oh my goodness you poor girl! Don't worry we'll keep you from West." She proclaimed.

"Wait I am! I am here out of my own free will!" Dick tried to tell them but they wouldn't hear of it.

"Oh boy how much is he paying you?"

"Its ok he won't touch you again."

"You can spend the night with us."

Dick was lost. Everything happened so fast.

"Babe?" Wally asked wrapping his arms around Dick's torso. The girls glared at him and pushed him away. They got into a wall to block Wally out.

"Girls it's ok. Wally is my boyfriend." Dick said trying to get threw. "Really he isn't paying me! Hell I'm rich he wouldn't need to pay me!"

"Are you telling the truth?" Katie asked.

"Yes! I'm in love with the idiot," Dick walked threw them and placed a kiss on Wallys lips.

"Aww. Looks like West is in a relationship with a girl. I could have sworn he was gay!" She said pouting.

The couple looked at each other and let out some giggles. They didn't know the half of it.

Ok so that was that. Please request please request please request! I need help!

Robin one-shots Where stories live. Discover now